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96 S E R M O N S upon the Serm. XV. 3. The more fecret any wickednefs is, it argueth the heart is more fludious and in- duftrious about it, how to contriveit, and bringst about, as David plotted Vriahs death. And 7ofbaa 7. i 1. They have Palen and dif mbled alfo, and even put it among their own, tir fluff. And, Acls 5. 9. How is it that ye have agreed together to Tempt the Spirit of God ; In Secret fins there is much Premeditation , and Craft, and Diffimulation tiled. z. VS E is, to fhew the folly ofthem who rather take care to hide their fins then get them pardoned. 1. God. hath promfed pardon to an open confeffion of fin, Pray.28.13. He that hidetb his fin (hall not profper,but he that confeffeth andfarfaketh his fin (ball find mercy. He bath promifed it in mercy,but bound himfelf to perform it in righteoufnefs, 1 John 1.9. If we confefs and forfake wins, he is lull and faithful toforgive them. David pleadeth it, Pfal, S 3.. Cleanfe me from nyfecret fin, for I acknowledge my tranlgrefion. And God doth cer- tainly perform it to his Children, When David Paid, I have finned, z Sam ...1z. 13. againfl the Lord, Nathan laid, the Lord bath put away thy fin, thou£halt not die. And this he sc- . knowledged with thankfulnefs, Pfa. 32,5. I Paid I would confers, and thou forgavefl. This is the right courfewhich men fhouldtake,confefstheir fin with grief and Theme, and re- formation ; we have not our quietus ell till this be dine. 2. Notwithflanding'all this man naturally loveth to hide and cover his fin, Job 31.33. If I have covered my tranfgrejfion, as did Adam, by hiding mine iniquity in my bofom. More hominem; fo Junius, Hof 6.7. They like men have tranfgre jJed therovenant. 'Tis in the He- brew like Adam ; or Adams name is mentioned, becaufe we Phew our felves to be right Adams race by hiding and exculing our fin : I irft, From men we hide them, as Saul deal - eth with Samuel, 1 Sam. 15. 13, 15. Gehazi with Elifha, Ananias and Sapphira with Peter; Alls 5.8. They heap up fin upon fin to hide former fins ; this cometh from their pride joynedwith of Atheifm,they care not how deep they run into Guilt,fo they may avoid fltame, and infamy . Or elfe, Secondly, From our felves, A man feeketh tá hide his fin from hirffelf .out of fell love, left their carnal peace fhould be diflurbed, and Sathan letteth them alone, that they may. not difcover the right way how they may reco ver themfelves .out.of his fnates; and .out of love and affection to fin we roll itasa fweet Morfel in áur mouth, and hide it under our Tongue, Job 20 I z, I ;. They are willing to re- tain it flill As Abraham was unwilling to put away fhmael, whom he loved, Gen zr. r L. And therefore fee not what we do fee, loth to find themfelves in a flare of wrath; or. obnoxious to. eternal death. Therefore we all need to pray, Tfal. 19. 12. Keep back thy Servánt from prefumptuousfins. There are many fecret fins through ignorance,inadvertan- eÿ, partiality or felf love, not taken notice of. idly. From God, which is worft of all. We all delire to hide our fins,and could with they might be unknown unto him, yea endeavour it. Thus Adam hid himfelf when God came into the Garden; when he could fhift no loo., get he transferreth his fault upon Eve,and obliquely upon God himfelf, Gen. 3. And Cain, Gen: 4. beareth it out to God,lrft with a plain lie,afterwards with a bold anfwer, Am I my Brothers keeper? . But is there any fuch difpofitionin the Children ofGod ?Yes; David kept filence,Pfa. ; z. 3. Mofes pleadeth not the main till God toucheth his privy fore : He pleadeth other excufes,but the fear of his life was the main thing. 'Tisan hard thing to bring the foul to deal openly and ingenuoufly with God,to draw forth the fin with its circumflances, and lay it before the Lord, who knoweth it already. 3. This is folly and a degree of Atherfm. We can never hide our fins nor our perfons, for we muff be made manifelt at the laft day. God cannot be re ssfled, nor efcaped, nor en= treated, nor endured; not refilled, Ifa. 27. 4. Who would Jet the Briers and Thorns againfl me in Battle? I would go through them,and would burn them together. No more than Briers and-Thorns can refift a devouring flame. Nor efcaped, ver. 25. 35 And thefhepherdfhall have no way to flee, nor the principal of the Flock to Efcape: So Pfa't,139. 7. Whither fhall Iflee frcinty prefence ?.You fleefrom God as afriend to God as anBnemy. Nor entreat him, s 'Sam..2.25. If one man /!n againfi another, the judge mull judge him, bat if a man fn aping God, who (hall entreat for him ? Nor endured, Ifa. 3 ;. 14. The limners in Zion are afraid, fearfulnefs bathfurprized the hypocrites ; who among us £hall dwell with the devou- ring Fire, who' among us (hall dwell with everlajling Burning ? And Ezek. z z. 14. 'Can thine heart endure, or can thine hands be flrang in the days that I £hall deal with thee? Well then,if menwill not now draw nigh unto God, God willfind them out in their fins, and bring them into Judgment before him. Since he cannot be blinded,nor refifled,our bell way is to take hold of his ftrength,and make our peace with him,lfa. 2.7.5. Agree with rhino