Manton - BX8915 M26 1684 v1

Ver. a i. Fifth Chap. 2d Ep. to the C O R I N T H. 109 uproar.I mutt give an account for idle words,carelefs praying,and unprofitable mifpending of time. 3. Improve it to patience under ignominy and reproaches. Thy innocency will appear on thy tryal, if in an abje& Condition the upright fhall have dominion in the morning; af- fliûions and perfecutions will then end, and thou !halt have thy reward, s Thef. t. 6, 7. And yehecame followers of us, and of the Lord;having received the word in much afliflion, with joy in theHoly Ghofl, fo that ye were eufamples of all that biliove in Macedonia and Achaia.And, t Cyr.; ç48. Wherefore my beloved, be fledfafl and unmoveable,always abound- ing in the work of the Lord, for as much as ye know your labour ,/ball not be in vain in the Lord. F I NI S; ERRATA: pAge 3. line 8. read /hid, p.9.1.a.r.fpeakethofit:n already pall,p.r 5d.í4. r. He hatb,p. ró.1.5;,54 r. ifit nit ftrdëgé? 7hints that ii re f andabout which they have no pre fent exercife. They ftronois bebeue, p.18.1.2. r.Sarefy, p.r 9. dele t. p.23.1.23. after long: r. In the Loris sex.. me have a foretafr of that Nero 15ine, that is in our Fathers Kingdom, pg.263. alt.& p.27.1. r. 7u onOrnament, a beautiful loltento the Soul, p.43.1.14. after comfort, add, id,p47.1.24r. 7 berifore,, p.58.1.4r. r. Hen is neither oil anti, p. 9.Lb9'romoretb upoon,p.66o.I.o6, dir.wddbelske him,p.61.1.38. Lon ourpart,1.44. for 0-our may, r.'f Faith, p. 62.1. 16. after felf- baying p.65 4. r port, dele Thu,p.67.l.7.r. when the body u weakefl,p73.1.27,28.r. The being reioociled to him is his great care, the ?leafing of him his molt iadaftricen Imployment; His life is nothing elfe, &c. p.74.1.21.r. a Carnalili, p.76.I.3P. dele is. o. é cheap."_ _._ 1