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Ver. I, 2. x x with Chapter of St. MA T T 11 E, W. 3 flint, were furely kept out. Now here is a fit reprefentation of the fpiritual Myfte- ry laid down by Chrift, and therefore let us . t. See the thing compared, The Kingdom of Heaven that is, the flute of the Church wherein God reigneth in the perfon of the Me/ftab ; of the Kingdom ofGlo- ry it cannot be meant, for there areno foolifh Virgins ; and in the internal King- dom of Grace none But in the external Kingdom of Chrift in this World. And this is not confidered fimply and reftrainedly to that 'point of time when Chrift is coming to Judgment, but refpe &s and fhould affe& us all, for fuch as we de- part our of the world now, fuch (hall we be found to be at the day of Judgment. It concerneth all Ages, not only thole that !hall be found alive at that time, but every one in fucceffrve Ages. z. The Companion mute be explained ; the Bridegroom is Chrift, and the Bride is the Church, the whole Church is the Spoufe of Chrift, and each particular Be- liever a Virgin attending upon this Spoufe, the Marriage is mutually promifed, the Efpoufals are in this Life : Hof 2. 19. zo. I will betroth thee to me for ever ; and to be folemnized and compleated at the coming of our Lord, Rev. x9.7. Let us be glad and rejoyce, and give honour to bim,. for the Marriage of the Lamb is come, and hw Wife bath made her felt ready : Here is the betrothing in the Covenant of Grace : A nobis accepit arrhabonem carniw, &c. faith Tertulian ; he took the token of our flefh and carried it to Heaven, to prepare Heaven for us, and left with us the token of his Spirit, to prepare us for Heaven : he is not gone from us in difcontent, but will come again with all the Angels of Heaven with him, to receive the Bride unto himfelf. (i.) The Companions of the Bride are here reprefented under the Name of Virgins, for fo Chriftians are called for the Purity of their Faith, and Worfhip, and alto for their blamelefs Converfations. [r.] Virgins for the purity of their Faith, that keep themfelves free and untaint- ed from the corrupt and rotten Opinions of the World, 2 Cor. 11. 2. I have efpou- fed you to one Husband, that I may relent you as Chaji Virgins to Chrifl ; he meaneth it here in refpe& of the purity of their Faith, that they might not be corrupted by falle Teachers. [2.] Virgins for the purity of Worfhip. Idolatry and Corruption of Worfhip often expreffed by Harlotry, and therefore the Prophet to figure out lfraelr Apo- !lacy and Corruption in Worfhip, is bidden to take a Wife of Whoredomes, Hof . And thole that followed the Lamb, are Paid to be Virgins, not defiled, Rev. r4.4. not polluted with Idolatry, which is fpiritual Fornication. [3.] Virgins for purity and blamelefnefs of Converfation. The Apo&le fpeaketh of fome that had efcaped the pollutions of the world, through the Knowledge of Jefus who might be again intangled and overcome therein, 2 Pet. 2. 20. Well then, thefe were all Virgins, even the foolifh as well as the wife; not tainted with Errour, nor de- filed with falfe Worfhip, nor prophane, corrupt or fcandalous in their Converfa- tions; they were fuch as had èfcaped the Corruptions of the World, and had as glorious a form of Godlinefs as any others. (2.) They are defcribed by their Number, Ten ; this is mentioned either be- caute Ten is a number of perfe &ion, or becaufe ufually the number of thofe Com- panions of the Bride never exceeded Ten. (3.) They are let forth .by their Diflribution into two ranks, fome Wife, fome Fool - ifh, five of the one fort, and five of the .other ; the number is not exa&ly to be food upon, as if the number of the faved and damned were equal ;' as in the Pa- rable of the Marriage-feaft, one had not a Wedding - garment, 'tis not to be under - food as if only one were damned of all that are invited to the Paofeflfon of the Gófpel ; it only fignifyeth that all the Virgins are not alike careful to prepare for the coming of the Lord : By the wife are meant provident and diligent Chriftians, by the foolifh the Improvident and negligent ; among thofe that bear the name and keep up the reputation of Chriftians, fome will be found not to fill up their Profeffion with anfwerable Duty, not to make ferious Provifiion for the coming of Chrift. (4.) They are let forth by their Worktand Imployment, they went forth to meet the Bridegroom, that is, they expe&ed the coming of Chrift, and Happinefs by him : The foolifh and the wife did both agree in this, -indeed this is the whole bufinefs of a Chriftian. B 2 (5.) They ti