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82 S E R 111 0 N S upon the Serra. Mil. This will be illuftrated, by contidering the feveral diftin&ions of mankind. t: The firit and molt obvious diftin&tion is into grown Perfons and Infants. z. Diftinftion is chofe whom Chrift !hall ind dead or alive at his coming. .3. Diftinítion is of good or bad. 4. The next diftinétion of men whom Chrift 'hall Judge, are believers and un. believers. S. Men ofall Conditions,highandlow,rich and poor; of thefe fee,ilustth. zs. v. 33.Ser.3. 6. Men of all callings in the Church, Apoftles and private Chriftians, Minilters and People, for the Apoftle here in the text joinèth himfelf with others, and filth,. We muff all appear before the lodgment feat of Chrift. Befides the Law of Chriftianity, by which all !hall be Judged, the Officers and Guides of the Church, mutt give an account of their faithfulnefs, in their miniftration. There is much fpoken in Scripture of their ac- count, t Cor. 4, 4. 5. I know nothing by my Jeff, yet am I not thereby juflifted, but be that judgeth me is the Lord, therefore fudge nothing before the time until the Lord come; who both will bring to light, the hidden things of darknefs,and 'hall make manifefl the Counfels of the heart,and tbenJhall everyman have praife of God.He fpeaketh there of the execution of his Apoflolical Office, though he was Confcious to himfelf of no fault in it, yet this was not the clearing of him, only God that fearcheth and feeth all mutt do this. 'Tis a great matter to clear a mans fidelity,firft as a Minifter, then as a private Chriftian. Paul would not venture it upon the tingle reftimony of his own Confcience. So again, Heb. 13. 17. They watch for your Souls,as they that muff give an account. Their work is to Watch over Souls for their Eternal Salvation, if Souls mifcarry through their negligence, they are anfwerable to God for it, but if they mifcarry through their' own willfulnefs,the lofs is the peoples,they have theCrownof faithfulnefs,ifnot of fruitfulnefs.TheCrown of fruitfulnefs is fpoken of, t Thef 3. 19, zo. What is our hope,or joy,or Crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the prefenee ofthe Lord lefns Chriff, at his coming? For ye are our Glory and joy. The The_ljalonians were a good people, famous for their proficiency in the Faith, and endu- rance of Perfecutions ; and this was Pauls Crown ( who had begotten them to Chrift ) in the day of dooms Now when they give up their account, not with joy but grief, that's not unprofitable to the Minifters ; but to the people 'tis unprofitable. It may be good unto the Minifters, who have beenfaithful, but not to the people who have been difobedient 7. Every individual perfon, all and every one mutt appear, See Matt& zs. v. 33 Serm. 3. Well then, lince there"is fuch a day, let it be our cate to approve our hearts and lives to God. SERMON XIV. 2 Cor. 5. 1 o. For we muff all appear, before the 'judgment feat of aril?. THirdly I come to fpeak of the fudge ; who íhall be the Judge : And there I Iliad prove that the Judge of the World is theLord Jefus Chrift. For we muff all appear before the Judgment feat.ofChriff. For the evidencing of this, I(hall enquire, r. Why this honour is devolved, and put upon the Second Terfon. z. Shew, in what Nature he jhall judg the World, whether as God, or man, or both. Ern, how Chrijf comes to be the World's ,Mudge, and with what conveniency and . agreeablenefs to Reafon, this honour is put upon him. To a Judge there belongs thefe four things ; Wifdom, Jufiice, Tower, and Authority. t . Wiliam and underffanding, by which he is able to Judge of all perfons and caufes, that come before him, according to the Rules and Laws, by which the Judgment is to proceed.No man can give fentence ina caufe,where he hath not skill as to matter of Right, or fufficient evidence or knowledge as to matter of Fait. And therefore in ordinary Judicatures