178 SE K M O N Supon the SERM. XXII. Sentence is manifefted by producing our Works. This will appear, if. we confider, I. The Bufanefr, Scope, or End of the Day of judgment. 2. The Refpell of Good Works, and bow far they are confidered. Firff, The Bufanefs of that Day is not only to glorifie God's free Love and Mercy, but alfò his Holinefs; rewarding Juffice and Truth : Then God will not only glo- rifie the Riches of his Glorious Grace, in the Ele&ing of his People out of his Love and Favour to them, without any thing confidered in them ; (Come ye Bleffed of my arher ! The firft Caufe of our Salvation, is made the Blefling of the Father :) But alto his Remunerating Juffice, Veracity or Truth. This maketh for our purpofe now. (I.) His Holinefs. The Holy God delighteth in Holinefs. He will now manifeft it in the Sun, the Eftimation he hath of the Holinefs of his People. The Veil is taken away : Now 'cis made matter of Senfè. 'Tis a Delight to him. Chry men- tions their Graces and Services, as things which are pleating and acceptable to him : Pfd. í. 4. Thou art not a God that haft pleafure in Wickednefs. But he bath pleafure in the Holinefs of his People. The Upright are his Delight ; and, as fuck, will he fpeak of them, and commend them, and reprefent them to the World. (2.) His Remunerating Juftice. The Juftice of God requireth that there fhould be different Proceeding with them that differ among themfelves ; that it should be well with them that do well, and ill with them that do evil : That every Man fhould reap according to what he hath fown, whether he hath fown according to the Flefh, or the Spirit ; and the Fruit of his Doings be given into his Bofom. Therefore, thofe whom Chrift will receive into Everlatting Life, muff appear Faith- ful and Obedient : For then Chriff will Judge the World in Rigliteoufnefs, .4éí. 17. 31. (3.) That he may Phew his Veracity and Faithfulnefs. The Faithful God will make good his Promifes, and reward all the Labours, and Patience, and Faithfulnefs of his Servants, according to his Promifes to them. If his Promifes take notice of Works, his Juflice will. God is not unfaithful, or unrighteous, to forget your Work, and Labour of Love, which you have fbewed to his Name; Heb. 6. to. Secondly, The refpell of Good Works, and how far they are confidered. I. They are Perfellional Accomplifhments t Thofi: that have done them, are love - ly Objeas in his Sight, as being conformed to his Nature and Pattern. Can we imagine, that God Mould bid the Saints love 'one another for their Holinefs, and count them the Excellent Ones of the Earth; P fal. i6. 3. how poor and defpicable foever they be as to their outward Condition' and that he himfelf fhould not love them the more ? We that have but a drop of the Divine Nature, hare impure Sinners ; Lot's righteous Soul was vexed with the filthy Converfation of the Wicked, 2 Pet. 2. 8. And we find a Complacency and Delight in the Good. And can we imagine, .without a manifeft Reproach tó him, that God fhould be fo indifferent to Good and Evil ; and that the Saints fhould not be more lovely in his Sight for their Holinefs ? Therefore, the more lovely, the more endeared Objefts to their Re- deemer. 2'. They are ,qualifications to make them capable of his Remunerating 7uffice. There is in God a threefold Juflice : Firff His 'trill Ju flice, Secondly, His 7uffice of Bounty, or free Beneficence ; and, Thirdly, As fudging according to his Gofpel -Law of Promife. (a.) He may be raid to be ffriftly guff, when he rewardeth Man according to his inertial Obedience; yet no Obedience, though never fo perfe&, can bind him to reward Man or Angel. (2.) He is Tuff by fray of Bounty, when he rewardeth a Man capable of Re- ward ; though not in refpe& of his perfef Righteoufiiefs in himfelf, yet becaufe he is fore way righteous in refried of others that are unrighteous : So 'tis faid, 2 Theff. I.6, 7. 'Tis a righteous thing with God to recontpenfe Tribulation to them that trouble his Saints : And to them that are troubled, reff, &c. This with refpeEt to Chrifs Merit, and the Qualification of the Parties. (3.) The Third Righteoufnefs, is in Performance of his Promifes : For though his Promife be free ; yet if it be once made, Jn (lice doth require it ; and God is not free, but bound to perform it. Now, in there two latter Refpe&s, are they capable, 3. They