Manton - BX8915 M26 1684 v1

76ç S E R MO N S upon the S E R M. XX. Wolves, Lyons and Leopards need none to watch over them. Briars and Thorns grow alone : But the nuble Vine is a tender thing, and muff be fupported, pruned and dreffed. The higher the Being' the more neceffitous, and the more kept in dependance. There needs more care to prelèrve a Plant, than a Stone ; a Stone can eafily aggregate, and gather Mofs to its fell. There neededt more Supplies for a Beaft, than a Plant ; and more Supplies to a Man, than to a Beaft. Thirdly, The Wicked are as Goats. They are as Goats both for their Vnrulinefs and Vncleanne/s :, Unrulinefs they have not the Meeknefs of Sheep, are ready to-break through all Fence and Refiraint So a wicked Man is yokelefs. They are alfò wanton and loathfom ; Otis a barer fort of Animal, than the Sheep : Therefore chofee to fee forth a wicked and ungod- ly Man. The Second Point expreffed, is this : That though now there is a Confufon of Godly, and Wicked, as of Goats and Sheep in the fame held ; yet then there fhall be a perfeet Separation. There will not then be one of one fort, in company with the other : Pfal. ço 5. He still gather his Stints together. And Ezek. 34. 17. 1 will judge between Cartel and Cattel, the Sheep, and the Goats. Pfal. r. 5. The `Ungodly fhall not (land in the yudg- ment, nor Sinners in the Congregation of the Righteous. When the Saints meet in a general Affembly, not one bad fhall be found among them. Though now they live together in the fame Kingdom, in the fame Village, ha the fame vifible Church, in the fame Family ; yet then a perfe& separation. The Reafons are briefly there two : (r.) The Ysadges Wifdom and Perfpecuity. (2) His 3` office. They that will not endure them non, fhall net then abide with them in the fame Fellowfhip. r. t S E. Here is Comfort to them that mourn under the degenerate, and corrupted State of Chriflianiry. The Good and the Bad are mixed together ; many times they live io the fame Herd and Flock : 'Tis a trouble to the Godly, that all are not as they . are : And we feel the Inconveniency ; for the Carnal Seed will malign the Spiritur. al, Gal. 4. 29. But God will diftinguifh between Cattel and Cartel. Difcipline in, deed is req sired in the Church, to keep the Sound from being infeaed ; and the N,glel of ir, is nastier of Grief. But the Work is never perfe&ly done, till then: Then there is a perfect Separation, and a perpetual Separation, never to mix 'more. 2. V S E. This may ferve to alarunr Hypocrites. Many hide the Matter from the World, and themfelves ; but Chrifl fhall perfe&ly difcover them, and bring them to Light, and Thew themfelves to themfelves, and all the World. All their fhifts will not ferve the turn. Here are mixed together the Sheep and the Goats, the Chaff and the folic! Grain,. Tares and Wheat, Thorns and Roles, Veffels of Ho= Hour and Difhonour. Many do halt between God and Baal. A Man cannot fay, They are Sheep or Goats ; neither do they themfelves know it. Therefore, it calleth up- on us to make our Eftate more explicite : Yea, many that formed Sheep, fhall be found Goats. Then 'twill appear, whether they are Regenerated to the Image of Chrif , or deflitute of the Spirit of SanFtification, yea or no: Whether they loved God above all, or continued' ferving the Flefh, making it their End and Scope. 3. V S E. Are we Sheep or Goats ? There is no neutral or middle Eftare..Is there a fètoBble Diftinétion between us, and othets? then we fhall have the Fruit and Comfort of it at that Day. r Pet. 2.25. 7e were as Sheep going a/lray ; but no v are returned to the B,fh,,p and Shepherd of your Souls. We all Mould' look back upon our former Courfes, betaking our fell/es to yefua. Ckrifl, feeking to enjoy his FFavour and