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Ver. i. Fifth Chap. 2d Ep. to the C O R I N T H. 9 a!1 true Christians have, and fhould have a certain and infallible knowledge, not a may be, not abarepoffibility. 'Tis not enough to fay it's poffible there May be an Heaven, and happinefs hereafter ; But 'tis certain : I know 'tis as true as the Word of God is true, 'tis as true as if I faw it with my eyes, as true as the things which I daily fee, Afls 24.11,1;. I believe all things ( faith Paul) which are written in the Law aril the Prophets ; and have hope towards God, which they themfelves allow, that there (hall be a Refurreflion of the NI, and ?}njufl. This is no doubtful thing to a Believer, by the Word of God 'tis more fure, than if there were a message fent from the dead : for if Men do not regard what is in Mofes and the Prophets, they would not regard what one faith to them, who cometh from the dead, Luke 16. 3o, 31.1f one should come from Hell in flaming Gar - fnents, or from Heaven with all the Brightnefs and Glory which all the bleffed Saints might be thought toappear in ; there were not a greater Credibility in thefe Vifions and apparitions,than what is .commonly oflered in the Scriptures.Why? How cometh the believer to have fuch a profpeâ into an unknown world, to be fo lure and certain ? Ian fwer, Partly by the internalgrace of Gods Spirit, opening the eyes of his minds to fee the truth and worth of things to come, Eph. i. s 7,18. And partly, by the promife God in his Word confirmed by his oath, and that giveth sry r aa` o2 so , Heb.6. t7, i 8. Strong confolation. And the fealofMiracles, Heb. 1.4. And fulfilled prophecies, z yet. s. 19. with 16, 17, 18. The Old Teramentforetold the Kingdom of theMefÑah, and the pre- viledges thereof long before it came to pafs. A tranfient voice is more eafily miflaken, and forgotten than a Handing Authentick Record ( as Samuel thought Eli fpake, when the Lord firth revealed his word unto him ) and fo of[ereth a more fure ground fir our faith to rejl upon, than a voice from Heaven could be. Befides this word of promise bear - eth Gods Image and fuperfcription, as every thing'doth which hath par his hand, even to a gnat and pile of grass, and fo fhineth to us by its own light,if man were not ftrangely depraved and corrupted by vile affe&ions, a Cor.4.2, 3, 4. By the manifeflation of the Truth, commending our felves to every mans Confcience. For if our Gospel be hid, it is hid to theft that are loft, in whom the God of this World blinded the minds of them that believe not, left the light of the Glorious ' Gofel of Chrift, who is the Image of God, should shone unto them. The Truth of its felf commandeth its own ref e&, if men were not ftrangely perverted and infatuated they would fee it ; cure the faculty and the óbied is clear enough, and would evidence it felf; As the Sun 'is feen by its' own light. Befides, this offer of pardon and life by Chrift,- hath been Bleffed by God to the conversion of many Souls,in all places, and throughout all fuccefron Of Ages, Col. 1.6. The word is come unto lox as it is in all the world, and bringeth forth fruit as 'it 'cloth alfo in you, Vince the day ye heardof it and knew the grace of God in Truth. That word which bringeth fords the fruits of an holy life in all thofe that heard of it,ándreceived it,is the very Truth of God, Yob. 17. 17. Santlijfr them through thy Truth, tky word is Truth. In the first Age, Chrift did fwiftly drive on theChariot of the Gospel; for within a few years after his death in all the parts ofthe world it obtained its effe&, and fine it hath held up its head againi all encounters of time, and therefore we may fafely venture our eternal interefis on this bottom, and build upon the promife of eternallife, given us by Chrift. Befides, God 'hath given theSpirit, which is Gods earnef,fealingus up tothe day of finali Redemption, z Cor. s. za. and z Car. ç. g. and Eph. r. 13, 14. Now the Spirit firli confirmeth the Scripture, before it confirmeth our particular intereH, and its joys being difpenfed to the moli holy men,intheir molt lober & fevereft moods,cannotbe a phantatlicalimppreflion, but doth convince us of the reality and excellency of the unfeen Glory. And therefore upon allthefegrounds a believer is confident. We know, there is a Bleffed flate referved in the Heavens for all that believe in Chrift and Love God. We do not build upon the promife of a deceitfulman, but upon the word ofthe everliving God ; and hence arifeth the ftrength of our comfort. Our intereft is a thing rather fuppofed than apparently afiert- ed and pleaded in Scripture, and if men did not leap into faith, by the advantage of their Baptifm and education, rather than take it up upon folid and certain evidence, there would not be fuels ado about it As fire well kindled, of its felf burrs out into a flame : So if we did believe thefe things more firmly, our joy would loon be full, r Yoh. 1, 4. Thefe things write we untoyou, thatyour joy may be full. As if the certainty óf religion well apprehended would faon make way for Joy ; And full Joy. idly. The certainty of the perfon. We know that we have a prefent right, and shall have a futurepoffeffion. The certainty of theihing it fell dependeth upon the promise of God, who is able to give it, and hath decreed fo to do : And to that end hath figni- fied his purpofe, and confirmed his promise, by anoath ; yet becaufe the promife requi- 9 B reth