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S E R" 111 0 N S upon thc Serm. IX. I. Faith hath another World in profpcá and view ; and our great aim is to come at it : Senfe fheweth us we have no abiding City upon Earth, but Faith points at one to come, where Chrift is, and we 'hall one dayk. Now this Faith were but a fancy, if we fhould always abide in this Earthly Tabernacle, and there were no other Life to be ex- pe &ed when this is at an end.The Salvation ofour Souls is called the end of our Fäitb t Fee. I. 9. That is, the main Bleflingwe look for from Chrift. So Tim. t. 16. We believe on him to Life everlafling. So Heb. 1 o, 39. We are not of them who draw back. to perdition, but of that believe to thefaving of their Souls. The great fatisfadtion that the immor- tafSoul bath by Faith is, that it Teeth a place of Eternal abode, and therefore it cannot fettle here, it mutt look higher than the prefent World. Faith perfwadeth us that the end of Creation and Regeneration was far more noble thfn a little miferable abode here. There is no man in the world, but if he follow the light of reafon, much more if he be guided by the Light of Grace, will leek a place and an eflate of reft, 'wherein he may finally quiet his mind. Therefore Faith cannot be fatisfied till we reach our Heavenly Manton ; he is unworthy of an Immortal Soul that looketh no further than earthly things. z. Hope was made for things to come, efpecially for our full and final Happinefs. God fits us withgrace as well as with Happinefs, he doth not only make a grant of a glorious eftate,but bath given us grace toexpeá it. Hope would be of no ufe, if it did not look out for another Condition, Rom. 8.24. Hope that is feen is not hope, for what a man teeth, why Both le yet hope for it No; there is fomething to come ; and therefore becaufe we have it not in poffefiìon, we lift up the Iliad, and look for it with a longing and defirous expeáation. 'Tis faid, Col. I. 5. That our Hope is laid up for us in Heaven. A Believers portion is not given him in hand ; he bath it only in hope. He hath it not, but 'tis fafe- ly kept for his ufe, and that in a meft furo place, in Heaven, where Thieves cannot break thorough andfieal. 3. Love. The Saints have heard much of Chrift, read much of Chrift, tatted and felt much of Chrift; they would fain fee him, andbe with him, r Pet. 1. 8. Whom having notfeen ye Love. Many Love Jefus Chrift, whom they have not feen in the fiefh, or con - verfed with him bodily, but though they have not feen him, they define to fee him ; for Love is an affedtion of union, it defireth to be with the party loved. The Spirit in the Bride faith, come, Rev. a2. 57. The Adulterefsfaith, flay away, but the loving Spoufe and the Bride faith come. Carnal men will not give their vote this way, but the Soul that loveth Chrift would have him either come to them, or take them up to him t their Souls are not at cafe till this be accomplifhed. r. Ufe. Let us give in our names among them that profefs themfelves to be flrangers and fojourners here in the World This Confeffion muff be made not in word only, but indeed and in truth. We muff carry our felves as ftrangers and pilgrims. r. Let us be drawing home as fall as we can. A Traveller. would be palling over his Journey as foon as may be; fo fhould we be battening home in our delires and aflè- &ions. 'Tis but a lorry home to be at home in the Body, when all that while we ,are abfent from the Lord. There is a tendency in the New Nature to God, a perfeet en- joyment of God, and a perfea fubjeétion to God; therefore our defiresthould ftilt draw homewards, Heb. 11.16. They deftre a Cauntrey that is an heavenly. All that have gotten a new heart and nature from the Lord, their hearts run upon the expeeta- tion of whatGod bath promifed,they cannot be fatisfied' with any thing they enjoy here. z., By making feriow provifion for the otherWorld, Matth. 6. ;3. But full feek the Kingdom of Heaven, and the Righteoufnef thereof, and all theft things Jball be added un- toyou. Men that bellow all their labour and travel about earthly things, and neglehl their precious and immortal Souls,they are contented to be at home in the Body, and look no farther : But when you are furnifhing the Soul with Grace,and grow more heavenly,ftrié and mortified, you are more meet, Col. 1. it. Who bath made w meet to be partakers of the Inheritance of the Saints in Light. They that wallow in the delights and content - ments of thefiefh, dülike ftridtnefs and holinefs; What Mould they do with Heaven? they arc not fit for it. Every degree of Grace is a fiep nearer home, Pfal. 84.7. They 'hall go on from flrength tofirength. Get clearer Evidences of your right to everlafing Life, r Tim. 6.19. Laying up in (lore far themfelves agood foundation again'? the time to come, that they may lay hold of eternal life. The comfort of what you have done for God will abide with you ; therefore let it be your care and great bufnefs not fo much to live well here, as to live well hereafter; our wealth, and honours, and dignities do not follocd us into the other world, but our works do. Confider the place you are bound