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ioo SE1Z111DNS upon the Serm.XVI. doth them no wrong ; if he Judge them according to their works. Butnow thofe who have accepted the Second- Covenant, and devoted themfelves to God, taking fanauary at the mercy of their Redeemer, they indeed have a plea againft the fill Covenant, they are (inners, but they are repenting timers, and believing in Chrift. Now their claim muff be examined by the Judge, whether this penitence and acceptance of grace be fincere and real, whether true penitents and found believers, that muff be leen by our works, and the Judge mutt examine, whether our repentance, and returning to our duty, be verified by our after obedience, and our thankful acceptance of Chrift, and doth ingage us to conflancy, and cheerfufnefs in that obedience. A double àcufation may be brought againft man, before the Tribunal of God : That he is nner, and fo guilty of the breach of the firft Covenant : Or that he is so found believer. Having not fulfilled the Condition of the Second : As to the firft accufation we are justi- fied by Faith, as to the Second byworks ; and fo James and Paul are reconciled, Rom. 3. 54. A man is juftifted by Faith, without the deeds of the Law, Jam. z. zç A man is juflifred by works, and not by Faith only. Every one of us may be confidered as a man that liveth in the World Or as a finner in the State of Nature, or as a man called to the grace of God in Chrift, or as a Chriftian profeng Faith in the Redeemer. According to this double relation, there is a double Judgment pail upon us : According to the Law, fo condemned already ; according to the Gofpel, fo accepted in the Beloved. To this double Judgment, there anfwereth a double jallication : Of a finner, by vertue of the fatisfaition of thrift, apprehended by Faith, without the works of the Law : Of a belie- ver, or one in theflate of grace, fo juftsed by works ; for here 'tis not enquired, whether he have fatisfied the Law, that he may have Life by it, but whether profeftìng himfelf to be a Chriftian, he be a true believer, and that mull be tryed by his works, for as God in the Covenant of grace, giveth us two benefits, remirlìon of fins and fan&ification by the Spirit. So he requireth two duties from us, Athankful acceptance ofhis grace by Faith, and alto new obedience, as the fruit of love. Well then, this being fo, to wit, that Chrifts Commiffìonand charge is to give Eternal Life to true believers, and them only; the only found mark dude believers, is their works of new obedience. Their mull be try - ed in the Judgment. 2. A Judge muft proceed, fecundum alligata & probata, not to give fentence by guefs bin upon the evidence of the Fart, Therefore Chrift to convince men that they are (inners by the fir( Covenant, or Hypocrites, or fincere by the Second, muff confider their works : Mens profeulion muff not be taken in the cafe, but their lives muft be confidered, for there are Chriftians_in the Letter,and Chriftians in the Spirit, force that have a Form ofgodlinefs, but deny the Power thereof, z This. 3. f. And God cloth not refpei the outward profeffion, r Pet. r. r 7. There may be a carnal Chriftian, as well as á carnal Heathen; a man may talk well from his convidtions, or a meet difciplinary knowledge, but to do well, there needeth a living principle of grace. The Scriptures fiill fer forth graces by their operations, works, or fruits. For a dead fleepy habit is worth nothing ; Theworking Faith, carry eth away the prize of juftification, Gal. S. 6. Honour- eth Chrift, z Thef.' i. i t, iz. The labouring love is that which God will regard and re- ward, Heb. 6. so. The lively hope is the fruit of regeneration, i Pet. r. f. That which lets a doing, 2411s zq. 1 q, 16. And Ails 2.6.7, 8. Grace otherwife cannot appear in the view of Confcience. The apples appear when the fap is not feen, 'tis the operative and lively graces, that will difcover themfelves. Aman may think well, or fpeak well, but that grace which governeth his converfation fheweth its felt, God knoweth what is in man, whether faith be found in the firft planting, before any fruit appear. But this Judg- ment is to proceed, not only by the knowledge of the Judge, but the evidence of our own Confciences, the obfervation ofothers, and what openly appeareth in our lives. z. How thefe works are confidered, with, refpeíl to our fentence and doom. r. Our afionsare confidered here with refped to the principle from whence they flew, a renewed heart; God doth not look to the bare work, but to the fpring, and motives, and ends, Pro; t6. z. He weigheth the Spirits quo animo, not only the matter and bulk of the aâion, but with what Spirit, and from what principle it is done, Eph. q. 9. For the fruit of the Spirit is all goodnefs, Righteoufnefs and truth. Whether we aft from a principle of grace in the Heart. A violent motion difl-ereth from that which floweth from an inward principle. Chrilt firft giveth a difpofition to obey, before there is an adtual fincere obedience. And living in the Spirit, goeth before walking in the Spirit, Gal g. 25. The principles are infufed, and then the aétion follows. 'Tis laid, John 3. z r: He that cloth truth cometh to the light. That his deeds may be made manifeft, that they are