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9° SERMONS upon the, &c. Serm. XiV ing ofit : His doom f hall Eland for ever. In she World, there is liberty of appeal from one Court to anothcr,whcre there may bea violentperverting of Judgment. As Ecc1. 5.8. If thou feefl the opprefion of the poor, and violent perverting cf judgment and fuflike in a Province, marvel not at the matter. For he, that is higher then the bigheft, regardeth, and there be higher then they. Put this fentenceis definitive. 5thly. He is a Judge whofe wrath is very terrible, Pfd. z. it. Kifs the Son, left he be angry, and ye perilh from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little : Blefed are ail they, that pat their trail in him. Well then, the wicked that oppofe his Kingdom,and all that nand by as unconcerned, and do, not enter intohis Covenant ; They (hall be judged by him, in whom they have not believed : By him, whom they have flighted ; by him, whole grace and mercy they have defpifed : By him of whom they have faid in their hearts, we will not have this man to reign over us. idly Here is comfort to the Godly. Here I (hall thew, r. Who may take comfort. Or to whom this comfort belongeth. idly. What comfort there is. Firi. Wro; Believers : That believe his do &rine, fohn a r. z5. He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet (hall he live. That receive his Perlon, Job. I. Iz. As ma. ny as received him, to them gave he Power to become the Sons of God: Even to them that believe on his name. That enter into Covenant with him, and fo become members of his Ivlyftical Body : Who feeling their mifery under fin, and Satan and the wrath of God,and do believe what Chrift bath done and faired for Man's Reftauration and Salvation : Thankfully accept him as their only Saviour and Lord, on the terms offered in the Gof- pel, and to thofe ends ; even to juftify, fan&i£y, and bring them to everlafting Glory : Thefe are owned and accepted by him. idly. As by their Faith, fo by their Love, Eph. 6. z4. Grace be with all them, that love our Lord 7efus Chrill in fncerity. And r Cor. 16. zz. If any man love not the Lord 5efus Chrill, let him be Anathema Maran-atba. They love him above their lives : He is the dèfire and delight of their Souls, Pfal. 73. 15. Whom have I in Heaven but thee ? And there is none upon Earth that I defire beiges thee. They have longed for this day, z Tim. 4. 8. They love his appearing. The thoughts of it, was their folace in their af#li &ions. ;dly. Thofe, that war againll his Enemies: The Devil, the World, and the Flefh, Rev. 3. z 1. To him that overcometh will I grant to fit with me in my Throne, even as I . alfo overcame, and amfat clown with my Father in bis Throne. 4thly, Thofe that obey his Laws, and imitate his example, 11oh. z. z8. And now, lit- tle Children, abide in him, that when he (hall appear, we may have confidence and not be afhamed before horn at his coming And 1 Soh. 4 17. Herein is our love made perfeul, that we may have boldnefs in the day offud;ment, becaufe as be is, fo are we in this World. Secondly. What is the comfort that they have ? r. The Judge is their Friend, their Kinfman, their Brother, their High Priefl, to make atonement for them: The Propitiation for their fins, their Advocate and Inter -_ eegiur, one that dyed for them. idly. He cometh to lead ttèm to !heir everlafting Maniions : Chrift is a pattern of what (hall be done to them. He rote from the dead, and is become the Firft Fruits of them that Silt. He now fttteth at the Right Handof God, making intercegon for them; And he will come again, and receive them to himfelf. That they may be where he is, and behold his Glory. S E R-