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42 SERMONS upon the Serm. VII. becaufe Heaven is not ready for us, but becaufe we are not ready for it. As in theTenders of the Gofpel, all things.are ready, but we aroinot ready, Mat. 22. So as to heavenly Glory and Happinefs ; Heaven was ready long ago, 'twas defigned by the Father to the Heirs of Promife, purchafed by Chrift, and poffeffïed by him in our names : Heaven is prepa- red, but we are not prepared, we are not brought to our fall fiature in grace, to which we are appointed by Chrift in this life, Eph. 4. 13. We are not come to our perfeá growth, or that meafure of perfeétion which we are capable óf; if we long to be with God, let us fooner get ready ; if riper fooner, we should be fooner gathered to the company of the Bleflèd, like aJbock of Corn in its feafon, Job 5. 26. Moll of us are but as green Corn, not fit to be reaped, not fo much in refpe& of Age, as the meafure of Spiritual growth; force ripen fpeedily whom God meaneth to take fooner to himfelf; others after their long ,profeffìon keep to their childifh ignorance and infirmities, and make little progrefs towards perfe&ion. 2, Do&. That Godgiveth his people the earneflof the Spirit, that they may look and long for Heavenly. Glory withgreater affeílion. Here I Phew, I. What is given by way of earnefl. 2. the nature of an earneJi. 3. The ufe and endofan earaeß. a. What is given by way of earneJl. The Spirit, the Holy- Spirit, doth not only bellow his gifls and graces, upon believers, but cometh himfelf, and dwelleth in them ; not per- fonal ly united to them, as the Divine Nature is with the Humane in Chrift ; nor in re- gard of his eflential prefence, for fo he is every where, Ter. 23. 24, Nor in regard of his general,providential influence, Aíïs 1.7.18. But his fpecial refidence, as in his own Tem- ple, s Cor. 3. 16: By faving and gracious operations whereby he worketh in them the habits of all faving graces, at firft Converfion, Ezek. 6. z6, 27. and doth by his imme- diate, and ftrong, and fpecial influence preferve thole graces, in Life, Eph. 3. 16. And ordinarily make them grow and increafé, Hofea 14. 5. Ina be as the due unto Ifrael, he "hall growas the Lily, and calf forth his root as Lebanon; and doth quicken and excite ehem to a&ion. 2. The nature of an earne/l. a. An earneff fuppofeth abargain and contra&. When parties are agreed, then they give earneft to ftand to the bargain. The right that we have to Eternal Life, cometh to Believers in a way of Covenant and PaCtion; they refign themfelves to God by Faith,and God bindeth himfelf to give them forgivenefs of fins, an inheritance among them that are fan&ified by faith, Ifa. 55. 3. Incline your Ear, and come unto me, hear and your Souls (hall live,andl will make an everlajiingCovenantwithyou ,eventhe fore Mercies of:David. Upon our hearty confenting,God ingegeth himfelfto give us the Mercy of the Spiritual `David, or the Megiah: All that Life and Bleffednefs which he hash brought to light in the Gofpel. 2. Earneftis given, when there is fome delay of the thing bargained for; and we do not enter upon pofleflion of it prefently; affoon as we enter into Covenant with .God, we have s right, but our Bleffednefs is deferred, not for want of love in God, but for wife rea- fons, he doth not give us poffef ion upon right, but delayeth for a lesion; partly that in the mean time wemay exercife our Faith and Love; our Faith in looking, Phil. 3. z i. From whence we look for a Saviour. Our Love in longing, Rom.8. 23. But our felves alfa, which have the fill fruits of thy Spirit, even we our felves groan within our felves, waiting for the Adoption,ta wit,the Redemption of our Bodies. Gods Children are always groaning,and waiting, for a better eftate than the world can yieldto them ; the firft fruits or the tall is fweet and precious, and therefore they long for a more full en joyment.Thefe tails are but franty, thefe given in the midft of Sorrow s and Temptations : Partlly that the. Heirs of Salvation may Glorifie him here upon Earth : God laath a Minillry,and fery ice for them to do in this part of the world, they are to honour him with their graces, that they may be a means of Converfion to force and convihtion to others. Converfion ; Matth. . i 6. Let your lightfoJhine before men, that they may fee your good works, andglorifeyour Father which is in Heaven. And i Pet. 2. 12. They may by your good works, which they fball behold, glorify God in theday of viftation. And ofConvifkion, and jolt Condemnation to others Heb. 11.7. By Faith Noah being warned ofGod, of things not Peen, as moved with fear prepared an Ark to thelaving of his Houfe, by which he condemned the world. When they fei others ferious, Heavenly, Mortified, about them ; and they will not deny themfelve: 3. A.