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54- S E R 'M :O N S rlpon the Serm. IX. 1. How are believers fent from the Lord: When he dwelleth in them as in his Tern- , ple, and there is a near antidote union between him and them ? And he hath promifed, that where two or three are gathered together in his name he is in the midft of them? I anfwer ; Chrifl is with us indeed, but we are not with him. He dwelleth in us by his grace, and influenceth us with quickening and ftrength, but he is at a difance; we can have no perfonal converfe with him, though there, be a Spiritual commerce between us. But in Heaven we (hall be tranflated to Chrift, and injoy the fulnefs of his grace ; here we walk by faith and not by fight, as it is in the next verfe. In thert our Communion with Chrift is, 1. Not Immediate. z. Nor full. 3. Often interrupted. I. 'Tis not Immediate. We fee him now as covered and vaile in Ordinances and Pro - vidences, but then we fhall fee him Face to Face. In providences we injoy him only at the fecond or third hand, Hofea z. z r, az. I will hear the Heavens, and they fha0 hear the Earth, and the Earth (hallhear the Corn, andWine, and Oyl, and they !ball hear Jezreel. The mercy and goodnefs of God paffeth from Creature to Creature before it cometh to us. So in Ordinances all that we have fromhim, is by the means of the Word and Sa- craments ; there wefhallinjoy him without means, and without thefe external helps, for there God will be all in all, i Cor. 15. 28. We (hall then ever be before him, in his Eye and pretence : And in his prefence is fulnefs of joy, Pfa. 16. 1 r. Our Communion with him is not a fancy, but indeed, r John 1. 3. Truly our Communion is with the Father and with his Son Yefus Chrift. Eut this commerce is maintained at a diflance, he is. in Heaven and we areupon Earth; 'tis maintained by Faith, but then all is evident to fenfe. z. Now 'tis not full There is a defect both in the Pipe and the Yell, we cannot contain all that he is able to give out, nor can the means convey it to ús ; the means are as narrow conduits from thefountain, or as Creeks from the Sea ; the fountain could fend forth more water, but the pipe or conduit can convey no more : The Sea could pour a greater floud, but the Creek can receive no more. When 'God difpenfeth himfelf by means, either in a way of punifhment or Welling, he doth not give out himfelf in that fulnefs and Latitude, as when he is all in all. In punilhing the wicked here he punifheth us by a Creature. A Giant flriking with a ftraw cannot put forth his ftrength with it : So in bleffng no Creature nor Ordinance can convey all the goodnefs, of God to us. There- fore now we have an imperfect poweragainft fin, imperfe& peace and comfort in our Confciences, an imperfe& Love to God, butwhen our Communion is Immediate then will it be full ; we converfe with Chrift, without lett and impediment, and he maketh but himfelf to us in a greater latitude and fulnefs then now. 3. Our Communion with Chrift is often interrupted ; but in Glory we thall injoy his' company for ever, and (hall have conflant and near fellowfhip, r Thef. 4. 17. We jhhírll be ever with the Lord. That day is never darkened with Cloud or night ; we !hall meet and never part more; all diftance is gone, and weaknefs is gone, and, welhall everlaft- ingly abide before his Throne. z. Wny Gads Childrencount themfelves not at home, till they are admitted into this per petual fociety with ChriJl? 1. Becaufe this is the bleflìdnefs which is promifed to them. And therefore they expect it and thirft after it, John iz. z6. Wherelam, there Jhall my Servant be. 'Tis our duty to follow him where ever he leadeth us here : And 'tis our liappinefs to be with him for ever hereafter. We often look upon the Happinefs of Heaven, as it freeth us from all pains and torments ; No: The chiefeft part is to be with Chrift. Our Glory and Happinefs confifismuch in being in his company. So when he maketh his laft will and Teflament, Yob: 17. 24. Father, I will that thole whom thou hallgiven me, may be where I am, and beholdmy Glory. That's it; He prayeth they may be brought fafe there and be happy for evermore. z. This is that which is highlyprized by them, to be where Chrift is. Why is this fo much prized by true Chriftians ? s. Out of thankfulnefs to Chrifl's delighting in our prefence. Therefore muchmore Mould we delight in his. He longed for the fociety of men before the Creation of the World, Pro. 8. 31. I rejoicedin the habitable parts of the Earth, and my delights were with the Sons ofmen. Chrift delighted in all the Creatures, as they were the effe &s of his Wifdom, and Goodnefs, and Power, but chiefly in men as they were the ob ects of his grace, capa: ble of Gods Image and favour. Thus he longed for the company of men before the World was. When the World was once made,he delighted to appear in humane fhape before his incarnation : As Gen. 18. A man appeared to Abraham and he is called Jehovah. And Zach. 1. 10, r t. And the man thaiflood among the Mirtle- trees, anfwered and fail, thefe are they whom