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24. S E R ivi O N S on the Senn. 1V.. Anfw. r. They do notfimply defrre Death for itsfelt, but as a means to injoy theft bet- ter things. So Phil. r, 23. 1 defrre to be diffilved, andto k with Chrift. 'Tis not our dutj to Love Death, as Death . No ; fo 'tis an eizil that we muft patiently bear, becaufe of the good which is beyond it. But it is Our Dutfto Love God, and to long after Communion with him, and to be perfected in holinefs. Had it not been an evil, naturally to be dread. ed, and avoided, Chrift would never have prayed againft it. idly. Vpon theft terms Death isfweetned to them. They readily fubmit to it as the nature of it is changed ; And by Chrifts Death it's made their friend, a paffage to an endlefsLife, r Cor. 3. zz. Rom. 8. 38. Death {hall not feparate from, but make way for their full enjoyment of the Love of God in Chrift Jefus. zd. Obj. But muß all frncere Chriflians,thuagroan, and long? Many arefo far from ggroan- ing and longing to depofe this Tabernacle. That they groan at the leaf? thought of the &folia- tion of it. Some thereare that can venture to die, but very few that can defire to die. Anfw. i. Somewhat of this there muff be in all that believe, tkeyall groan in this Taber- nacle, and defire to be diß lved. Paul fpeaketh in his own name and the name of all, who arelike minded with himfelf; for no man is unwilling to be happy and attain his end. How is it an happinefs, if it be not to be defred, and groaned after ? How will you van- quills Temptations, if you cannot lay down Life and all at Chrifts feet, fo you may have the .HeavenlyInheritance ? How can you labour for that which you do not earneftly defire and groan after ? How can you make good your intire furrender of sour Pelf in the Covenant of being and doing, what God will have you to do and be ? Of living to God and dying to God, Rom. i4,ß,8. at leaft fubmit to die, and to be ready when God (hall call you. idly. Much ofwbat is here expre f d, may belang to an Heroical degree of grace not vouch - fafed to all Chriflians, All cannot attain to this meafure and height. But yet ftill we muff be growing up to this frame of heart.Here are marks to aim at,marks to try by.The marks to aim at are propounded for our imitation, the other are proofs ofour fincerity; We are every day to grow up more& more,into fuch anHeavenlySpirit,& to humbleour felves, that after fo long a profeffion of the name of Chrift we come fhort. We Mould take occa- fions thence to provoke our felves toget the fame difpofitions and affections which Gods eminent Servants have. 3d. Obj. But this wifhing .and longing for Deathfeemeth to havefomewhat of fin in it ? Men in a paillon, and when difappointed in the world, feem to be weary of their lives: We have inftances in Scripture ; The murmuring of the Ifraelites in the wildernefs ; Would to God we had died in {Egypt, &c. Anfw. a. There is a difference betweenFelleity and a Volition : Serious delires, and paflionateexpref lions. In a pet or paillon we with for many things, which really we de- fire not, and are loth God lhould take us at our words. Now the Saints defire to bedif folved, and to enjoy another flare, is quite another thing. zdly. There is a difference in the grounds and reafons of both theft &fires. As, r. You ought not to with for Death in a palion and pet, and fit of difcontent, as Jonah. 4. 3. Therefore now I befeech thee, take my Life fromm?, for'tic better for me to die than live. 'Tis an impatient wilh, flee he could not get his will. Death is the Ordinary refuge of imbittered Spirits, and the backdoorwhich we Peek to get out at,through impa- tience, wearinefs of Life, pride andcontefl with providence ; nothing will pleafe then but Death,to be rid of all thefe troubles in a paffion,& pet when you have not fomething which you would have. 'Tis meer pride, that fwelleth the Heart with difcontent, with- ing our felves, outof that Condition God bath put us into. Now thus the Saints do not defire Death, becaufe they cannot have their full of worldly injoyments, or meet with many Croffes and difappointments here. Thefe are carnal grounds. zdly. Deep farrow, or fome{harp afitiion, or difficulty that we meet with in our callings,aiElijah, t Xing. r 9.4, rarefied for himfelf that he might die. idly. From peevifh, deating Love, as David, z Sam. 48. 33. O Abfolon, my Son, my Son, my Son, would to God ! haddied for thee! But Affrrmativelywhatare the grounds of the Saints regular groaningand delires, r. An Heart dead to the world, and weaned from the pleafares, honours and profits thereof,' and ,firmly fixed upon Heavenly things. As in the Text, this better Houle; longing for the time, when our Souls thall be freed from fin, and enlarged for the perfect Love of God, our Bodies Fashioned like unto Chrifts Glorious Body, Phil. 3. zo, zr. When we Ihall live with Angels, and glorified Saints, whenwe lhall fee Chrift as he is, and be like him, and behold God face to face: Thefe things draw forth their delires. idly. Some competent affurance of the Love of God inChrifl: We that know we have an Houle Eternal in the Heavens,