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Ver. 6. Fifth Chap. 2d Ep. to the C O R I N T H. 49 turned to his own vomit agaiw; and thefowthat was walked to her wallowing in the mire. Some knowledge, and fome experience, Tome Common work ofthe Spirit. This Ar- gument doth increafe our confidence, becaufe it Both evidence our right and inrereft as wellas the truth of the thing its felt, that there is an Immortal Blefl"ed Eftate, and that it is ours. An earneft is given to fecure the party that bath it. This earneft is the Spirit, convincing, comforting, 'changing the heart, t. Cor. z. tz. Bùù we have not received the Spirit of the World, but the Spirit which is of God, that we might know the things that are freely given to us o fGod.If l have this I am fafe;the,carnal cannot fay fo,they have no carpel z. By way of effeílual influence. The Spirit is given as an earneft of Blelfednefs to come, and caufeth all the motions and inclinations of the Soul to tend that way in the heart; he is as a Spirit that came from Heaven. exciting the Soul to look and long for, and prepare, for that Happy Eftate. The Life of grace; begin and maintained by the Spirit in our hearts, wholly tendethtothis, to carry up our hearts thither. The Spirit mortifieth the earthly and fenfualdifpofition, Ram. 8. t;. But raifeth in us hopes, delires, and endeá- vours, after the other World, Phil. 3. zo. But our Converfation is in Heaven. Inclineth us, to drive on a trade for another Countrey, and another World; yea our very confi- dence is wrought by him, and increafed by his influence. The Devil, the World and the Flefh do continually ail-auk it, but the Spirit maintáineth it. Therefore the more of his Spirit, the more confident. '1 is his work within us to promote it, and to maintain it. This cometh of the Spirit of God, He caufes us to live in Peace, and Hope, and Joy, and die in Hope, and Peace, and Joy. idly. By way of gracious improvement on our part. For if God giveth the Spirit as an earneft, we muff make ufe of him as an earnett. The Spirit and grace of Chrift is not only given us to fubdue corruption, to carry us on delightfully to converfe with. God, but as an earneft that we may live in hope ; but we may reafon within our felves, God bath not only offered me this happinefswhen I had, no thought of it, but followed me with inceffant importunity, till my anxious Soul was trohbled, began to make a bufinefs of it. By the fecret drawings ofhis Spirit, he inclined my heart to choofe him for my portion, fence given me the comfort of the pardon of my fins, bound up my broken heart, vifited me in Ordinances, fupported me in troubles, helped me in Temptations; his Spirit frill liveth, dwelleth and worketh inyou, therefore I am coüfidetit and wait on him, z Cor. t. zo, zit. For all the promifes of God are yea, and Amen, in Chriji Yefus, to the Glory of God by us. Now he that bath eflablifhed us with you, and bath anointed us, is God; Who bath alto fealed us and given us the earnefl of the Spirit in our hearts. t. Ufe is to thew as that true confidence is not a devout floath, or idle expeílation, but breedeth in us a noble, choice, excellent Spirit, maketh us vigorous in our duty, watchful 'againllftn, patient under the crofs, longing and breathing after more of God, and haflening our preparation, for the injoyment of him. z. vfe to put us upon Self=refleflion. z. Have we the earneft of the Spirit ? His comforts, are not fo fure an evidence as his fanâifying influence. Are our hearts changed ? God giveth earneft before he giveth Heaven. z. Do we improve it to an Holy confidence, fuch as fheweth it felfin diligence ? t Cor. 15.58. Wherefore, my Beloved Brethren,'beye fledfall, immoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. And courage ? t Phil. z8. And in nothing terrifyed byyour aver- larks, which is to them an evident token of perdition, but to you of Salvation, and that of God. A Spirit of courage under fufferings, which is the fame with confidence here, fo as not to be driven from our duty, or to take any finful courfe for our fafety. ;. Ufe to prefs us to Peek after this confidence with diligence;it may be kept up, Heb..6. t r. And that you do thew forth thefame diligence to the full aliirance of hope unto the end. I SER