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Ver. if. Fifth Chap, ad Ep. to the C O R I N T H. ti now pleafant is it to knów that we !hall be with God for ever ? When we are afrured that every flepfets us nearer Heavenward it will make us mend our pace. Doubtful! nefsis a Torment to an underftanding creature, and blind guefles,and dark Hopes, cannot animate us fo muchas a chearful and confident expeótation. The moreaflùred our hope, ourendeavours the greater, 1 Còr. 15. 58. Beye ftedfaft, unmovable, alwaies abounding in thework of the Lord, for as much asye knowyour labor is not in vain in the Lord. idly. 'Tes of great force to quiet our minds in the mull of di the, cares, furrows and CrofJès of the prefent world. The Soul, that hath this Anchor, needeth not to be toffed with all thofe Tempefls, and anxietie&of mind, which worldly men are fubjeft unto, for whatever uncertainty there may be in their outward Condition,there is a Pure eftate laid up for them in Heaven, Col. 1. 5,. & t Pet. 1. 4__. referved for us in Heaven. There we (hall: fully enjoy our God, and all things in him : We know it, and are fure of it: A certain durable trealure which isabove the reach, of danger, and beyond all poffi- bility of lofs. idly. 'Tis ofgreat force to enable us to bear the greateftfutferi r not only with a quiet, but with a joyful mind. A duty often preffed upon us in Scripture, and a Chriftian height which we fhould all afpire unto, and we can hardly attain to it, till we have a confidence of our own Bleffednefs in another world, for it is this maketh light the greateftfufferings, Rom. 8. 1,8. s Car. 4. t7. 7leb. ro. 3 4. One that hath the promue of Eternal Life in the hand of his Faith, this Glory and Blefiednefs in the Eye of his hope, can look through all Tribulations,& fee funrhine at the back of the ftorm: That the Tribulation is working out means to help on and haften thisGlory. He knoweth in hirnfelf, hath affured grounds of confidence in his own Soul, that he (hall have better things from God than he can lofe in the world. That to be perfecuted for Righteoufnefs fake is the neareft way toieaven. He hath the promifes to thew for the certainty of the thing, and evidences in his heart of his own right and Title. 4thly. 'Tu ofgreatforce to fupport us againft Death itfelf, which is the King of7errours: Certainly a Chriítian fhould get above the fears of death, and be willing to be diffolved and to be with Chrift. Now we fhall be fo far from defiring to dye, that we can hardly venture to dye, without affurance of a better eftate. Alas how bitter is the thought of death to that Soul, that muff be turned out of doors fhiftlefs, and harbourlefs, and is not provided of an Everlafting Habitation, or a better place to go to. But now geethis once certain and then death will not be fo terrible, whether it come in a natural or violent way. Natural: When fickaefs is ready to fret Life afunder, then you are at the Gates of Heaven, waiting every moment when you (hall be called in. When death fhall draw afide the wail, and Phew you the Bletfed Face of God, you are juft ready to Step into Immortal pleafures, you do but change Houfes when you dye, and it is not an exchange for the worfe, but for the better; A Cottage for a Pallace. Do but ftep into this Houte,and you bid an EverlaftingFarewelto all fin and forrowina moment, in the twinkling ofan Eye. Violent: Rom. 8. 35. 36. The Sword is but the Key to open the Prifon Doors, to let out that Soul which hath long defired to be with Chrift, Heb. t 1. 35. Were tortured, not accepting deliverance,that they might obtain a better refuerei7i on, contented to dye by the hands ofthe.Tormentout, beceufe they would have Gods deliverance, not bis. Ser-