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32 SERMONS upon, the Série. VI. unclothed, but do as all men do, naturally fhAn Death. But the eatural horrour of Death is in a good meafure overcome, by the confidence of a better eftate, and therefore defire not to be unclothed,but to be clothed upon,as we wouldput off an old tornGarment for a new and a better. 3dly. ,They did not defire to part with theft Bodies, fo as to part with them finally ; as if they were altogether incapable of this immortality. The Soul loveth the Body, andwould not part with the Body, but upon neceflity, and that for a while only ; but being corruptible, they would not lofe the fubilance, but the corrupti- bility. There is another fort of Body, and another fort ofLife, infinitely more defirable than this; anEternal immutable State of Life : This wepant, defire, and groan after; and from this we would not have the Body excluded (i. e. ) we would not wholly and ever - laftingly be deprived ofthe Body which now we bear about with us. And fo the Rate Of the cafe lyeth thus : If we lived in an Houfe which were our own, where the Walls are decayed, and the Roof ready to drop down upon our Heads, we would defire to remove anddepart for a while, but would not the ground and the materials, but have it built up into a better frame. So, notanother Body, but we would have it otherwife, idly. Poftively. So'tis doubly expreffed, t. Metaphorically. zdly. Literalt'. a. Metaphorically.And fo thofe that interpretthe words of thofewhich remainat Chrifts coming, think the exprefiion favoureth their opinion. Becaufe it is not faid clothed, but clothed upon, keeping the Body fill without being divefted of it. But the compound word is not alwaysEmphatical, and fignifieth nomore than the fimple verb, r Cor. t S. 51- Then this corruptible Thall put on incorruption, and this mortal muff put on immortality, FmevdtJQu and ivdiírao95 are the fame putting on, or being clothed upon : Well then, we'deûre to beclothed upon': What is that ? With Heavenly Glory. r. In Soul, prefent- ly after Death ; the very getting into Heaven, and the Glory wherewith we (hall be encompafled there, is a clothing upon. Quuos circumfufum veflit pro tegmine lumen. zdly. In Body, when it {hall be reftored to us at the laft day,and likened to Chrifts Glorious Body, Phil. 3. z r. 2. Literally exprefed. That mortality might be fwallowed up of Life. The Patrons of the former difallowed opinion, here challenge again the phrafe as full for them,as ifthe meaning were, that that which is mortalihould be fwallowed up of Life,withoutthepain Or neceflity of Death. But the true meaning is that our 'rò .vnTdv, our mortal, that the mortality wherewith the Body is now burdened, and remaineth on it in the grave,maybe Wholly takeaway, by the Bleffed Immortality which Chrift thall then beftow upon us; when he {hall raife us up at the laft day, our mortality mull be gone; for Flefb and Blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God, oar corruption inherit incorruption, r Cor. ts. fo. That which is corruptible in our nature mull perifh, but the Body mull not perifh. Well then, that which the Saints defire, is that their Animal and CorporealLife may be chang- ed into an Heavenly andEverlafting. And we do not groan, that we may want the Body, but that the mortality of it may be done away, that it may befreed from that corruption, andmortality, to which it is now fubjeét, the fubfiance fill remaining. I fhallalittle infiiton thefePropofitions. t. That whilefl we live in this Earthly and Mortal Body, we areburdened, with an Hea- vy LoadofSin and Afiliions. idly. that the Saints being burdened, do in an Holy manner groan, and long for a better elute. 3dly. That in that better elate, Mortality is fwallowed up of Life. 4thly. That in that Life we {ball be clothed again with our Bodies in due time, and our Bodies with Everlafling Glory. t. The firfl Fropofition is liable tofenfe, there needeth no Bible, or Scripture to tell us, that our prefent (late is afflilled, and filled with forrows : our flesh feeleth it, and we know to our grief, that here is little elfe but difquiet and vexation ; and daily fad experi- ence informeth us of the indwelling of fm, and the frequent outbreakingsofit, To prove this were to light a Candle to day light, and to wane your time impertinently.But I (hall do two things.i.Shewyou why affliliions and fins arefrith an Heavy Burden to the Children of God idly. How foolifh andflapid we are, that we dofo little mind and improve this. a. Why aplilïion is a burden. s. Afiílions arefo,partly, becaufe the Children of God have not yet divefled themfelves ofthelnterefls and concernment: ofFlefb andBlood : They are d¡.cotoora e&è, of like pafìions with others : They love their natural comforts as others do, and Humane Nature is the fame thing in them that it is in others, lob 6. r z. Is my ftrength the firength of Stones, or is my flefb Bra 's. They are made of Flesh and Blood, as well as others, and