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SERMON XIII. 2 Cor. 5. i o. For me muji all appear before the 1. udgment feat of Chrift, that eatery one may receive the things done in his Body according to that he bath done, whether good or bad. Auls Motives to Faithfulnefs in his Miniftry were three;Hepe,Fear and Love. Hope of a Bleffed Immortality: Fear, or an holy reverence wrought in him by the Confideration of the laft Judgement : Love to Chrift,verfe 14. We juft now come to the Second Confideration;tt fitly falleth in with the clofe ofthe former branch, as à reafon why it mull be our chiefeft care to approve heart and life to God:Not only the hope of theRefurreâion breedeth this care to pleafe God,butalfo the Confideration of the general Judgment.We are fo cold,carelefs and backward,becaufe we feldom think ofthefe things ; but if we did oftner think of them,it would make us more aweful and ferious, we would foon fee that though we can approve our felves to the World, yet itwill not profit us unlefs we approve our felves to God, for all dependeth upon his doom and fentence. For we mutt all appear, `u5c. . In thewords obferveadefcriptionof the day of 5udgment. Wherein, r. The necepty ofthis Judgment ; ál7[ We muft J Judged we muft be, willing, or un- willing. z. The Vniverfalityofthis Judgment ; Who muff be Judged; in the word Revue, All. _ 3. The perfon by whom we (hall bejudged. The textfpeaketh of the yudgmentJeatof Chrifl He is our Rightful Lord to whom thisJudgment belonget . And he hath his Judg- ment fest 'and Throne of Glory, as 'ris called,Mat.z5.31. Then /hallhe fit upon the Throne of his Glory. What that is, becaufe it is wholly to come, and not elfewhere explained in Scripture, we know not ; we muft refs in the general expreffion. The Cloud in which he cometh (hall poffibly be his throne, or, if you will have it farther Explained, you may . take that defcription of the Prophet Daniel, Chap. 7.9, ro.Of This fee more in Sermon .on Matth.z5.verfe 35. 4thly.Themanner; we muff appear before the Judgment feat ofChrift tpaveetobÇvat,The word fignifieth two things. r. To (landforth and make our appearance, Rom. 14 10. There 'tis x yç -ñvw, we fhallall Hand before the ,judgment feat of Chrifl. Or elfe idly. To be made manifefl. And fo rendred verfe the r rth. But we are made ,manifefl before God,and I truji;are made manifefl in your Confcieuces. So here our hearts and ways be laid open, as well as we. Every aétion of our lives (hall be taken into confideration : Well then, we muft appear fo as to be made manifeft in our thoughts, words and deeds, we muft nor only appear in Perfon, but be laid open, have our whole life rip'd up, and have all our thoughts, words and worksdifclofed before Men and Angels. 5. The matter about which wejballbe Judged ; the things done in the Body. That is, during the bodily life. The Body is the Shop of a&ion,wherein or whereby every thing is done. Mechedios telleth us 'tis a,Cuv, zis 4,1.'05 The Yoakfellow or Colleague of the Soul : Now whatever is done by it,good orevil,isthe caufe to be tryed. 6. The end. That every man may be punilhed or rewarded according to his deferts; the, end is, that there may be fentence given,and after fentence execution ; both as to reward and punifhment. a. Mark the emphafu of the Phrafe, the things done in the Body;we are faid to receive them when we receive the fruits ofthem. So, Eph.6. 8. Whatfoevergood thing a man cloth, thefame !ball he receive,whether bondor free. So here things done in the Body is the juft reward ofthofe things. z. Obferve thefeveral kinds of retribution. Good or bad, both the godly and the wick- ed, receive a full recompenfe at that time. 3. The