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Ver, 6. Fifth Chap. 2d Ep. to the CO R I N T H. 47 Mein look totheir bodies that they were in fit plight for the race. There's much more con- fidence of an Eternal Crown. 3. T!ì'ere is another branch of this boldnefs, that carryeth the nameof this confidence alto : And that is, Childlike Freedom with God in prayer, Eph. 3. tz. We have accefs with co fdénce,and holdnefs,throagh the Faith ofhim.And r John 3.zt.lf our hearts condemn ses not, then have we confidence towards God And r John s. 14. And this is our confidence, that'whatfóever we ask ofhim he heareth us. And Heb. io. ly. Having therefore,brethren, báldnefi to enter into the Flolyefl, by the Blood offefur. An Holy boldnefs with God in Prayer, or a filial , Chid -like accefs to God in Prayer, for obtaining what he bath promifed. There is a fhynefs of God- His prefence reviveth our guilty fears ; As David, whcn he had finned, hung off from the Throne of Grace, Pia. 3z. 3. Or as Adam run to the Bullies, when he heard the voice of God in the Garden. Now this is done away by Faith in the promifes. This Holy, comfortable addrefling our felves to God by Chrift, is a great branch ofthis confidence ; it imboldeneth us to go to him in Prayer ; and to tiara in him, and expect Salvation from him. In the hour of his extremity, he is not to feek of a God to prayto, or. a Mediator, to interceed for him, or a Spirit of Adoption, to inable him to fly for help, as a Child to his reconciled Father, having been frequent lyintertained, and accepted by him. 4. The ;aft, and greateft ofal, is confidence at his coming, r John z. z8. Whet he (hall appear,we may have confidence,and not be afhamed before him,at his ecming.We feel the com- fort of it, when we ferioufly think of Deatb,or when God fummoneth us into his pretence, z Kings zo. 3. Idefeech thee, 0 Lord, remember now, how I have walked before thee in truth, and with a perfect heart. We know, that we !hall receive a Crown of Righteoufnefs at his appearing. Before they look for it, and Mail for it with confidence. A Chriflian lhould eherifh no other Confidence but what will be approved then, what will hold out then : If our Confidence cannot bear the thoughts of it, and fuppofition of it, how will it bear the day its fell? 4, Ike Properties of this Confidence. r. 'Tis an Obediential Confidence or Affiance ç -for he that hopeth for mercy, is there- by bound to Duty and Obedience ; for mercy mutt be had in God's way, and we can - not depend upon his Rewards, unlefs we regard his Precepts, 1 Pet,4:19. Commit the keeping of jour Souls to him in welldoing.. We come to the one by the other; yea the one breedeth the other, Pfal. 11 q. t 66.. Lord, I have hoped for thy Salvation, and have done thy Commandments. Dependance certainly begets obfervance ; and if we look for alt- from God, certainly we will be faithful to him, and keep clofe to his ways. 'Tis a lazy Prefuìnption, not a Chriftian Confidence, that confiaeth with difobediences both the Promifes and the Precepts are the Objefl of Faith, 2'fal. 119. 166. I have believed thy Commandments. Our believing the one, breedeth Confidence in the other; our believing the other breedeth Obedience, but they muff both go together;ifthere be any difference in believing thefe by a right Faith, 'tis weaker in the Promifes than in the Precepts ; be- caufe the Precepts commend themfelves to our Confciences by their own Light and Evi- dence ; the Promifes contain meer matter of Faith, and lye farther out of the view of Senfe and Reafon. Well then, if we believe thefe Laws to be God's Laws, and thefe Pro miles to be God's Promifes, our fenfe of duty will be at leaft equal with our hope of mercy. Certainly Confidence, and relying upon the Mercy of God for Salvation, may be lefs than our care to walk in Obedience; ordinarily greater it cannot be. z. This Confidence mule be well rooted, that fear of Perfecution may not fcorch it, nor the cares and pleafures of the World chock it, Col. 1, z3. Continue in the Faith grounded and fettled, and be not moved away from the hope of the Gefpel. We mule be thoroughly perfuaded that it is the very Truth of God, and venture our Souls, and alt our çoncernments and intereles, upon this Bottom, when we ferioafly confider what we do. There is a flight and fuperficial Confidence which loon vanilheth away, as the feed that fell upon the flog ground loon fprung up, for it bad not much depth of earth, but as faon withered, becaufe it had no root, Matth. 13. f, 6. Some may readily receive the Offers of Eternal Life, but the Word is not ingrafted in their hearts: No, the Confidence of Faith mull be found and permanent, fuels as is not eafily fhaken with the Winds of Temptation. 3, It mull be predominant, and in Tome degree of Soveraignty in the Soul, not only over our doubts and fears, but over our lults and carnal affections fubduing the heart to God, and vanquifltingthe Devil, the World, and the Flefh. The World, r John;. 4., For whnfeever is born of Grd overcometh theWorld; and this is the Villory that overcometh the World,