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Ver. io. Fifth Chap. 2d Ep. to the C O R I N T H. 103 ing Pfalms, reading a Chapter, or in á few drowfy Prayers, or curfory Devotions ; there are the means but where is the fruit, No it lyeth in. Self denying obedience. Thefe are the Ads about which we fhall be queftioned át the day of Judgment,Math.25.Have you vifi -. ted,haveyouclothed,do you own the Servants òfGod when the times frown upon theme Do you relieve them and comfort them in their diftreffest Lip labour, and Tongue fer- vice is a cheap thing, and that Religion is . worth nothing which coils nothing, 1. Jasa. 24 24. When we deny our felves, and apparently value Gods intereft above our own, then our fincerity is molt evidenced, and every one of us is to confider what intereft God calleth him to deny upon the hopes of Glory, and, whatever it cofteth us, to be Faithful with God. A cheap conrfe of ferving God bringeth you none or little comfort ; certainly a man cannot be thorough in Religion but he will be put upon many occafions of denying himfelf, his safe, profit, honour, and sting contrary to his natural inclinations,or Worldly interefts; thofe that regard only the fafe,cheap and eafy parr, do not fet upChrifts Religi- on, but their own ; a Chriftianity of their own máking,Matth.16.24. Then _laid 3efas unto his difciples,If any man will come after me; let him denyhimfelf, and take up hit Crofs,andfol low me. SERMON XVII. 2 Cor. 5. Io. That every man may receive the things, done in the Body, according to-what he bath done; good or bad. THis receiving reláteth either to the Sentence or the Execution ; principally the latter. Do &. The end of the lall judgment is, that every man, according to what hihath done, may receive reward and punifhment. Without this,the whole procefs of that day would be but a folemn and ufelefs pagean. try, and therefore the end bindeth allupon us.And as we have confidered the other circtim- ftances, we mull confider this alfo. This receiving the things done in the Body relateth either to the doom and fentence: Or elfe to the Execution. For the fentence fee Senn. Mat. 25. verfe 34. (Sr 41. I (hall here fpeak of the execution;''ris fet forth emphatically,Matth. 25. 46. Thefe Jhallgo away into everlajling pun inent, arc/ the Righteous into lie eternal. Inwhich Scripture, r. There is A Deli ibution of theTerfons. Thefe and the Righteous the Goats and the (beep, the workers of iniquity and the Godly, the Righteous and the wicked. This is the mot material diltinflion, and aneverlaftingdiflin &ion.'Tis the aloft material and important diftin&ion.There is a diftin &ion of Nations, fome lye hearer tothe Sun; others more remote or, farther off;, force in a foutherly,forcein a northerly climate, but they are all alike near to the Sun ofrighteoufnefs. 7ew, or Greek, orBarbarian,are alloue inChrill; Gal. 3.28. There is a diftin&ion of endowments, force are learned and'fome unlearned. Yet the Gofpel looketh equally upon both, andChrills difciples owe the equaldebt of love to both, Rom. 1. 14 There isadiftm&ionof ranks and degrees in the World, force are no- ble,and others ignoble, but before God, omnisfanvuis concolor, All blood is of a colour, and the true Spiritual nobility, is to be born of God, Jo /sn 1.13. The Gofpel puts the rich and poor on the fame level, Jam. 1. 9,10. They differ in worldly eflate; but all have the fame Redeemer, as under the Law, the rich and the Poor paid the fame Ranfom, Exod. ;o. 15. There isa diftin6tion between bond and free,but the bond are Chriftsfreemen, r Cor. 7. 22. And the free isChrifts Servant, Eph. 6.7. All thefe are not material to our acceptance with God. There is a diftindion between opinions and petty fells and parties in the Church; but