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44 SERMON VIII. 2 Cor. 5.'6. Therefore we are always Confident, knowing that 'while we are at home in the .Body we are abfent from tl2e -Lord, i the words obferve Two things ; I. The Effeff of God's giving the Earneff of the Spirit. Therefore we are always confident. v. The State of a Believer in this World. Knowing that while we are at home in the Body we are abfent from the Lord. In the firft Branch take notice, X. Of the Effeff itsfelf; [We are confident.] a. The conflancy or continuance of this Confidence. [Always.] To be confident at times, when not tempted or affaulted, is eafie, but in all conditions to keep up an equal tenour of Confidence, is the Chriftian heighth which we lhòukl afpire unto; for the ftrength of this Confidence is difcovered by manifold Tryals and Difficulties. ;. The illative Particle; [ Therefore. ] Why ? Becaufe God hath wrought us for this very thing, and given us the Earneft of the Spirit. For the Pfeil it/elf, There is a twofold Confidence; t.Of the thing ; a.Of the Perfan; for both are requifite, for the latter prefuppofeth the former ; there can be no certainty to a perfon of a thing which is not certain in itfelf: An Immortal Rate ofBlifs is to be had, and enjoyed after this life, we are Confident of that before we can be Confident of our In- tereft and a&ual injoyment of it. We are Confident of the thing becaufe God hath pro - mifed it, and fetit forth in the Gofpel. But becaufe the promife requireth a Qualification ; and performance of duty in the perfon to whom the promifeis made : Therefore before ewe can be certain ofourownfnteref and future injoyment we muft not only perform he duty,and have the Qualification, but we muE certainly know that we have done that which the promife requireth, and are duly Q,alified. Now the Serious performance of our duty Evidenceth its Pelf to theConfcience. And as our diligence increafeth fo Both our Confidence. But fo far as aman negleéteth his duty and abateth his Qualification, fo far his confidence may abate allo. The Illative Particle. [Therefore.] The earneft ofthe Spirit hath influence both uponthe Confidence of the thing, and of our own interefl. t. Ofthe thing. If God never meant to beftow Eternal life upon his people, he would not give Earneft. z,. Of our Interefl and future injoyment. For the Spirit of God convincing, Comfor- ttiiingand changing the heart doth allure us that he hath appointed us to Everlafling ory. Well then,the full meaning of this daufeis;That we certainly know that we Thal( beCrow- ned in Glory, and being af ured by the Earneft oftheSpirit,that we !hall not fail of it, there- fore we lift up the Head in the midE of preffures and afililtions ; knowing that if they lhould arife as high as death, they will bring as the fooner to the Lord, that we may live with him for ever. Do&. They who have the Earneff of the S)irit, are and may be Confident of theirfuture, anclglorious Eflate. Let me Thew you, I . What is this Confidence? 2. What is the Earnefi ofthe Spirit ? ;. How this Confidence arifeth from having the Parnell of the Spirit in our hearts. . t. What