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Ver. 3 I. xxvh. Chapter of St. MATTHEW: i 5't man, 310/m 3. 17. For God fent.stnt his Sm to Con.'amn tine world, but »hat the world, through him might be laved His work then was to hold out the Way of life, et to operi the way. of Salvation to loft man, as á meek Saviour and Merliatour : So 'john 12. 47. If any man her my nyr ás, and believe there not, I fa<?:e him not, for I came not to 'jad't the world, bat to fave tale' monad; I lodge not; that is as ,'et He laid aGde the perfon of a JEidge then, and took on him the Odice of a Sa- viour, to offer and purchale Mercy ; that Was his proper Errand when ho caniè firft into the world : So Lok. 9. 56. 't hé S:n of man is not core to d_ flroy mess lives, but to Pave them: And to comply with that end, he call a veil upon his Glory, and endured the enmity trod contradiaion of the world ; but now 'cis otherwifè ; fo that the feandal of his IA efface is fully taken off: 2. He appeareth in this great Glory to beget a greatr Reverence and Fear in the hearts of all thofe that !hall be Judged by him : He tenet's theos aforeband, That the Son of man will come in great Glory and Majeffy: To daunt and quell. the haughty minds and proud conceits of the Potentates, Opprelfors, and great ones of the Earth,. who often abulà their Power to wrong and violence, 1 cclef. g. 8: If thou feefl the Opprellion of the poor, and the violent perverting of 'judgment and fu¡lice in a Province, marvel not at the matter, for he that is higher than the high :ft. regard= eth, and there be higher than, th y : Here is fwaying and fwaggering, and bearing high Upon the thought of their Title and greatnefs ; but there they and all their greatnefs and power fhall meet with a Judge that is able by the breath of his mouth to conform them. What meaneth_ the Inf6[ency of the Mighty, the Pride of the great Heroes of the Earth, that :well and grow haughty with their great: nefs, to look and fpeak fh big ? Nothing is fo profitable to allay the exceffes of Power, or to fortifie us agaui{t the fears of it, as the confideration of this migh= ty Judge, who will review all matters, and caufe the great men of the Earth to tremble. Power is an unwieldy thing, apt to degenerate, and to put men up- on unwarrantable pra &ices ; therefore, it needeth to be allayed and ballanced with the confideration of a greater power : Alas ! all the Power and Glory of the world is but a Fancy, a vain Pageantry, if compared to Chrifts Power and Glory ; what is their Authority to his ? their Splendour to his ? their Guard to his ? Nothing can excufe them, this Judgment muff and {hall pats upon them. 3. For the Comfort of his People, for Chrift is a pledge and pattern of what fhall be done in them ; in all things he muff firft it ; Rom. 8. 29. And we ire made conformable to his Image and likenefs : All Priviledges come to us, not only from Chrift, but through Chrift ; He as Mediator is the firft Poffeffor : Are we Eleffed ? he was Eleaed firft, My EletI Servant, Ifa. 42. I. Are we Juftified ? fó was he as our Surety, I Tim. 3. i6. 'jußified in the Spirit : Are we Sanfified ? Fielt he received the Spirit of Holinefs ; are we Glorified ? fo was he, Col. 3. 4. When Chrift who is our life ¡ball appear, we ¡hall appear with him in Glory: r job. 3. 2. We ¡hall be like him, for ive ¡hall fee: him as he is. There will be a manifeltation of the Sons of God, Rom. 8. 19. Firft, the firft -born, then all the ref( of the Brethren ; yea, we participate of his Judicial Power : The Saints Ihall not only be judged, but be Judges, 1 Cor. F. 2, 3. The evil Spirits a long time ago had their Punifh- ment, but then their folemn Doom : The Saints {hall fit down with him as Jufti- ces upon the Bench ; here the Saints judge the World by their Do/rine and Con- verfation, there by their Vote and Suffrage : There is the Relation between Chrift and the Church of Wife and Husband ; Vicar fulget Radiis Mariti; as the Hus- band riléth in honour, fo doth the Wife : Of Head and Members, when the Head is Crowned, all the Members are cloathed with Honour : His Myftical Body (hares with him, that there may be a proportion in the Body He is the Captain of our Salvation, and he will dignifie and reward his Souldiers, Heb.2. 1o. David when he was Crowned at Hebron, his followers were made Captains of thou- fands, Captains of hundreds, and Captains of fifties : Mailers and Servants, my Servant (hall be where I ans, he will put marks of Honour and Favour upon all his Servants : here they were difgraced with him, fiiffered with him, fleighted with him ; then they fhall be glorified with him, for (till there is a likenefs ; we muff be contented to lye hid, 'till he be publickly manifefted to the world, for we have all our Bleffiings at fecond hand. So much for the firft thing, His Per - fond Glory. Secondly,