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Ver. 1o. Fifth Chap. 2d Ep. to the C; O R I N T H. 97 thine adverfary while he is inthe way.Better come in voluntarily than be dragged by force: Come humbly,as Benhadads Servants with Ropes about their necks, r Kings zo. 3z. Zavid found more comfort in fubmif ionto God, than in ¡landing out against him. SERMON 11 1s 2 Cor. ;. io. For use muff' all appear before the judgment feat ofChrlt. ICome now to the fifth circumstance in the Text, and that is the cauje or matter to be tryed, and about which we mull be Judged. I. Generally expreffed ßcì éfÿ or n7a; The things done in the Body. z. distributed into their feveral kinds; whether we have done good or evil. Doet. That every mans ,5udgment (hall proceed according to what he hath done in the Flesh, whether it be good or bad. This is confirmed by other Scriptures, Matth. 16. 27. The Son of man (hall come in theGlory of the Father, with his Angels : And men shall be rewarded every man according to his works. So Rev. zo. rz. And they were7udged out of the things which were written in the books, according to their works. Here I shall enquire, Firft, Why works are produced? idly. How they are conftdered in the fentence, and doom, that pafleth upon every man? idly. What room and place they have, with refpel to punishment and reward. Firh, Why works are produced : And when ever, the Judgment is fpoken of, tome claufe is inferted, which mentioneth works, or relateth to them? Í AO. This is the fitteft way to glorify God, and convince the Creature, which are the two ends of the Judgment and are most promoted by giving them the fruit of their doings, whethergood or evil., r. For the Glory of God. At that day God will glorify his Holinefs, Mice and Truth, yea alfa his free Love and Mercy, the vail is to be taken away, and all this at that day is to be made matter of fenfe. r. The Holinefs of God. The Holy God delighteth in Holinefs, and Holy Perlons, and hateth fin, and the workers of iniquity, both parts of his Holinefs are fpoken of in Scripture, his delight in Holy things and Perfons, Pro. i i. zo. The upright are his de- light, and their fervices, Prov. ro. 8. Can we Imagine that God lhould bid the Saints Love one another, and countthem the excellent ones upon Earth, Pfa, 16. 3. how poor foever and defpicable they be as to their outward Condition, and that he himfelf lhould not love them the more, and delight in the refletion of his own image upon them. On the other fide, his deteltation of fin and finners,Hab. r. a 3. Thou art of purer eyes,than to be- hold iniquity. And Pfa. 5. 4. Thou art not a God, that hallpleafure in wickednefs. We that have but a drop of the Divine Nature, hate not only fin,but (inners, z Pet. z. 8. Lot, his Righteous Soul war vexed with their impure Converfations. Well then, can we imagine without a manifest reproach to the Divine Nature; that God lhould be indifferent to good and evil, and the Saintsshould not be more lovely in his fight for their Holinefs, , and the wicked hateful for their fins. Therefore now when all is to be difcovered, and made obvious to fenfe, 'tis a delight to him, to reward the graces and fervices of his people, and ro (hew how pleafingand acceptable they are to him, the more holy, the more lovely objeds of his fight, And on the otherfide, hewill Phew his hatred again4 fir. and (inners, in their fentence and punishment. And fo by neceffary confequence, their differdne works mutt come intoconfideráiion, that the holy may have their due praife r 1 N and