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1<02 S E R M O 11 S upon the Serm. XVI: bound by any right or Juitice from the merit of the anion its felfto reward it, for here the greatnefs of theobje& leffeneth the a &ion; for be the creature what he will,he oweth his whole felf to God,who is placed in fuch a degree of eminence,that we can lay no ob- ligation upon him; fo that he is not bound by Ifs natural Juftice to reward us, but only in- dined fo to do by his own goodnefs,and bound fo to do by his free promife and covenant of grace. Arifiotle laid well, that Children could not merit of their Parents, and all their kindoefs and duty theyperformed, is but ajuft recompenfe to them from whom under God they have received their being ; for right and merit, ftriály taken, is only between thofe who in a manner are equals, if not between Children and Patents certainly not be- tween God and man. Well then, though fin deferveth punifhment, yet our good works deferve not their reward. That grace which firft accepted us with all our faults, doth Rill Crown us, and beftow all that honour and Glory which we expe& at Chas corning. But what refpecf then have our works to our reward? Anfwer r. They render us a more capable objeéi of Gods delight and approbation. For furely the holy God delighteth in his Faithful Servants, Matth. zr. z t. Euge bone ferve.Conformity to his nature and will, fuiteth more with his holinefs than fin and difobe- dicnce. z. They qualify us, and make us more capable of the rewards of his Gofpel Covenant which requireth that we fhould accept of our Redeemers mercy, and return to onr obe'- dience,and continue in that obedience, that the Righteous Judge may put the Crown upon our. heads in that day, z. Tim. 4. 7, 8. 3. Works are produced, as the undoubted evidence of a found Faith ; they are a demon- . fh-atien. à jgnis notioribuc, as molt confpicueus, and fo fit to juftifv believers before all the World ; the fprinkling oldie Blood, on the door polls fignifieth there dwell Ifra- lites : So fuch an uniform courfe of Holinefs thews that Faith is rooted in them. 4. They are a meafure of.the degree of the reward; for, z Cor. y. 6. He that fowetb fparingly; /ball reap fparingly, and he that foweth bountifully, find reap bountifully. Not only Glory, but great Glory, with great meafure. So far we may go fafely, and lefs we cannot, unlefs wewould infring a care of Holinefs. VS E. Oh then let us take heed what we do in the Body, whether we low to the Flefh or the Spirit. Let us be fore, that our feed be good, if we would expe& a good crop. Now 'Cis feed time, but then is the harveft, works will be enquired after. 'Tis not ourvoice, but hands ;like as Ifaac, the voice is yards, but' the hands, are the hands of Etas; Nothing will evidence our fincerity, but a Uniform, confiant courfe of Jai': denying obedience. s. An uniform courfe it mull be. A man may force himfelf into an a &, or two ; Saul in a rapture may be among the Prophets. A man is Judged by his courfe, and walk. A Child of God may be under a ftrange appearance for an ad or fo; you can no more Judge of them by that, than you can Judge of the Glory ofa flreet, by a fink or kennel. On the otherfide, men may take on Religion at fed times, as men in an Ague, have their well days, the fit of luft or firs is not always upon them, Pfa. r o6. 3. Bleffed are they that keep Judgment, and he-"that doth Righteoufnefs at all times. When a mans Converfation is all of a piece, his courfe is to pleafe God in all places, and in all things, not by Starts, and in goodMoods, t John 3.9. Whofoever is born of God, doth not commit fin, for his feed remaineth in him, and he cannot fin, for he is born of God An a& of voluntary finis as monftrous,asan Hen to lay the Egg of a Crow ; many mens lives fpeak Contradi&ións. Saul at one time puts all the Witches to Death, at another time, hath recourfe with a Witch himfelf. Jehu fheweth his zeal, againftllhabs Idolatry, but not againft Jeroboams. z. Confiant. There is a Strait-Gate, and a narrow way ; we mull enter one, and walk in the other; there is making Covenant, and keeping Covenant, Pfeil. ro3. IS. To fuck as keep his Covenant, and to thole that remember his Commandments to do them, Gal. 6. 16. As many as walk according to this rule, Peace and Mercy than be upon them, and upon the whole lfrael ofGod. Faith and obedience, are Conditions of Pardon, and confiant obediencé is a Condition of Salvation. 3., Self-denyingly aíledGood words are not dear; Be warmed, be cloathed. In r John 3. 16. the Apollo fpeaketh of laying down our life for the Brethren, of opening our hands and bowels for refrefhing the hungry, and cloathing the naked. So proportionably when we take pains to inftru& the ignorant, exhort the obftinate, confirm the weak, comfort the affli&ed; Do you think that Religion lyeth only in hearing Sermons,in fing- ing