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Ver. 3 4. xxv`l' Chapter of St. MATTHEW. i 7 2 real Happinefs, 'till we are brought to contettin earthly Happinefs. Partly as it ur- geth to care and diligence, and coaltancy in Obedience : This is the Spring that, Pets all the wheels a going, Phil. 3.1 3. prep towards the mark, becaufe of the high prize of our calling : What is the reafon Chritlians are fo earneo and ferrous? there is an excellent Glory fet before them, the Race is not for trifles ; we want vi- gour, and find fuch a tedioufirefs in the Lords work, becaufe we do not think of the Kingdom of Heaven prepared for us, 2 Cor. 8. 8, q. r Cor. x5. 53. We are confident and willing rather to be abfent from the body, and prefent with the Lord Wherefore we labour that whether we are prefent or abfent, we may be accepted of hem : If it be tedious 'to us to be at work for Gb "d, this tedioulnefs will not confift with the chearful remembrace of that great Bleffednefs which he hath prepared for us : How eminent fhould we be in the labours of Hobasefs, tò whom this Elate was fo peculiarly defigned ? Partly in Selfdenyal ; men venture all in this wife! of Hope : Selfdenyal is Peen in refuting and refilling temptations of honour and profit ; fin maketh many Promifes, and fo prevaileth by a carnal Hope ; Ba- lsam was enticed by proffers of riches to Curfe Gods People : Babylon Fornicati- on are prefented in a Golden Cup ; now Faith and Hope Pets Promife againfl Promife, Heaven againfl Earth, the ,Pleafunes at Gods right hand again carnal delights ; as the Kingdoms of the world are nothing to this glorious Kingdots. Partly in Charity laying up treafure in Heaven, Luk. 12. i 3. Being rich in good works, I Tim. 6. a . I call this Self denyal, becaufe'ris a lofs for the prefènt, Ertl. 2. So in hazarding Interefls : Chriftians Bletlings are future, their Croffes are prefent, Rom. 8. 18. 2 Cor. 4. 12. Thus you fee there are fome who are carryed on by the hopes, of Heaven, to make ferrous preparation ; others are wholly wedded and addiaed to prefent things. The World morally and fpiritually confidered, is divided into two ranks ; the one of the Devil, the other of God Some feek their refl and happinefs on earth, ethers eternal Felicity in Heaven ; by nature all are of this earthly Society,- in the Kingdom of darknefs, and orangers to the Common-wealth and City of God ; but when Grace hath wrought in them the belief of this coming of Chriff, and the hope of this bleffed Eflate is rooted in us, wè are alwayes purging out of flefhly lulls, and weaning our hearts from the world, exercifing our fèlves to God - linefs, and denying our worldly Interefls. 4. This Hope mutt moderate our Fears, Sorrows and Cares, Co as no temporal thing. fhould unreafonably affea us, Luk. r 2. 32. Fear not little flock : The Fear is allayed, the World cannot take away any thing from us fo good as Chrift will give unto us ; if our earthly Elate be fequeflred, or any way taken from us, we have a better Eflate in Heaven, Heb. so. 34. If we be reproached and difgra- ced in this world, yet we fhall be Kings and Prieos, and for ever be honoured in Heaven ; if banifhed and driven from place to place, fo that we can find no sell nor fafety, but are wearied out with our removals ; let us confider we have a place of eternal abode in Heaven, a Kingdom that cannot be fhaken, of which none can difpoffefs us ; our Sufferings may be many, long and grievous, bist then all will be at an end, when Chrifl fhall place us at his right hand, Heb. 6. 19. Which Hope have we as an Anchor of the Soul, both fare and fleadfa fl, and which en- tereth into that within the vail : We have a fure Anchor in the ftormy gulls of Temptations ; 1 Thef. 5. 8. Let us pat on the Breafl plate of Faith and Love, and for an Helmet the hope of Salvation : and Eph. 6. 17. And take the Helmet of Salvation : Hope is our Helmet in, the dreadful day of Battei : As long as we can lift up our heads and look to Heaven, we fhould patiently bear all Calamities : We fhall at lafl hear this Bleffed Voice, Come ye bleffed of my Father, inherit the Kingdompre - pared for you, from the Foundation of the World. SERMON