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Ver. 5. Fifth Chap.2d Ep. to the C O R I N T H. 4.3, 3. An earneJl is part of the whole bargain, though but a little part ; ufually the centefima pars was given by way of canned:. So the faving gifts; -and grates, and comforts of the Spirit are a fmall beginning, or a part of that Glory which (hall then be revealed.Grace is begun Glory,and they differ as an infant,and a man A carnal man and a renewed man, differ more than a renewedman, and agloriftedman the one in.kind, the other in degree; the one as a man and an Ape, the other as an Infant and a man. Saving knowledge is a degree of the vifion of God, .74;117. 3, find this is Life _Eternal that theymight know thee the only true God! and,Ye fiu Chrift,whom thou haft fent.And i Co,. 13.12. Now I know in part, but then Jhall I know even as alfo' I am known. We are transformed, both by the one and the other. Compare z Cor. 3. 18. with r John 3. z. Regenerati- on is an immortal feed,a beginning of Eternal Life. He that is born again bath Eternal Life abiding in him. Holinefs and Purity is a pledge of that frnlefs efláte, and exaEti con= formity, and likenefs to God which afterwards we injoy, Eph. g. z6, 27. r Johu 3. z, 3. So comfort a beginningofthofe Eternal joys, we (hall have in Gods pretence, a Thef z. r 6. He hath given us Everlafling Confolation, and good hoje thoroughgrace. The Redemp, tion of Believers is already begun, and their bonds looted in part, Cola h. 13. Who bath delivered us from the power ofdarknefs; and tranflatedus into the Kingdom of his dear Son. Which is a pledge of that compleat Redemption which is to come, Rom. S. 23. But our (elves alfo which have the firf fruits of the Spirit, even we our felves groan within our felves, waiting for the Adoption,to wit, the Redemptionofour Bodies, Eph t. 14. Which is the earirefl of our Inheritance until the Redemption of the purchafed poffefon, Eph, 4. 30. Andgrieve not the Holy- Spirit,wbereby ye arefealed unto the day of Redemption. When freed from all fin and mifery. Allfin at Death, and mifery at the laft day. Converfeand Coìn- munion with God here is the beginning of our Everlafting Communion and living with God hereafter. For the throne of grace is the gate andporch ofHeaven, fo that a Believer when he dyeth doth onlychange place,not company. 4. Earneßi is given for the fecurity of the Party that receiveth it, not for him that giveth it. Indeed he that giveth the Earneft is obliged to fulfil the Bargain ; but 'ris moft for the fatisfal ion of thereceiver : So this Earneft is given for our fakes ; there is no danger of breaking on God's part, but God was willing more abundantly to phew. to the Heirs of Promife the Immutability of his Counfel;becaufe ofour frequent doubts and fears, in the midft of our Troubles and Tryals we need this Confirmation. s. 'Tis not taken away till all be confummated; and therein an Earneft differeth from a Pawn or Pledge. A Pledge is fomething left with us to be reftored, or taken away from us, but an EarneJl is filled up with the whole Sum : So God giveth part to afire' us of obtaining the whole in due feafon ; the beginning affureth the man of ob- taining the full Pof%tfion, Pllil. r. 6. Being confident of this very thing, that he that bath begun a good work inyou willperform it untilthe day of Chrifi. The beginning affureth the Comp!eat Confummation of their ble(fèd e(tate in Soul and Body ;Spiritual comforts are joys of the Spirit, which affure us that we hall receive the end of our Faith the Salva- tion ofoar Souls, t Pet. 18. 3. The ufe and end of an Earnejl .is, I. To 'wife our confidence of the certainty of theft things. Believers are apt to doubt if ever theCovenanted Inheritance (hall be bellowed, and altually in;o ed by them: Now., to allure them that God will be as good as his word, and doth not weary us altogether with expedtation, he giveth us fomething in hand, that we may be confident. You fee God offered you this Happinefs, when you had no thought of it, and that with an inceftant importunity, till thy anxious Soul was troubled, and madea bufinefs of it, and by the ferret drawings of his Spirit inclined thy heart to chufe him for thy portion, par- doned thy failings, vifited thee in Ordinances, fupporfed thee in troubles, helped thee in temptations ; his Spirit liveth, dwelleth, and worketh in thee, thereforealways con- fident, ver. 6. There is Tome place for doubts and fears till we be in full po(%fiion, from weaknefs of Grace, and greatnefs of Tryals. 2. To quicken our earnefl defrres, and induflrious diligence. The fir(1 fruits are to thew how good, as well as earneft how lure ; this is but a little part and portion of thofe great things which God bath provided for us: IftheEarneft be fo fweet, what will the Poffef- fion be ? A glimpfe ofGod in the heart, how ravifhing is it! O how comfortable a more lively expectation ! 3. To bind us not to depart from thefe Apes. The EarneFt of the Spirit convincing, eomforting,changing the heart ; haveyou felt this in your felvesi and will you turn back from God after Experience? riFz SER.