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Ver. 7. Fifth Chap.2d Ep. to the C ü R I N T H. 57 him in the flefh, and therefore their Faith is commended, r Pet. 1. 8. Whom havingnot feen ye love, and in whom ye believe, rejoycing with joy unfpeakable andfull of Glory. _'1 was an advantage certainly to converfe with Chrift pedbnally here upon Earth, but Faith can mbrace him in the Word though it never faw him in the Flesh. So for the threatnings, when we can tremble at the Word, as 7oJiah did when he heard the curfes ofthe law, though there were no dangers nigh ; we do not read of any a &ual difturbance and trouble at that time in the nation. So many times when an Age is very corrupt, and things are ripe for Judgment, and .God giveth warning, alas ! few take it or lay it to heart, they are not affected with things till they feel them. Few can fee a ftorm when the Clouds are a ga thering, they fecurelybuild upon their prefent eafe and peace, though God be angry. But in the eye of Faith a finful Eftate is always dangerous, and they humble themfelves while the judgment is but in its carfes; as 'tis Paid, Heb. 1 r. y. By Faith Noah being warned of God of things not feen asyet, prepared an Ark to thefaving of his houfe,by the which he condemned theWorld, and became the Heir of Righteoufnefs which is by faith. Mark, things not feen are Rill matter of faith ; he faw them in the warning ofGod, though he could not any way elfe fee a flood a coming. So for Gods aid and fuccour in a time cf danger, Heb, r x..27. By faith he forfook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the Xing, for he endured,asfeeing him who is invifrble.Toappearance he was like to be fwallowed up,being purfued by a Wrathful and puiftant King; but the terrours of fénfe may beeafily vanquilh- ed by thofe inviable Succours,which Iaith relyeth upon. Se in all matters ofpraflical ex-" periente. In profperity we have but too much Confidence, but when we are leffened in the World, and cut íhort, we are full of diffidence and diftruflful fears, Tfa. 3o. 6. In my Profperity I faid, IJhall never be moved. Even a Child of God a hen he gets a carnal. Pillow to reft upon, lyethdowt andfleepeth fecurely, and dreameth many a pleafant Dream, and is full of confidence But when God taketh away his Pillow from underhis head, then he is as dilFident, as formerly confident. God is the fame, his promifes the fame, his covenant the fame, the Mediatour the faine, but we aremuch changed, becaufe we look tothings feen,and live upon things Peen. In danger how are we troubled about pro - te &ion, indeep poverty about provifions and maintenance ? If fick and nigh unto death, how littledo the promifes of pardon and eternal life prevail ? In perplexed affairs how little can we unravel our felves, and refer the iffue to God.? Faith is ftaggered becaufe we cannot believe in Hope againil Hope. We mutt have fomething in view and fight; faith yieldethno relief to us.Lec me inftance in a cafe ofSpiritual fehle in troubles off onfcience : When Gods law fpeaketh him an Enemy, and Confcience feeleth him an Enemy. How long is it ere we can bring men to any kind of Hope by Chrift, notwithstanding the rich and free offers of his grace, or ingage them, when the curfe of the Law cleaveth to their Confciences, to take Gods way for Cure and Remedy ? Becaufe they prefer Senfe before Faith, and the feeling of Gods Law that cleaveth to them maketh them exclude all hope by the Gofpel, Ifa. 5o. to. Who is there among you that feareth the Lord,that obeyetb the voice of hisfervant,that walketh in darknefs and bath no light? Let him trufl in the name of the Lord, and flay upon his God. The recumbency of fuck a Soul is a notable ad of Faith loving God as a Friend, trufting him asanEnemy. o indutward tryals and dículries, to- wait for fo much as God hath promifed. Many truft God no further than they can fee him, or have probability toexpe &his help, which is a limiting the holy one of I.frael, Tfa. 78.41. Confining him to a circle of their own making.. If . fenfe be againft the promife, the promife doth them no good. Now to comfort our felves in God when all faileth, Hab. 3. 18. Tet Iwill rejoycein the Lord, Iwill joy in the God of my Salvation, And T f a , 2 3.4. Tea, though I walk through the valley of the fhadow of death, I willfear' none evil, for thou art with me, thy rod andthy flaff doth comfort me. To make the promife yield us that which the creature cannot, health, ftrength, life, peace, houfe and home, and maintenance for our felves and Children : When we die, and have little or nothing to leave them,and all means of fubfiftance are cut off and blafted, then to live,yea to grow rich by Faith, as having nothing,yet poj/ejng all things, 2 Car. 6. ro. 'Tis enough that God carryeth the purfe for us.Many talk of living by Faith,but'tis when they have fome- thing in the World to live upon ; As thofe 1/0.4.1.Only let us be called by thy name. So in other cafes why do the vain delights,anddigntties,.and honours of the World, fo prevail with Men; that all the Promifes ofthe Gofpel cannot reclaim them ? yea, fell their birth - rightfor one model of meat, Heb. t 1.1 5. The life of Senfe is lifted up above that ofFaith; The Soul dwellagh in Flelh,looketh out by thssènfes,and knoweth what is comfortable to fenfe, that God is unfeen,our great hopes are to come,and the Hells is Importunate to be pleafed, 2. Pet. t. 9. They that want theft' things,thatis, Faith and other graces areblind, and cannot fee afar of 1 r H Daét.