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76 S E R 214 0 N S upon the Serm. XII. In this life we are always expeóting an end, and carryed in a Boat that is fwiftly wafting us towards Eternity. Now whom fhould we pleafe, and with whom fhould we feek to be accepted? A vainWorld ; or frail man; i r the God to whom we muff ftridfly give an account? Surely this univerfal, impartial Judgment, bindeth us to carry it fo, that we may be accepted with God. z. The hope of our prefence with him, and the beatifical vifion and fruition of him; for in the context hefpeaketh of prefence and fight,and then he faith,wherefore we labour. We are fo fluggit and backward,becaufewe feldom think of theWorld to come, earthly things are the great poife to an earthly mind, but Heavenly things to an heart that is Spiritual; that is their motive : there are 'many fuch wherefores in the Scripture, r Cor. 15. 58. Wherefore my Beloved Brethren, let us be fledfafl and unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. AndHeb. 11.28. Wherefore we receiving a Kingdom, which cannot k moved, let us have grace, whereby we may ferve God accceptably,with Reverence andGody Fear. There being fuch an eminent and excellent hate of Glory, and webeing Candidates, and Suitors for it, how fhould it quicken us to ufe all diligence, that we may be accept- ed of God, and admitted into the fruition of it. The Apofile telleth us, 2'hil. 3. 14. I preft towards the Mark,for the prize of the High calling of God in Chrift Yefw.Paul had his eye (till upon the Mark, that he might (tear his whole courfe in order to it.The thoughts of the prize, and worth of the reward, made him prefs forward through difficulties, and difcouragements; the more we have this Glory in our thoughts, the more !hall we be heart ned agatnft faintings and failings; which 4e !hall ever and anon be tempted unto. z. Reafons. t. We weremade, and feat into the World for this end; That by a confiant courfe of obedience, we might approve our felves to God, and finally be accepted of with him, and received into his Glory. 'Tis good to confider the end, why we were born and fent into the World, John 18. 37. To this end was I horn, and for this twee came I into the World, that Ifhould bear witnefs unto the truth. Surely man was made for Tome end, for the wife God would make nothing in vain. Now what is mans end ? Not to fill up the number of things as ftonts; and not to wax bulky, and increafe in growth, and fia- turehas trees; not to eat and drink, and ferveappetite, as the beafis; not for the earth, the endRs more noble than the means ; not dig for iron with mattocks of Gold. The Earth was made for us to be our habitation for a while,not we for it. Surely God made all things for himfelf,Yrov.16.4. And Rom. s r. 36.For of him and through him and tohim are all things. So we efpecially,who have the faculties of heart & mind,to know him, & love him, and ferve him, &injoy him for ever.Now we feek after him, our whole life is a coming toGod, we have not enough ofGod hereto fatisfy theSoul,only enough to dire& & incline us to feek more, and every one that ferioufly mindeth his end,maketh it his trade and daily workjohn 6. 381 came from Heaven, not to do my own mill, but the willof him that femme. z. We were redeemed to this end. For we are redeemed unto God, Rev. 5. 9. Thou haft redeemed as to God by thy Blood. To be redeemed unto God is to be redeemed to his Service, and admitted into his favour and friendfhip, and Communion with him, to re- bore Gods right to us, and our Happinefs in the injoyment of Heaven. Chrift firft ap- pearedGods wrath and reftored us to a courfe of Service, which we fhould comfortably carry on till we have received our wages, Luke r. 74, 75. That he would grant sotto us, that being delivered out of the hands of our Enemies,we might ferve him without fear,in holi- ñefs and righteoufnefs before him all the days of our life. 3. Our entring into covenant with God implyeth it. In every Covenant their is Ratio dati f5 accepti, Something given' and fomething required, Ifa. 56.4. They choofe the things that pleafe me,and take -hold of my Covenant. To take hold of his covenant there is to lay claim to the Priviledges and benefits promifed and offered therein; now this cannot be done unlefs we choofe the things that pleafe him :That is,voluntarily,deliberately not by chance,but choice,enter into a courfe of obedience wherein we may be pleating orac- ceptable to him ; this is the fixed determination of our Souls. Our faces muff be fet hea- venward and the drift, aim and bent of outlives mutt be for God, to walk in his way, Rom. i z. I. I befeech ou therefore Brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye prelim your Bodys a living Sacrijce, ho y,acceptable to God. A man devoteth himfelf to God out of the fenfe of his love to ferve him, and pleafe him in all things. 4. The relations which refait from our (ovenant Intereft. There is the Relation be- tween usand Chrift of Husband and Spoufe,Hof. z.r 9.Now the duty of the Wife is to pleafe the Husband, s Cor.7. 34. The relation of Children, andFather, z. Cor. 6. 18. I will be a Father toyou, andyefhall de my Sons and daughters, faith the Lord. Now the duty ofChil- dren