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Ver. Fifth Chap. 2a Ep. to the C O R IN T H. ji di,(1ribute, willing to Communicate, laying up in flare for themfelves, a good Foundaiion againfl the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life, r Joh, 3. 19. Hereby we know that we -a°e of the Truth, and(hall afire our Hearts before him. blereby? By what ? If we love not in word and tongue only, but in deed and in Truth. Heaven is efleemed but a fancy to them, that men will venture nothing for the hopes of it. What have you done to Thew your thankfulriefs for fo great a mercy tendred to you. A Religion that colis nothing, isworth nothing, Í am fore it will yield you no comfort and hope good words are not dear, and a Cold profefion coils little or nothing. Do you think Religion lyeth only in Hearing Sermons,or a few Curfory Prayers,or drowfy Devotions ? We flhould mind thofe things about which we (hall be queflionedat the day of Judgment ; have you vilted, have you cloathed, owned the Servants of God, when the Laws frown upon them, comforted diem in their diftreffes ? Wherein really have you denyed your felves for the hope of Glory? idly. The (eve al dtfpofttions and pe,/ioafioes in point of certainty as to their Inter in this ffaleof BleUèdnefs. To fome 'cis but a bare poffïbility.' To others there is a probability. A third fort have gotten fo far as a Conditional certainty. Others have an a&tual certainty or firm perfwafion oftheir Intereft. - r. 2b [one the hate of Heaven is but a Awe poffibility'. As to the carelefs Chriflian who is yet intangled in his lufts, but God continueth to him the offer of Salvation by Chrift. Thefe may be Paved if they will accept this offer. 'Tis impoffible in the hate wherein they are ; but their Hearts may be changed by the Lords grace, Mark. 1o. 27. fI1ith men it is impojble, but not with God, for with God all things are pofble. He can make the filthy Heartto become Clean and Holy, the fenfual Heart to become Spiritual and Heavenly i There are many bars in the way, but grace can break through and re- move them. 'Tis night with them for the prefent,but we cannot fay it will never be day. The poffibility removed' prejudices, aggravated' their evil choice, Jonah z. 8. They that tibferve lying Vanities, forfake their oes mercies ; they are called their own, becaufe they might have been theirs. By following vain Courfes they deprive themfelves ofhappinef Which might have been theirs. 'Tis their own by offer. God did not feclude and put them away, but they did feclude and put away themfelves e judge themfelves unworthy of Eternal Life, Ails 13. 46. And 'tis an incouragement when their Confciences are touched with any remorfe ; Salvation is yet poflible. When there is but a Fender pofli- bility, yet ufe the means, Ads 8. 2z. Repent andpray, &c. If perhaps, or if it be poflible. z. To others there is a probability, or a probable hope of Eternal Life. This is more than polfible ; as when menbegin to be ferious, or in fome meafure to mind the things of God, but are Confcious to Lome notorious defeEt in their duty, or have not fuch a foundnefs of Heart as may warrant their claim to Everlalting Blefednefs ; almofl a ariffian ; not far from the Kingdom of God: As thofe that have the Grace of the Second, or Third ground, they receive the Word with joy, but know not what tryals may do, they have good fentiments of Religion, but they are choaked, or obflruCted by volup- tuous living, or the cares of this world, Now fome fuels things may befall weak believers, they dare not quit their hopes of Heaven for all the world, though not aCually to claim it, or fay it is theirs. Now probabilities muff incourage us, till we get a greater certain- ty, for we mutt not defpife the day of finali things ; This fiate mull not be defpifed; Chrift will not defpifefmoaking flax. idly. ff Conditional certainty which is more than probable, or poflible; That is, when we Pet our felves in good earneit to perform theConditions required in the promifes of the Gofpel : And upon the hopes offered to us, deny our felves,Sacrifice our Interefis,heartily exercifeour felves to Godlinefs. Such a certainty is defcribed, Rom. z. 7. & Rev, z. ho. I am fure to find Salvation, and Eternal î.ife, if continue in this way, and by the grace of God I am refolved to continue. Much of the Life, of Chrif ianity lyeth in this kind efcertainty. I do not doubt of the rewards of Godlinefs, ex parte Dei; No, I know that the rewards of Godlinefs are fore and ftedfaft by his promife ; To doubt of that would detradt from the Truth, Goodnefs, and Power, of God : But ex partenoi/ri; my own qualification is not fo pofitive and clear,that I can determine my own right,butl have fupport and fome comfort in this way. This Conditional hope and certainty is abfolute= ly netefary to all ads of grace. 4thly. There is an allual certainty, or a,p ailired fenfe of our qualification, and fo of our Intereft, which admits of a latitude ; it may be not only full, or not full, firm, or not 'firm, but interrupted or continued. The full hope removeth all doubts and fears; and that which is not full,hath fome doubtsaccompanying it,but the certainty prevaileth,and is 9 B z morn