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Ver. Io. Fifth Chap.2d Ep. to the C O R I N T H. 89 r. Who are thole wicked ones, to whom this terrour belongeth. zdly. What is it, that maketh it fo terrible to them. And will breed horrour and trembling in their hearts, if they repent not. Firft, All thofe, that have oppofed his Kingdom in the World, Lek. 19. 27. Thole mine Enemies, that would not that I Jhould Reign: over them, bring them forth, and flay them before Me. Thofe, oppofe the great defign of the Gofpel, which is to fet up the Lord refus as King. - zdly. All that fet light by his Perfon, in the day of his grace : And though they do not oppofe his Government, yet refute it, 'Plat. S i.' 1 a. My people would not hearken to my voice, and Ifrael would none of me. idly. All that defpife his benefits, and neglect to feek after them, Heb. z. ;. How fball we efcape, ---if we negleElfogret.t Salvation: Chrilts :benefits are Gods Favour, and Image: To have low thoughts of thefe is to have low thoughts of the Blood of. Chrift, a Pet. I. 18. Te were not redeemed with corruptiblethinvs, as Silver and Gold, from' your vain Converfation [received] by Traditionfrom your ,Fathers ; but with the Precious Blood of Chri l as of a Lamb without Blemifh and without Spot. And Heb. to. 29. Of howmuch firer punifhment, fuppofeye, (hall he be. thought worthy,who path troden under. foot the Son of God,. and bath counted the Blood of the Covenant, wherewith he was fanflied, an unholy, thing, and bath done defpite unto. the Spirit of Grace ? 4thly. All that abufe his grace, .acrd turn it to wantonnefs, ludo v. 4th. For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before cfoldordained to this Condemnation, ungod- ly men, turning the grace of our God into Lafciviou /nefs, .and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord lefue Chrift. Thofe that grow lets humble, lefs holy, lefs careful, upon the, account of grace., 5thly. All that break his Commandments, john, i 5. to. Ifye keep my Commandments, ye fhall abide in'ny love. Others are reckoned for Enemies, Col. 1. al. Enemies in your mind by wicked works. And TJa. 63. z r. God Jhall wound the Head ofhis Enemies,[ and the Hairy Scalp of fuch a one, as goeth on f1í11 in his Trefpaffés. 6thly. Thofe that queftion the truth of his promifes, z Pet. 3.3, 4. vérfes. Knowing this, Firfl, that there (ball come in the loft days Scoffers, walking after their own inflo ; And frying where is the promife of his coming? And they flail know the truth pfthem to their bitter colt ; That Chrift will come, and come as Judge. 9thly. Thofe that have perverted his Ordinances, Matth. z4. 48, 49, 5o, S i. verfes. But and if that evil Servant(hall fay in his heart, My Lord delayeth his earning, and (hall begin to finite his fellow Servants, and to eat and drink with the drunken , The Lord of that Servant(hall come in a day, when he looketh not for him, and in an hour, that hé is not aware of : Andfhall cut himafunder, and appoint him his portion, with the Hypo- crites : There (hall be weeping,andgnafhing of teeth.He that maligneth,envyeth, traduceth', and injureth to his power, his molt 'painful, faithful Followers and Servants : That ftrengthneth the hands of the wicked, and incourageth them againft the molt ferious; whom he feeketh to opprefs ; fhall be molt feverely punifhed. Secondly. What is it; that is fo terrible ? i. He is fuch a Judge, as the Power of the molt powerful cannot daunt: But the' !hall be all daunted by him, 'Rev. 6..15, 16. The Itinfs ofohe Earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief Captains', and the mighty min, and every Bondman, and .every Free -man, hid themfelves in the Dens, and in the Rocks of the Mountains, and fold the Mountains and Rocks, Fall on us,and hide us from the Foie .ofhim that fitteth on the Throne, -andfrom the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come, and who fhall be able to (land. idly. Such a Judge, as the wealth of the wealthieft cannot bribe. What compenfa- tion can they bring Chrift, for the breach of his Laws ? Matth. 16. 26. What fball a mad give in exchange for his Soul. 3. He is filch a Judge,as thewit and fubtility of the wifeft and moli fubtlecannotdelude, r Cor. 4. 5, fudge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to- light the bidden things of darknefs, and will make manifefl the Cenniels of the heart, &c. And rude verfe 15. ,To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among t em, ofall their ungodly deeds,-which they bave ungodlily committed, and of all their hard etherwhich ungodly ftnners have fpoken a rinfl him, And Pf t. 50. z i. Theft things haft thou done, and Ikept ftlence, thou thought* that I was altogether fuch an one as thy fell: But I will reprove thee, andfet them in Order before thine Eyes. 4thly. Such a Judge, that there is no appealing from his fentence, or hope, of repeal- '' n g