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92 S E R 114 0 N S upon the Serm. XV. 3. The nature of the bufinefs requireth cur appwrance: Partly, becaufe in a regular Judg- ment no man can be Judged in hi. abfence. Therefore in this great and folemn Judgment we muff Rand as perfons Impleaded to hear what is alledged,and what we-eats-ray in our defence. David faith, Pfal.13-0. 3. If thou fhoul deJl mark our iniquities, O Lord, who pall Hand, that is, appear in the Judgment, fo as to be able to make a defence ? Só, Pfa.1. The ungddly lhallnot(land in the udgment. That is, the wicked (hall not be able to abide the tryal, have nothing to plead for themfelves in theday of their final doom. And yet 'ris faid, Rom. 14.10. We muft all fland before the Judgment feat ofChrill. We (hall fland and not Hand; fland,that is, make an appearance; and not !land, not able to Make any juft de- fence. Folios faith, Alls 25. 16. It is not the manner of the Romans to deliver any man to dye befóre that he which is accufed have the accufers face to face, and have licence to Anfwer for himfelf concerning the crime laidagainfl him. This was Jus Gentium, not to give Sen- tence of capital puntthment againfl any man, till he were fully heard. Their rule was, They condemned no man unheard. Surely there is all right in this folemn Judgment, he that is to be judged is to be brought into the Judgment. When God arraigned our firft Pa- rents ( which is a Type of the General Judgment. ) He called Adam coram, Gen. 3. 9,10. Adam where are thou ? He brought him out of his lurking hole where hehad hid himfelf, . he muff come into his prefence and aufwer. And partly, becaufe we cannot appear by a Pro&or. The Sentence is a Sentence of life and death, and there is no reafon or caufe of abfence, Rom. i4. iz. Every one muff give an account of himfelf to God. Now in the day of Gods patience we have an Advocate who a ppeareth for us, Hei.9.2.4. Hedoth prevent wrath, reprefent our wants, and recommend our affairs. But now the Judge cometh to deal with every one in perfon. 4. The ends of the Judgment require our appearance. They are two. 1. 7be ConviIlion of the Parties Judged. God will go upon clear evidence, and they (hall have afair hearing. When there was but one that came without a wedding Garmenr,and he was examined,the man was fpeechlefs, Matth. zz. I z. When every one is particularly obferved and tryed, there is nothing to reply, but gldrifying God, Yule 15. zly. Satisfallion of the World in the righteoufnefs and juJlice of Gods proceeding. When every perfon is arraigned and every work is manifeft it cleareth Gods Juflice in rewardinghis own, and in punting the wicked and ungodly. 1. Itcleareth his juftice in rewarding the faithful, they undergo the tryal, and though they have failings,yet for the main their faith is found topraife,andhonour,and Glory at the appearingof Jefus Chrifl, s Pet. r.y. When his people come to be Judged, and have been found obedient to his commands, Faithful under tryals, patient under all fuf- ferings and inconveniencies. 'Tis a faith that may be owned before men and Angels.Chrift will confefs them before God, Men and Angels, Rev. 3.5. So in,punifhing the wicked, yofh. 7..19. God is glorifyed by theCreatures conviélion and acknowledgement, Pfal.Si. 4. I acknowledge mine iniquity,thatthou mayfl be juflifted when thou fpeàkefl,andclear when thou judge/t. God is juftified when the Creature is rewarded according to his owndefervings. God overcometh,and we are caft in the plea and fuit. z. The word fignifieth to be made manifell. And fo importeth,that we muft all be ma- nifefted or laid open before the Judgment feat of Chrift; our perfons muft not only ap- pear, but our hearts and ways be tryed.'Tis Paid, Luke z. a. There is nothing covered thei (hall not be revealed, nor hid,which fhallnot be made known.'Tis brought as a reafon. againft Hypocrify ; the innocency of Gods Servants is beclowded for a while; and the fin of men lyeth hid for a while,but at length all fhallbe open,hypocrify Ihall bedifclofed,and fince- rity Ihall be rewarded. So r Cor.3.1 3. Every mans work Mall lemanife/led. All the ways and works of wickednefs,thougha &ed in never fo fecret a manner,fhall be laid open.The Scrip- ture telleth us at the Judgment, Eccl. sa. 14. God ¡hall bring every work into Judgment, with every fecret thing, whether it be good or whether it be evil. The final doom (hall re- peal all the Judgments of this life, and repair them abundantly; many things that are var- nilbed with a fair glofs and pretence here, !hall then be found filthy and abominable, and many things difguifed with an ill appearance to the World, (hall be found to be of God, approved and allowed by him. So 'tis raid, I Cor. 4.5. That aril' will bring to light the hidden things of darknefs and make manifefl the Counfels of the heart, andthen (hall eve- ry man have praife of God. When every mans intentions and purpofes, a &ions and fpring of a&ions !hall be difpláyed, then they that deferveblame (hall be difcovered, and the fincere and upright Jufifyed and commended. Well then, the Scripture thews they thall be made maniteft ; and when made manifeft. In the general there are two places demonftrate it; one is Tfal. 5o.z t.I will reprove thee,and fet thyftns inorder before thine Eyes.