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Ver. 6. Fifth Chap.2d Ep. to the C O R I N T H. , e him, and carryeth the Soul thither where God fheweth motl of himfelf, fo z Pet. 1. 4. We are made partakers of the Divine Nature, and efcape the corruption which is in the World through luft. Z he World will not fatisfy the Divine Nature ; there is a lrong inclination in us, which difpofeth us to look after another World, r Pet. 1. 3. Affoon as made Children, we reckon upon a Childs portion ; another Nature hash another aim and tendency. There is a- double reafon why the new Creature cannot be farisfied here. t. Here is not enough difpenfed to airliner Gods Love in the Covenant. I will be your God, noteth the gift of force better thing than this World can afford unto :us, Heb. r r. r6. God is not aJbamed to be called their God, for be hath prepared for them a City. That Title is not juftified till he give us Eternal rewards, For to be a God to any, is to be an Infinite, Eternal Benefactor. Compare. Matth. 'xi. 3z. with the fore - mentioned place. idly. Here is not enough to fatisfy the defire, expellation and inclinati- on of the renewed heart. The aim of it is carryed after two things : Perfeti injoyment of God, andperfe£lconformity to God. There is their home, where they may be with God; and where they may be free from fin. Their Love to Chrift is fuels, that where he is there they mutt be, Phil. 1. z3. Having a defire to depart,-and to be with Chru i, Col. 3. 1. If }e be rifen with Chrifl, feel chafe things which are above, where Chi-ill ftteth at the right hand of God. And there is a final, perfeét eftate, to which the new Creature is tending ; when it !hall never dithonour God more, but be made like him,and compleat -s . ly fubjei to him ; when never troubled with fin more. z. There lyetb their Treafure, and their Inheritance. 'Tis faid, Eph. 1. 3. that Chrift hath ble/fed us with fpiritual Blejings in heavenly places. He bath ble1fed us with fpiri- tual bleflings in earthly places ; hath he not ? Here he hash Adopted, Juftified, and San. ctified us in part, but the full accomplifhment is referved for the World to come. God would not difpenfe the fulnefs of our bleffednefs in the prefent World, that's an un- quiet place ; we are not out ofGun -!hot and harms way, nor in an earthly Paradife. There Adam injoyed God among the beats, but we (hall injoy him in Heaven among the Angels. In the World God would (hew his bounty to all his Creatures. A Common Inn for Sons and Bollards ; the place of tryal, not of recompenfe; the place where God hath fet his Foot -fool, not his Throne, Ifa. 66. 'Tis Satans walk, the Devils Circuit; Whence carrell thou ? From compafng the Earth too and fro, yob z. z. A place defiled with fin, and beareth the marks of it, given toall mankind in Common, l' f a . s s s. 16. The Heaven, even the Heavens are the Lords, but the Earth bath he given to the Children of men. The laughter Houle and lhambles of the Saints, for they are fain upon Earth : A receptacle foreleft and reprobate. 3. There are all our kindred. There is our home and Country, where our Father is, and our Lord Jefus Chrift, and all the Holy ones of God. Vhi pater ibi patria. We pray to him, Our Father which art in Heaven. 'Tis Heaven that is our Fathers Houle, and the everlafting manfions of the Bleffed. There, is our Redeemer and Elder Brother, Col. 3. 1. The Heaven of Heavens Bath contain him. There are the belt of the family, Matth. 8. rz. There is Abraham, Ifaac, and Yacob. 'Tis a mifery to be (rangers to the common - wealth of Ifrael, to befhut out from the focietyof Gods people ; but in Heaven there are other manner of Saints there. To be !hut out from the company ofthe Bleffed, is a dreadful excommunication indeed. 4. There we abide Iongefl. An Inn cannot be called our home. Here we abide but for a night ; but there for ever with the Lord. The World muft be furely lef ; if we had a certain term of years fixed, Yet 'tis very Mort in comparifon of Eternity. Therefore luxe we live longeft in the other World there is our home, Mic, a. to. Arife, depart hence, this is not your ref(. God fpeaketh it of the Land of Canaan, when they had polluted it with fin; cis true of all the world, fin hath brought in Death, and there muft be a rid- dance : This Life is but apaffage to Eternity. Ifrael firf dwelt in a wandring Camp before they came to dwell in Cities,and walled Towns ; and the Myfteries of their Religion were firft feated in a Tabernacle,and then in a Temple : So here firft in aMortal,Frail Condition, and then come to the place of our Eternal ref. There is an appointed time for us all to remove, Yob y. 1. There is an appointed time for man upon Earth, his days are as the days of an hireling. An hireling when he hath done his work, then he received' his wages,and is gone. Aftors when they have finifhcd their parts,they go within thecurtain, 'and are teen no more : So when we have ferved our generation, and finned our courfe, our place will know us no -more, and God' ill furntth the World with a new Scene bosh of Ads and A&ors. s. TheneceQarygraces that.beloq to a ChriJlian, fhew that a ChrifUan is not y et in his properplace, as Faith, Hope and Love, 1a G z a. Faith