162 S E Ii IONS upon the ,J E R M. X X them, their Perlons, their State, their Condition, their Place, their Countrey, their ConfliEts, Temptations and Difeafes : a Tim. 2. 19. The Lord knoweth who are his. Yoh. 13. r 8. I knów whom I have chow:: Though there be fo many thoufands._ of them Jemmied up and down in the World ; yet he is acquainted with every indi- vidual Perfon, every tingle Believer, and all their Necelltties ; fohn, lames, Thomas. As the High- Ptieft carried the Names of the Tribes upon his Bolom ; fo hath Ora the Names of every one that belongeth to God's Flock, engraven upon his Heart; though they may be defpicable in the World, mean Servants, employed in the lower - Offices of the Family : Pfal. 34. 6. This poor Man cryed unto the Lord. Poor *Soul ! he lieth under Each Temptations, encumbred with fuch Troubles, employed in fuch' an hard Task and Service ; my Father gave me a charge of him ; I mutt look to him. Luk. is. we read, that when one was milling, he left all to look after the (tray Lamb. His Knowledge is Infinite. 2. The goodne(s of a Shepherd lieth in his Pity and IT"fdom, to deal tenderly with the Flock, as their State doth require : fò is Chrilt a good Shepherd by reafon of his ténder refpeat, and gentle Condua. Ifa. 40. r t. He (hall feed his Flock like a Shep- herd ; he fhall gather the Lambs with has,Arm, and carry them in his Bofom; and fhall gently lead thole that are with young. He gnideth his People with Difpenfarions fuit- able to them : In his Life-time he taught them, ,gaaç 18w5aeoo A.,, He fpake the Word unto them, as they were able to hear it, Mark 4. 33. As 3acab drove as the little ones and Cattel were able to bear, Gen. 33. 14. He calleth to work and fuffering, accord- ing as he giveth Grace and Strength, r Cor. to. r 3. Proporrioneth their Temptati- ons according to their Growth and Experience. He fenderh great Tryals after large Affurances, Heb. ro. 32. As Caftles are viétualled before they are fuffered to be Be_ fieged There is a fweet Condefcention in all his Difpenfàtions, to every ones State and Condition. 3. The goodnefs of a Shepherd lieth in a conftant performing all Parts of a Shep- herd to them : -Ezek. 34, r 5, r 6. I will leek that which was loft, bring back that which was driven away, bind up that which was broken, grengthen that which was Fick : But I will deftray the Fat, and the Strong, and- feed them with yudg »rent. There is all necellary Attendance and Accommadation conducing to the Safety and Welfare of the Flock ; to proteEt them from Violence from without, to prevent Difeales within, to keep them from {fraying by the Infpirations of his Spirit, and the Fence of his Providence; (Bleffed be Gad, that feat thee to meet me this Day, faith holy David,) and to reclaim and reduce them when ftrayed. It were endlefs to infrante in all. 4. There is this Particularity in this good Shepherd, of which there is no refemblance found in others : yob. to. se. I am.thegood Shepherd, that giveth my Life for the Sheep. Hedoth not only give Life to them,but his own Life for them,by way of.Ranfom. This is a Flock purchafed by the Blood of God, Ad. 20 28. Be came from Heaven to find out loft Sheep ; left a Palace for the Wildernefs, and the Throne for the Fold. Da- vid was called from the Sheep -hook to the Scepter ; but Chrilt from the Scepter to the Sheep-hook ! Loft Man had never been found, if Chrift had not come from Hea- ven to feek him : We were forfeited, and therefore to be ranfomed ; and no Price would lerve, but Chrift's own Blood. 5. There is this peculiar in this goad Shepherd, that he maketh us become the Flock of his Pafture, and Sheep of his Fold, Pfal. too. 3. When other Shepherds have the Sheep delivered into their Hands, he fearcheth up and down for them in the Woods and Defàrts : Where -ever they are fcatterd abroad, a Lamb here, and a Lamb there ; Free Grace findeth them out. Ezek. 34.4. I will fearch out my Sheep, and Peek them out. Z5ph. 3. so. I will look after my Difperfed from beyond the River of Æthiopia. In the farthermoft and unknown Countries in every Land, Chrift knoweth where his Work lieth, though it may be but One in a Village, in the midP of Wolves and Swine. He maketh them to be what they are not by Nature ; turneth and chang- eth Swine into Sheep; and Wolves into Lambs: (z.) He is the Great Shepherd. e. Great in his Perlon, the Son of God ; Domi- nús exercitum, fit Paftor Ovium, faith Bernard ; The Lord of Holls is become the Shepherd of the Flock : He needed us not, if he had delighted in multitudes of Flocks and Hcards, there are ten thoufand times ten thoufand Angels that hand about the Throne ; He needed not leave his Throne and die for Angels, as for us : And, 2. He is Great in regard of the excellency of his Gifts and Qualifications : He is King, Prick and Prophet ; in the Paftoral relation he manifefteth all his O,fices ;