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88 S E R f.4 O N S upon the Serm. XIV- to us, there the ad of judging belonged to the Father, to whom the fatisfation was teti- dred, andbefore whom our Advocate and Surety muff plead and prefect himfelf, there. fore it is faid in Y yohn 2. r. We have an Avocate with the Father, even 7efus ChriJl the righteous. Thus our advocate pleads beforethe Father as before the Judge. z. As to the Judgment to beexercifed upon us, whoever partakes of that Salvation which was purchafed by the Surety,or havt loft it by their negligence, impenitency, and unbelief, there the Second Perfon is to be judge. In the former the Son could not berm! judge.for then he would be ourJudge and Party too and then the plea of thofe Hereticks would have more Countenance of Reafon. In the bufinefs. of Redemption the Son could not Judge, becaufe he made himfelf a Party for our good, and flood in our room and place, and the fame Party cannot give and take the Satisfaction, that cannot be; therefore. this order is conftituted, in this glorious myftery of the God -head, that the fatisfa&ion is tendred to the Father, he pleads and reprefents himfelf to the Fattier in our behalf. And the Holy -Ghoft cannot be the Judge, . for in this myfte- ry he bath another part and function, and office, he being the Third Perfon in Order of fubfifting. 3. In the Son there's a double Relation or Confideration; One as he is God, and the o,- ther as he is Mediatour,the one Natural and Eternal,which íhall endure for ever; the other which he took upon himfelf in time, and which in the Confummation of time he fhall at length lay afide. In the former refpe& as God, fo Chrift is Judge with the Father and Spirit,as by Original Authority, but in this later refpeft,as Chrift is Mediatour he is Judge by Deputation. The primitive Soveraignty belongs to God as Supream King, and the Judge by derivation and deputation is the Lord Jefus Chrift,as Mediatour in his man -hood united to the Second Perlon of the God-head ; So the Judgment of the World is put upon him. In regard ofthecreature;as to us,his Authority is Ablolute and :Supream ; But in re- gard of God it is deputed, fo he is ordained and appointed to be Judg. The Scripture de- lights much in this Notion, lob: 5.27. He hath power of life and death, to condemn and abfolve; the Father hath givenhim Authority as he is the Son of man, Ads so. 42. The Apofiles when they were to preach,thought itnot enough for them to fay,God is Judge; no, but he is ordained of God to be Judge of quick and dead. So Alin 17. 3,t. He path appointedá clay in the which he will judge the World in Righteoufnefs 6y that man whom he bath ordained. In all which Chrifts aéts as theFathers vicegerent. And after he hath thus judged the World, as the Fathers Deputy, then he Mall give up the Kingdom to God, even the. Father, r Coy. 15. 25. So that the right Chrift hath as Mediatour,it is not meerly by Creation; nor his Effential Kingdom common to the Father; But aderivative, fubor- dinate right as Mediatour, by vertue of his purchafe, as he dyed, rofeagain, and revived. 4. This power which belongs to Chrift as Mediatour, it is given to him upon the leac- counts. I. Partly as a recompence of his humiliation; But chiefly, becaufe it belongs to the fulnefsof his Mediatory Office; 'tis the laffaét. The Kingdom of the Mediator isfub- ordinate to the Kingdom of God ; now he being appointed by the Father, the laic a& of his Kingly Office was to Judge the World. This Mediatour was not only to pay a price to Divine Juftice; Not only to feparate the redeemed from the World, by converting them to God ; But he is alto to JudgeDevils, and thofe Enemies of his that would not fubmit to his Mediatory Kingdom ; to Judge thofe Enemies out of whofe hands he is to free the Church. While the World falls he is to fight againft our Enemies, but then to judge them, and cafe them into Eternal torments, and fo to deliver up the Kingdom to the Father, I Cor. 1 5.24. His Office is not full till he bath executed and judged all his Enemies. idly. In what nature doth he ad and exercifethe Judgment,either as God, or man, or both t I anfwer, in both. Chrift is the Perfon, not theFather nor the Spirit, and Chrift aéts it as God -man; the Judgment is aged vifibly by him in the Humane Nature, feat - ed upona vifible Throne, that he may befeen of all, and heard of all ; therefore Chrift is fo often with refpe& to the Judgment, called theSon of man, Mat. 16. 27. Alls 17. 3 r. Mat. z6. 64. loh. 5.27. The Judgment mutt be vifible, therefore the Judge mutt be fo, and that the World may fee him, with thefe eyes that we mayfee our Redeemer come in the laft day,and fee him to our comfort,he that is withdrawn into the Curtain of the Hea- vens, he that is gone about his Miniftration before God, mutt come out and biefs the People ; And therefore that he may be feen and heard of all; though the divine Power be mightily feen, yet he is to a& it in the HumaneNature. - USE of all, r. This fpeaks terror to the wicked. zdly. Comfort to the Godly. r. Terrour to the wicked. Here let us fee, I. Who