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Ver. 7. Fifth Chap. 2d Eq. to the C O R I N T H. 61 z. 'Tis Faith that prepareth us for fight. For 'tis a kind of Anticipation of Bleflednefs, or foreinjoymentof our everlafting eitate. Therefore called, He& II. 1. The fubf1anceof things hoped for. God by Faith traineth us up for tight ; firft we live by Faith, and then by fight. Faith now fervethinftead of Vifion, and Hope of Fruition it maketh our Hap - pinefs in a manner prefent ; though it doth not affe& us in the fame degree, that the Life of Glory or vifion will do, yet fomewhat anfwerable it warketh. The Life of Glory is' inconfiftent with any mifery : But the' Life of Faith inableth us to rat quietly upon God, and his gracious promifes, as if there were nomifery ; where it bath any efficacy and vigour,no allurement and terrour can turn us afide, but we follow the Lord in all Conditi- ons, with delight and cheerfulnefs; the expeétation cannot affè& us as the injoyment doth; but in fome meafure it doth, Rom. 5. 3. We rejoice in hope of the Glory ofGod The beatifi- cal vifion transformeth us, I john 3. z. We (hall fee him as' he is, and he like him : Sci doth the fight of Faith, z Cor. 3. 18. Beholding as in a glafs, the Glory of the Lord, we are changedinto hit Image and likenefs. The one nullifieth fin, the other mortifieth fin. 3. 'Tis Faithgiveth aright and title to the things expreffed by fight, there is a charter or certain grant of Eternal Life, written with Chrifts Blood, fealed by the Spirit offered by God, accepted by Faith : Sealing offered and accepted ftandeth valid and ratified. The Heirs of promife are defcribed to be thofe, who run for refuge to take hold of the hope that is before them, Heb. 6. 18. All that take San&uary at his Ace, and are re- folved to purfue it in Gods way : That is, to continue patiently in well doing, Rcm. z. 7. Faith giveth the firft confent, which is after verifyed by a confiant and unss earyed pur- fuit after this Happinefs. Thofe who entertain a King, make reckoning of his Train. The winning of the Field, is afcribed to the General, under whole conduct the Battle was Fought ; fo the promifes run upon Faith, which beginneth and goverheth the whole bufi- nefs. Well then,many catch at it by,. a fond prefumption, but have no title till Faith, and that Faith no cold fpeculation, and dead opinion about Heaven, bit a lively, working Faith : Certainly we do but talk ofEternal Life, we do not believe it, if (Mr molt indufiri- òus care, and ferious thoughts, and conftarit and auíve endeavours be not turned into this Channel, or if we do not believe it foas to prize it, and prize it fo as to feek after it, and leek after it in the firft place, Matth. 6. 3 3. This muff be our great fcope ; do all things to Eternal ends, z Cor. 4. 18. While we look not to the things which arefeen, but at the things which are notfeen, for the things which are feen are Temporal, but the things which are not feen are Eternal. 6. Thofe who have Faith mullwalk by it. For Faith is here confidered as working and putting forth its felt Wewalk,that is, we live, for in the diále& Of the Hebrews, this life is a walk; vitam noftram componimue, we muft govern and dire& our lives by the power and influence of Faith 'Tis not enough to have Faith,but we mull walk by it ; our whole Converfation is carryed on and influenced by Faith,and by the Spirit of GodónChrifls part, Gal, a. zo. hive by the Faith of the Son ofGod; a lively Faith There living by Faith Is fpoken of àss it refpe &eth the principle of the Spiritual Life,here walking by Faith as the fcope and end of it;there,as we derive vertuefromChrift,here,aswe prefs onto Heaven,in the praÓtice of Holynefs. In Ihort walking nóteth a progrefs, and patting on from one place to ano- ther, through a (trait and beaten way which lyeth between both : So we pafs on from the earthly frate to the Heavenly, by the power and influence of our way ; our way is through all Conditions mare appointed unto, and through all duties required of us. 1. Through allConditions. - By honour and difhonour, evil report and good repört, affli&ions, .profperities, z Cor. 6. q, 5, 6. 7, 8. Whether' defpifed or countenanced, dill minding our great journey to Heaven. Faith is neceffary for all, that the evil be not a difcouragement,nor thegood a fnare:Evil,Rom.'8. 18 For Ireckon, that the fufferings of this' prefect time are not worthy to be compared with the Glory that (ball be revealed In us. Good, z Tim 4. io, For Demas bath forfaken us, and lovedthe prefect World. z. All duties required of us. That we ¡till keep à good etowards God, and towards man, Alls 24. 15, 16. In this Faith and Hope. Reafoiii. 1. Walling by Fait h,maketh a man fiincer , becaufe he expe&ethhis reward from God. only, though no man obferve him, no man commend him, Matth. 6; 6. Thy Father which feeth in ferret lhall reward thee openly.Yea though all men hate him & condemn him, Matth 5. is, 1a. Bleffbdare you when men fballrevile and perfecuteyou, andfay all manner efevil againflyou falfely, for my names fake ; rejoice, and be exceeding glad, for great ii your reward inHeaven.Nowthis is true fin&rity,when we make God alone our pay mailer; . and count his rewards enough to repair our lofles and repay our coil. z. It