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Ver. i. Fifth Chap. 2d. Ep. to thé CO R I N T H. 19 believe it when we do no more in order thereunto. .What _Labour, and hazards do men expofe themfelves unto for a little ofthe prefent world ; and furely if men did believe the world to come, our induliry, care, and thoughts ttíould be more laid outupon A man that fpendeth all his time and care in repairing the Houfe .he. dwelleth in for the prefent, but fpeaketh not of another Houfc, nor fendeth any of his furniture thither; will you fay fuch a man hath a mind or thought to remove, that fpendeth the.flrength of his Life and cares on worldly things ? Surely lie doth not believe a. Eldred Eternity. We work as we do believe; if indeed we are perfwaded of fuch an elate, why do we no more, prepare for it. IV. Clear up your own Interell. We know ive have. And henceforth there is laid up for me, &c. i Tim, 4.8. There are many neceffary duties, which can hardly be done without a fenfe ofyour Intereft ; Therefore you should not be fatisfied in the want of it d As to rejoice in the Lord always, to bear the affli pons of the prefent Life, not only with . a quiet, but with a joyful mind, which the Scripture often preffeth ; now who can re- joice in affli &ions, who, isnot perfwaded they work for Eternal good ? They are bitter to fenfe, nature and grace teach us to have a feeling of our Interefis, and to be - affeäed with Gods providence, when he maketh a breach upon us. The aflli &ions cannot be improved, if we have not fome fenfe ofthem. But now not to be broken with dif&cul- ties and Crofres, yea to rejoice in them, furely that requireth fome Intere4 in bettet things. If God will whip us forward that we may mend our pace towards Heaven, the Cbriftian feeth that he bath no caufe to complain. None ofthefethings move me, faith Holy Paul, Allszoth i9. fo I may Finifh my Courfe with toy. Another duty is to Love the appearing of ,`fefus l hriff, z Tim. 4.8. Who can long for this appearance, but thofe that are afrured of welcome at his coming, to whom he cometh as a Redeemer, and not as a Judge. They fay, even fo, come Lord fefus, come quickly. Another duty is to deliire to be diffolved, to get above the fears of death. How can they defire to be diffolved who have not made fure of another place to go to ? Well then, you mull givtr all diligence to clear upyour own Intereft. V. Improve it to the vanquilñing of7"emptations. s. Thofe whicharife from the delights of ftnfe, or the pleafures, honours and profits of the world: The proper notion of a Chriflian is that of a (}ranger and pilgrim, and the duty of Strangers and pilgrims is to abflaiúfrom fefhly lulls,. 1 Pet. z. t 1. Add the force and.flrength ofit arifeth from our confidence in the promifes, Heb. s r. 13. The great ufe Of Faith is to teach us to reje& thofe fordid and bewitching pleafures, which would withdraw us from looking after thofe pleafures which are at Gods right hand for evermore; Thofe deceitful riches which would beguile us of the better, and enduring fubflance, thofe flipperyand vanifhingHonours, which would bereave us of the Glory, from whence we fhall never be degraded: To beget, an holy weanednefs and moderation in us to all there things. Vfe. z. idly. To comfort andfupport as under all the afillions and forrowe of the' prefent Life, of what nature laver they be. 1. Againfl all fears, Luk. 12. 32. We mull look for hardfltips here in the world, but all will be made up when we get home to God ; therefore bear up with a generous confidence. idly. When pained in ficknefs, and full of the refllefs wearinefs of the flefh ; Confider -- I fhall fhortly be in Heaven, and there Everlaftingly at Safe, Pfal. 73. z6. My lklh, and my heart faileth, but God is the Jlrength of my Heart, and my portion for ever. idly. Againft Imprifonment, when Phut up in a flreight, nafty Room Oh! What a comfort is it to confider, I !hall be with Chrift ; In my Fathers Houk, are many Manflons, Job. 14. i. 4thly. againfi loft offading Riches, Heb. 50. 34. That tookjoyfrtlly, the fpoilingofyour goods, knowing inyour felves that ye have in Heaven a better, and an enduring fabllance. My folid e(tate lyeth eltwhere, out of the reach of Thieves and Flames. ,thly. Againft lofs of Love and refpe& from men. If we !hallEverlaftingly injoy the Love of God, nothing should trouble us, Rom. 8. 37, 33. Nay at length we (hall meet all the Holy ones of God, Heb. It. 13. and (hall all joist in confort there. There is no pride or envy to divideus, or to make us contemn one another, but Love' and Charity reigneth fo, that the good of every one is the goad of all, and the good of all the good of every one. They all make up one Body, and have one heart, and one Soul, and one God, who is all in all. 6thly. Againft Perfecution, Math. S. if, 12,. Bleed are ye when men fó.tll revile you, and perfecute you, aid thatl fay all manner'of evil againllyou falfely for my fake. Rejoice and be exceeding Glad, fol great 9Cz s!