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9I SERMON XV. 2 Cor. 5. io. For we muß all appear, before the judgment feat of chrift, V 4\/J E have handled, 2. r. The necefity. The univerfality. 3. The Judge. 4. The manner ofjudging. This we are now upon. The Word gavepoiOirai fignifieth both to appear and to be made manifeft; we may conjoin the fenfes, we mutt fo appear, as to made manifeft. r. To appear; that we mull all appear, every individual Perlon. Four things evince that. I. The Wifdom and the Juflice of the Judge. 2. The Power, Impartiality and Faithfulnefs of hisMiniflert. 3. The Nature of the bufinefs regaireth an appearance. 4. The ends of the judgment. r. The Wifdom and Jufiice of the Judge. Such is his wifdom and perfpicuity, that not one finner or fin can efcape him, Heb. 4. 13. There is not any Creature that is not manifefl in his fight, but all things are naked and open unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do. This Scripture informeth us of the perfe& knowledge of God, as he isa Judge, with- out which his Judgment cannot be juft and perfelt; he knoweth all the perlons and caufes of men that are brought before him. All things in general, and every thing in particu- lar is manifeft to him fully, clearly, and evidently difcovered to him, Pfa.69. ç. O God, thou knowefl my foolifhnefs, and my fins arenot hid from thee. He is neither ignorant of man, nor any thing in man, who mutt have to do with him, that is to be judged by him. So Ter. r7. so. I the Lordfearch the heart and try the reins, even to give every man accord- ing to his ways, and the fruit of his own doing. The force of the reafon is this : That feeing we mutt be judged by a molt exaet, impartial and alknowing Judge, there can be nohope of lying hid in the throng, or efcaping and avoiding the Judgment. It concern- eth the Judge of the World to do right, which he cannot do unlefs all fins and perlons be manifeft to him, that he may render to every one according to his deeds. 2. The Power,Impartiality and Faithfulnefs of his Miniflers; Who are the Holy Angels, Much of the work of that day is difpatched by the Miniftry of Angels, Mattb. 24 3s. They, /hall gather the elell from thefour winds. In the particular Judgment they have a Miniftry; they convey the Souls of men to Chrift, Luke i 6. z z. Carryed by the Angels into Abrahams Bofóm. They that carryed their Souls to Heaven, Thall be imployed in bringing their Bodies out of their graves.Now this Miniftry is not confined to the Eleli only,they do not only carry the coin into the barn,but the tares into the furnace,Matth. 53. 39, 40, 41. And the reapers are the Angels. As therefore the tares are gathered toge- ther, and burnt in the fire fo /hall it be in the end of this World. The Son of man (hall fendforth his Angels, and they (hall gather out of his Kingdom, all things that do offend, and them that do iniquity, andfhallcaft them into a furnace offtre,there /hall be weeping and gnajhing of teeth. 'Tis the Angels work to feparate the wicked from the Godly, to bind up the tares in bundles ; that they may be burnt in the fire. They force and prefent wicked men before the Judge, be they never fo unwilling and obftinate.So in the parable of the drag -net, Match. 13. 49, So. So Hall it be at the end of the World. The Angels /hall come forth, andfever the wicked from among thejufi, and fhall rag them into a furnace of fre, where "hall be weeping, and gnafhing of teeth. There is a mixture unavoidable of good and bad in the Church, but then a perfeá feparation, by the Miniftry of Angels. ii M2 3.Tl.e