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Ver. 5. Fifth Chap. 2d Ep. to the C O R I N T.H. 4f more indifferent thing to have or want pleafure, or honour, or profit here; then you be- gin to be weaned, when thefe things are lelfened in your Eyes, r Cor. 1.. z. But with me it is a fmall thing that I fhould be judged of you, or of mans judgment. And 1 Cor. 6. z. Are ye unworthy to judge the fmallftmatters? Tis not fo great a matter to be rich, or renowned. Other things are greatned, rá ¡,kyoç -x ÿ z µ e è Tyr a i Pet. I. 4. Whereby aregiven tonto us exceedinggreat and precious promifes, that by theft ye might be partakers of the Divine Nature. When you fee a greater worth in heavenly things, and more affed them than ever you did before, and can be glad that you are fitted for this glory, though by the fmart difcipline of the Cr.* then you ripen apace for Heaven. z. If more fanflifed. Every degree of growth in grace is a flep nearer to Heaven ; the more holy any man groweth, thefafter he is getting home ; then they are prefing towards the mark, 'Phil. 3. 14. Then you make (peed to Heaven,when you thrive inward- ly ; the more fins mortified, the graces exercifed, the more you rid way in your jour- ney to Heaven;in this fenfe Salvation is nearer every day,Rom. s 3.11. Alf() fome are fcarce entred in by the lirait gate, got but a fiep or two in their Rade, they do prefs onward. The more heavenly minded. When the concernments of the other world do more take up your hearts and minds, you are as Handing. at Heavens Gate, to fee when God will open the door, and. call you in ; when Death shall draw afide the Vail, and God will {hew you his Bleffed face. 'Tis againft Nature barely to defire a diffolution; but yet this doth not dampyour affections, nor quench the joy of your Faith. When a man begin neth to live as a flranger andpilgrim here,. a Pet. a. al. and as a Citizen of Heaven, Phil: 3. zo. But our converfation u in Heaven; then the work -goeth on apace ; God hath wrought you for this very thing, and will in the fittef feafon tranflate you, z. Let us give God all the glory of whatever grace or heavenly affe&ion is wrought in us. The firft Entrance, and all the whole Preparation of the Elea unto glory is .of God Bleffed be God who bath made us meet, and be that bath wrought ua unto this Very thing u God. 1. Tie firth Entrance ; for we are trolat a du ?, Eph.z. so. his workmanfhip created in Chrfi ? fus. We are his workmanfhip, not only by natural Creation, but fupernatu- raI Renovation; not only as made, but as made over again his creating power is feen in fram ng the New Creature, is well as in framing our natural fubftance, and natural powers, by divefling us of the evil dualities in us, and planting contrary graces and' vertues in their Head, that the old man is put off, and the new man put on, which is createdafter God, Eph. 4. z4. 'Tis juft fuch another work as Creation was, for 'tis done by God's own immediate hand. And as in the beginning God created fomething out of nothing, and fome things out of præexifting matter,but fuch as was wholly unfit and in difpofed,for any thing to he made out of it; as Adam out of the duff of the ground,Geu: z. 7. Eve outof Adam's Rib, ver. la. fo our faculties were wholly indifpofed to good, and averfe from it, refitting and oppofing what was holy and godly, Yob i s. 14. There- fore to him alone be all the glory and praife. z. After Converfion he keepeth us in this dilate, and encreafeth our fitnefs. We read in Scripture that Heaven is kept for us, and we are kept for Heaven, and both by God, a Pet. I. 4, S. Which is pre ferved in Heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through Faith unto Salvation. As our Inheritance is above hazard, and kept from being loft ; fo allo we are kept,that we may not be loft in the way to the Poffeflìcn of it. An Earthly Inheritance may be kept Pure enough by the faithful Guardian for an Heir, but who can keep or fecure the Heir from death, and other accidents ? But the Regenerate, their Inheritance is referved in heaven for them, and they are kept by the power of God for it: There are fo many Temptations and Tryals, and we are are fo weak, that ;'tisGod alone that can keep us, and maintain his Intereft in our Souls. 3. To the very Taft there is his gracious and fatherly Acceptance. For this meetnefs ftandeth in two things; God's powerful Operation, and gracious Acceptation; His powerful Operation I have fpoken of already ; Now the other is as necelfary, they are worthy. But who are thofe whom God counteth meet and worthy,? So'tis explained, Luke 2.6.35. They! . which (ball be accounted worthy to obtain that World, Luke z 1. 36. That ye may be accounted worthy tolland before the Son of Man.' Therefore befides his powerful Influence, Divine Acceptation, which covereth our infirmities, accepteth our weak endeavours for perfet Obedience. Even the renewed were not Rio enter glory without it, for their Reno= vation is not perfeét ; fo that all their acceptance depends on God's FreeGrace in Chrift TJal. 143. a. & Eph. 1. 6. Zife 3. To informus, That the Beaton why we are not taken to Heaven feoner, is not 11 F beeaufe'