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62 S E R AI O N S upon the Senn. ,: 2. It maketh a man vigorous and lively. When ,.ve confider at the end of our work, there is aLife of endlefs joys to be poffefled inHeaven withGod,that we lhall never repent of the labour and pain that we have taken in the Spiritual Life, 1 (or. 15. 58. Aiwa's ii- bounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labour (hall not be in vain in the Lord. Phil. 3. 14. I prefs towards the mark, becaufe of the high prize of the calling of God in Jefas Chrifl. The thoughts of the prize, and worth of the reward, do add Spirits to the runner. 3. It maketh a man watchful,that he be not corrupted with the delights of fenfe,which are apt to call back our thoughts, to interrupt our affeaions, to divert us from our work and quench our zeal. Now one that walks by Faith can compare his Eternal Happinefs with thefe tranfitory pleafures, which will foon have an end, and everlaftingly forfàke thofe miferable Souls who were deluded by them. As Motes, Heb. 1 s. 24, 2 y. By Faith Mofes when he was come to years, refuted to he called the Son of Pharaohs `Daughter Choofing rather to finer afflitlion with the people of God, than to injoy the pleafures of fn for afeafoe. 4. Walking by Faith will make a man Pelf denying having for Heaven in his Eye, he knowerh that he cannot be a loferby God, Mark so. z 1. F rfake all that thou hag, and thoulhalt hale treafure in Heaven. So the 29, 3o. Verily I fay unto you, there is no man that bath left Hoeft, or Brethren, or Sifter, or Father, or Mother, and Child-en, and Lands, for my names fake, but he (fall receive an hundredfold. S. Walking by Faith, maketh a man comfortable and confident, a Believer is incoura- ged in all his duty, imboldened in hisconflitts, comforted in all hisfufferings.The quiet - ingor imboldening the Soul, is the great work of Faith, or truft in Gods fidelity. A pro - mife to him, is more than all the vifible things OR Earth, or fenfibleobjc&s in the World; it can do more with him, to make him forlake all earthly pleafures poffeflìons and hopes, Pfa. 56.4. In God I will praifè his word, in God I have put my twill, Twill not fear what flefh can do untome. So Paul, .Zeis ao. 24. But none of thole things move me, neither count I my Life dear untome, fo I may full my -ourfe with joy. Save the Holy Ghofl toitne feth in every City, faying that bonds andáfflillions abide me. Did wait for him every where.l malee no reckoning of thefe things. It maketh us confiant. Have ye fixed upon thefe hopes with fo great deliberation, and witty ou draw back, and flack in the profecution of them ? Have you gone fo far in the way to Heaven, and do you begin to look behind you, as if you were about to change your mind, Heb. so. 39. The Aponte faith, Phil. 3. 13. Ifor- get the things which are behind, reaching forth unto the things which are before. The World and the flefh are things behind us. We turned our backs upon diem, when we firft looked after Heavenly things. Heaven and remaining duties are the things before us, if we lofe our Crown, we bole our felves for ever. Ufc is to thew the advantage the people of God have above the carnal and unregenerate ; The people of God walk by Faith, againftthe prefent want of fight. How do the World walk ? Not by Faith, they have it not;nor by the fight of Heaven,for they are not there, and fo continuing never fhall be there. So they have neither Faith nor fight, what do they live by then t They live by fenfe and by fancy ; by fenfeas to the prefent World, and they live by fancy, and vain conceit,as to the World to come : Live in their fins and vain pleafures, and yet hope to be faved. Here they walk by fight, but not fuels a fight as the Apoftle meaneth ; they mutt have fomething in the view of fenfe ; Lands Honours pleafures, and when thefe are out of fight they are in darknefs, and have nothing to live upon. But now a Chriftian is never at a lofs, let his Condition be what it will. Suppofe God fhould bring him fo low and bare, that he path no eftate to live on, no Houfe to dwell in, yet Ise hash an inheritance in the promifes. Pfa. 119. 111. Thy TeJ1in ones I have taken for an heritage for ever. And God is his Habitation, Pfa. 90. 1. A full heap in Isis own keeping is not fuels a fupply to him, as Gods alfufliciency, Gen.1 7. a. That's Isis ftorehoufe. But Isis great Happinefs is in the other World ; there is all his hope and hisdeftre, and helooketh upon other promifes only in order to that. SER-