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er.1o. , Fifth Chap. 2d Ep/. to thé C O R I N T H. 81 and hisApoflles every whete.Now we may reafon,that bath God been faithful in all things will not tail at left, he hath ever flood to hisWord, when more unlikely things have been promifed. Were the believers of the Old Teftament deceived that expected his coming in the Mil t Surely Chrift never meant to deceiveus,when he Paid, John 14. z, 3 I will come again, if were not fo 7 would have toldyou.SeeSerm. on Mátth. z5th. v. 6. z. The types Jhew it. Mall inftance in one which is the High'PrieJi's entring with Blood into the Holy place within the vail, and when he had finned his Service and Miniftrati- on there, he came forth to biefs the people, which the Apoftle explaineth and applyeth to Chrift, Heb. q. from 24. ver fe to the z8. . 3.. There are Ordinances appointed inthe Church, to keep afoot the remembrance óf his promife ;the Lards Supper, 1 Cor. 11. z6. For as often as ye eat tiffs bread, and drink this cup,,e do thew forth the Lords death till he come. He bath left it as a monu- ment of his faifhfulnefs, that upon all occafions we may renew our hopes and exped ati- ons of it. 4. We have an inwardpledge,his Spirit and the vifits of his grace. He bath taken our flelh,and left with us his Spirit. He went not from us in anger, but in love,to fet all things at rights, and tó bring us there where he is. ç. Chrijis interefl v concerned in it, that the Glory of his Perlon may be feen. His flirt coming was obfctireand without obfervation. Then he came in the form of a Servant,but now he will come as theLord and Heir,in Power and Glory.Then JohnBaptiJi was his fore - runner, now an Archangel, Then he came with Twelve Difciples, men of mean Condi- tion in the World, a few poor fifiter men, now with Legions of Angels, Jude 54. Then as a Minifter of Circumcifion, now as the Judge of all the World. Then he invited mere to repentance, now he cometh to render vengeance to the neglecters, and defpifers of hisgrace. Then he offered himfelf as a Mediator between God and Man, as an high Prieft to God,and an Apoftle to men, Heb. 3. 1. But vailed his Divinity under the infirmities of his flefh,nowhe cometh inGodsname toJudge men,and in all his Glory.Then he wrought fome Miracles,which his enemies imputed toDiabolical Arts andMagical Impoftùres; at the day ofJudgment,there willbe no need of miracles to affect theDivinity ofhis perfon,becaufe all.will beobvious to fenfe.Then he prepared himfelf to ¡lifter death,now he (hall tread death,. under hisFeet.Then he flood before theTribunals of men,and was condemned to the cuffed. death of the Crofs,now he (hall fit upon a GloriousThepne,all Kings and Potentatesexpedt- ing their doom and fentence from his mouth.Then he came not to Judge,but to fave,now to render unto every one, according to their works. Then he was fcorned, buffeted,' fpit upon, Crowned with Thorns, but now Crowned with Glory and Honour. Then he came to bear The fins of many, now without fin, not bearing our burden, but our dif- charge, not as a Surety but as a pay Mailer, not as a Sufferer,but a Conqueror,triumpiï- ing ever Death, Hell and the Devil. He cometh no more to go from us, buE to take us from all mifery to himfelf. z. That he may porefs what be bath purchafed. He bought us at a dear rate, and would he be at all this lofs and preparation for nothing .> Surely he that came to fuller, 'will come to Triumph, and he that purchafed will poffefs, Heb. z. 13. . . 3. With refpeti to the wicked. 'Tie a part of his office to Triumph over them, in their final overthrow.All things thall be put under his feet, Ifa.45. z3. Rom. 14.10.11.Phil.z.lo.. 4. To require an account of things during his abfence, what his Servants have done with their Talents, Matti. 25. What his Church have done with his Ordinances, how ,things have been carryed, during his abfence, in his .houfe, 1 rim. 6. 14. Keep this Com- mandment without rebuke, unto the appearing of Jefus Chrili. Whether men have carryed themfelves well, or beaten their fellow Servants, and eaten and drunk with the Drud- kard; whether they haveftrengthned the hands of the wicked, oppreffed with cenfures the molt ferious of his Worfhippers, what diforders in the World, what violation of the Law of Nature, z Thef. 1.8. z. The riniverfaliiy. Who mull be judged ;we mull all. All mankind which ever were, are, and fball be. No Age, no Sex,no. Nation ; nor Dignity, nor Power, nor Wealth, nor Greatnefs can excufe us. In the World, fome are too high to be'quefioned, others too low to be taken notice of : But there, all are taken notice off, by head and pole, not one of the Godly fliallbe loft, but will meet in that general affembly. Nor Mall any ofthe wicked fhift the day of his appearsgce ; a s we may obey in every flare, and fin in every Rate, fo in every fiate we mull gi an account. All that have lived from the be- ginning of the World, till that day, ¡hall without exception appear, from thé leaft to the greateft, before the Tribunal of Chrift. 11 L This