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30 SERNIONSuponthe Serm. V.;' oufnefs of the faints, Eph. g. 26, zy. The Juítified and Sanctified may draw near to Gòd in Heavenly Glory. Partly by the earneft of the Spirit in their Hearts, Eph. 1. 13. 14. & z Cor. r. zi, zz.. Sealing up to them their own Interefl to the promilé or their right to the Heavenly Inheritance, and that in due time they ¡tall poffefs it. Ufe Is to prefs us to get ready, and to k Clothed, that we may with comfort expeil, and tong for the day of our tranjlation. The firft motive is in the word [ found] 'Tis often úfed with refpeét to the day of Judgment. Found naked. And in z Pet.;, 4. & Matth. z4 46. B1e]ed is that Servant, whom when his Lord cometh, he!hallfind fo doing, 'tis a Blefled thing fora frvant, to be found at his work. So Phil.;. y. That I may he found in him, riot havingmy áwn Righteoufnefs; which alludeth to the day of our general or par- ticular doom. Now this word implieth three things. 1. That there will óe an exatl fearch and fcrutiny after every one of us. Wrath maketh inquifition for (inners, and every man will be found out,naked, or Clothed. There is no hiding in the throng of mankind. In a particular Judgement, God faid he would fearcü jerufalem with Candles, 2eph. 1. xi. Drag (inners out of their lurking holes : Much more in the general Judgment, we !hall be found. idly. The word [found] intimateth a furprize. God may break in upon us former than we are aware of; as ufually he cometh to the greateft part of mankind un- thought of, unexpeóed,z Pet. 3. IQ. The day of the Lord will come as aThiefinthe night. They do not look for fuck a day, or not prepare for it, but are found by it. idly. We çemain in the fiate wherein we are found. They that are found naked, at their Death, shall remain naked to all Eternity. There is no change of Condition in the other world ;as Death leaveth us, Judgment findeth us ; Luke z. 14. On earth peace. Now you may reconciled to God, you may agree with your Adverfaryquickly, while you are yet in the way, But in the other world, Men are in Termino, in their final Condition. Well then, gather úp this firft motive ; efcape the knowledge of God you cannot ; You will be found to be what you are, Naked, or Clothed : And you may be fought after and found fooner then you are aware. And when Chrift hath found you in an unprepa- red Condition,what will you do?Howwill your naked trembling Soul dread to depart out of the Body into an unknown world ! Secondly, My next motive Jhall befrom the words. Naked and Clothed. Other qualifications than Chrifis renewing and reconciling grace will not ferve the turn. 'Ls fin which rendreth us odious to God. 'Tis fin that keepeth us out ofHeaven,'ris fin that makes us.uncomfortable in our felves, and hinders our own Joy and peace. The Condition of onethat is yet inhis fins, is reprefented by nakednefs upon a Twofold Reafon. Becaufe it rendreth us loathfome to God, and afhamed of our felves. Well then, will you be naked, remain in your natural deformity, how then can yóu appear before the bar of your Judge, or look God, in the face, with any confidence ? Jofeph waffled himfelfand changed hisgarments, when he was to appear before Pharaoh: And is there not a greater reverence due to Gode Oh ! Therefore fnce you are blind, and miferable, and naked, get Clothing. That is, get the fpots of fin wafhed off by the frequentapphcation of the Blood of Chrift;your polluted natures changed by the Spirit of Chrift. This is the Clothingwhich muf render you acceptable to God, and will make you comfortable in your felves, fothatyou will not fhun his prefence, but delire it. 'Tis faid of the Spoufe, Pfal. 45. 14, 15. Her Clothing is of wrought Gold, Jhe!hall be brought Junto the King in raiment of needle work: and then with ladnefs and rejoicing (hall jhe be brought into the Kings Palace. The more we get rid of fin, and are beautified with holi- nefs, the more amiable and lovely in his Eyes. And becaufe of likenefs and fuitablenefs, the more we delight to come to him ; yea the more we (hall long to be admitted; not only to prefent Communion, but to confiant habitation with him ; and when we are brought.into the prefence of God, 'twill be a welcomeday to us at the death of every particular Saint, or at the day of our Lords. fecond coming, when..we (hall have no smperfeetiou, fp,ot or wrinckle, or want of any thing which may perfec i our Glory. Then we (hall put on immortality and incorruption, and this Body of fief}, ¡hall be like to Chrifis Glorious Body, and then there will be great rejoicing ! Oh then fee that you be Clothed. What mull we do, That we maynot be found naked, but Clothed ? r. iVe muff humbly Peek Reconciliation with God by Cbrifl, when the Prodigal came & humbled himfelf to his Father, prefently,Lake 15. zz.Bring forth the bell Robe,& put it on him; Then his nakednefs is covered with the Robe of Chrifis Righteoufnefs,and the poor penitent believer is received into Gods Family,and injoys all the Priviledges thereof, and in time fhallbe admitted into his immediate pretence. Now this féeking Reconciliati- on with God is not a thing to be once done at our firft acquaintance with him, and no more