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Ver. 8. Fifth Chap. 2d Ep. tà the C O R. I N T H. 6 and Hell is oppofed to it,and 'tis explained; he is comforted, but thou art tormented. Lying in the Bofom is a Feaft Gefture, asMat.S.r1. Agreater expreflionoflove, for the moft Be- loved difciple lay in the bofom of the Principal perfon at the feaft, and Mat. 13. 43. Thenfhall the righteousthine forth as the Sun in the kingdom of their Father. Babb telleth us of the forty Martyrs expofednaked in a cold froBy night, añd to be burnt next day, that they comforted one another with this conuideration: Cold is the night,but the Bofom of Abraham is warm and comfortable ; 'tis but a nights enduring, and wefhall feel no more cold, but be happy for evermore. Well then, here is proof, fuels as is fit in the cafe; in things future we are doubtful and ofthe ftate ofthe Soul we are in a great meafure ignorant : Therefore God hathdifcovered thefe things to us in his word. a. life. Wellthen, here is great comfort for thafe that are now hard at work for God; the time of your refrefhing andeafe is at hand. 2. Tofi pport as againfl the Terrours of death. In Martyrdom ifyou are Hain, the fword is buta key to open the door, that you may prefently be with Chrift; if flrangled, the Animal life is put out, that the Heavenly may begin ; if burnt, 'tis going to Heaven in a Fiery Chariot. In the general, death cannot feparate us from the Love of God in Chrifl, Rom. 8, 38, 39. Though we dye the Soul is capable of loving God, and being be- loved by him. 3. To rapport us under the pains of fcknefs. 'Tis but enduring pain a little longer, and in a moment, in the twinckling of an eye, you shall be with God. Angels will bring you to Chrift, and Chrift prefent you to God, and then you shall enjoy an Eternal reft. 4. Here is comfort to the dying. Commend your Souls to God, as Stephen, Ails 7. 59. Lerd7efus, receive my fpirit. There is a Redeemer ready to receive you, heaven will be your refidence,and God will be your happinefs and portion for ever. 3. Do&. This prefeere with the Lord is earneflly deftred and chafen by the faints,as far more pleating to them than remaining in the Body. I; The thing its felf is true, that prefence with the Lord isinfinitely much better than re- maining in the Body, and willabundantly recompenfe the a.bfence from it. Gods gracious prefence is better than life bodily, Pfa. 63.3. Thy loving kindnefs is better than life. 'Tis that which giveth a value to life its felf, without which it were little worth: Alas what fhould we do with humane nature,or a rational Soul,if it were not capable of loving, know ing and injoying God ; what ! Imploy it only to cater for the Body,that is to ad but as an higher and wafer fort of beaft ? Life is nolife without God; then we do live,when we live to him,injoy him and his love. Now if his gracious prefence is more worth than life,what then is his glorious prefence, Phil. 1. 21. To me to live isChrifl, and to dye isgain. A Chriflian lofeth nothing by death, but he gaineth abundantly more by his being pre. lent with Chrift. And the s3th verfe, I- am in a Jlrait betwixt two, having a dejre to depart and to be with Chrifl, which is far better. There is no proportion between the choiceft Contentments which we attain unto here, even thofe which are Spiritual,and that Bleffed eftate which the Saints injoy hereafter: Now there being filch a difpropor- tion in the things themfelves, there.fhould be in our delires, and our choice, for we are to Judge and beaffe&ed aceordingto the nature or worth ofthings,otherwife we a& not only irrationally, but feignedly and hypocritically, Ihunning that by all means which we profefs to be our happinefs. z. He is nota true Chriflian that Bath not love. Chrifl more than his own Body,and his own life, or any Worldly thing whatfoéver. 'Tis one of Chritis conditions, Luke 14..26. If any man come tome,and hate not Father and Mother,Brothero and Siflers,andWife and Children, yea vid his own life info, he cannot be my difciple. All things mull be trampled upon for Chrifts fake, or elfe his heart is not fincere with him. A choofeing Earth before Heaven preferring prefent thingsbefore atilt, a fixing our happinefs here, theft things are con- trary to the integrity of our covenanting with God; our valuation of the prefence of Chrift £ hould be fo high, and our affe &ion to it fo great, that we thould not exchange our title to it, or hopes of it, for any Worldly Good whatfoever, if God would give thee thy Health and Wealth upon Earth, then thou wouldeft look for no other happinefs ;this is naught. 3. As he cannot be a true and foundChriftian, fo neither 'Al-charge tife duties ofaariflian who is not of thisframe and confutation of Spirit. 1. Not