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Ver. 9. Fifth Chap. 2d Ep. to the C O R I N T H. dren is to pleafe the Parents.And that is faid to be well pleafing "to the Lord,Col. 3. zo. and the rather, becaufe 'tis a pattern of ourown duty to him. Mailers and Servants, Ezek, i6; 8. Thou entredfl into covenant with me andbecameflmine. Aets2.7. 23. Wbóf-Iam,and whom Iferve. They that pleafe themfelves carry themfelves as if they were their own, not Gods. All that wc are, and all that we have and can do, mull be his, and ufed for him in one way or another. Firft Vfe is for Reproof of thofe that ftudy to pleafe men ; to approve themfelves to the World, and to be accepted in the World, that is their reatend and fcope. r. 1-low can theft "còmply with the great duty ofChriftians, which is to pleafe the Lord, Gal. a. 1o. If Iyet pleafed men I lhould not be the Servant of Chrifl. To hunt after the favour of men,and to gain the applaufe of the World, is contrary to the very Effen- tial Difpofition of the Saints, whole great aim is to approve themfelves to God, however men efteem of them. There is a pleating men to their Edification, Rom. s g. z. Let every one of us pleafe his Neighbour for his good, to Ediftration, and 1 Cor. so. 33. Even as I pleafe all men in all things,not feeking mine own prafrt,but the profrt of many, that they may be laved. But to pleafe the finfut humours, difpofitions and affeâions of men, tó make this our great Scope,is contrary to fincerity and fidelity inChrifts Service:Certainly aman ought not to difoblige others, much lets irritate and fair up the Corruptionsofothers, but his great care mutt be to approve himfelfto God. z. There is no fuch neceflity of the approbation of men,as ofGod;his acceptation,and theTeilimony of a good Confcience concerning our fidelity in his Service,is more than all the favour,countenance,applaufe or any advantage that can come by men. Choofe the ap- probation of Chrift,and you are made for ever ; ;'tis not fo if you choofe the appro- bation of men. Pleafe God, and no matter who is your enemy, Prem. 16: g. Pleafe men and God may be Angry with you,and blafl all your carnal Happinefs,aswell as deny you eternal happinefs. Pleafe the Lord, and that is the heft way to be at peace with men. Second Vie, by way of felf Reflellion; Is this your greatfcópe and end? 1. Your endwill be known by your work. If you labour to approve your Pelf to God in every relation,in every Condition, in every bufinefs, in every im loyment, and are (till ufeingyourfelves & allthat you have forGod,thìsis your trade,& this is your ftudy you are (till at his work,that if a man fhould ask you,what are you a doing? Whofework is it that you are Imployed about ? You may be abletruelyto fay 'tis the Lords ; for whom are you ftudying,preaching, conferring, praying, what guideth yola in all your relations to whom do you approve your (elves, for whom are you lick or well ? z Cor. 5. 1 S. no they which live fhould not live to themfelves, at unto him which dyed fir them,and Rom. 4. 7, 8, g. For none of us liveth to himfelf, and no man dyetb tohimfelf, for whè- ther we live, we live unto the Lord, and whether we dye, we dye unto the Lord ; whether we live therefore, or die, we are theLords. What moveth you to go on with any bufi- nefs, who fupporteth you in your bufinefs, can you fay to God what God would have me to do, I do* it z. If this be your end,it will be known by yourSolace.So mueh as a man doth attain un- to his end, fo much doth he attain of Content and Satisfaftion, a Cor. ,. sa. For our re- joycing is this,the leflimony of our confcience, that in ftmplicit y, and Godly fmcerity, we have had our converfations in the World, not with flefhly wifdom, but by the grace of God we have bad our converfations in the World. You will not rejoyce fo much in theEffeéts of his common bounty as in his fpecial love. So `Pfa. 4 7. Thou h4 put gládnefs in my heart more then in the time when their corn and wine increafed 3. If Gods glory be your fcope, any Condition will he tolerable to you, fo as you may jnjoy his favour. Mans difpleafure may be the better born, yea poverty and want; your great cordial is your acceptation with God; and loffes are the better born; as David corn- forted himfelf in the Lord his God, when all was loft at Zicklag. And Hal. z. 1. Iwill fl and upon my Watch,and ret me upon the Tower,and will watch to fee what he willfay unto me, and what I (hall anfwer When I am reproved. SER