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Ver. 3 7, 3 8, &c. xxvth. Chapter of St. MATTHEW. 183 Fill, For their QueJlion, certainly 'cis not moved, (1.) By way of Doubt or exception to the Reafon alleadged by the Judge in his Sentence, there being a perfect Agree- ment and harmony of mind and will between them. Neither, (2.) Out of Ignorance, as if they knew not that Chrift was lò much concerned in their works of Love, done to his. Children for his fake ; for this they knew aforehand, that what was done to Chriftians, is done to Chrift, and upon that account they do ir, as to Chrilt; and fuch Ignorance cannot be fuppofed to be found in the glorifi- ed Saints. (3.) Some fay, the Qieftion is put to exprefs an holy wonder at what they hear and fee ; and no question Chrift will then be admired in his Saints, 2 Thef. 1. to. And three Caufes there may be of this wonder. (t.) Their humble fenfe of their own Nothingnefs, that their Services fhóuld be taken notice of, and rewarded ; that lie fhould have fuch a refpect for their mean offices of Love, which they little efteemed of, and had no confidence in them. (a.) The greatnefs of Chrisis Conaefcention, that he fhould have fach a care of his mean Servants, who were fo defpicable in the world. (3.) The greatnefs of the Reward : Chrift ,fhall fo incomparably, above all that they could ask or think, reward his People, that they fhall wonder at it. This fenfe is pious, taken up by molt Interpreters ; I fhould acquiefce in ir, but that I find the fame queftion put by the Reprobates afterwards, verf. 42, 43, 14. they ufe the fame words ; therefore I think the words are barely Parabolical, brought in by Chrift, that he might have occafion further to declare himfelf, how they fed him, and cloathed him, and what efteem he will put upon works of Chari- ty, and to imprefs this truth the more upon our minds, that what is done to his People, is accepted by him, as if it were done to his Perlon : However, becaufe the former fenfe is uleful, I ¡hall a little infrft upon it in this note. Doctrine, That when Chrift ¡hall come to Reward his People, they (hall have great cafe to wonder at all that they fee, hear and enjoy. (r.) They (hall wonder at the Reafen alleadged : They that are holy, ever think humbly of their own works, and therefore conldering their no defèrvings, their ill - defervings, they cannot fatisfie themfelves in admiring and extolling the rich Grace of their Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift ; that he ihould take notice of any thing of theirs, and produce it into Judgment : fee how they exprefs themfelves now, Pfad. 143. 2. Enter not into fudgment with thy Servant ; Non dicit cum hojli- bus tads : So Pfal. r 3o. 3. If thou ¡houldefi mark Iniquity, O Lord, who (hall /land ? So r Cor. 4. 4. For I know nothing by my felf, yet am not I thereby 'uflified : Ifa. 64. 6. But we are as anunclean thing, and all our Righteoufnefe.s are as filthy rags : This thought they have of all they do, and their minds are not altered then, for this is the Judgment of Truth, as well as of Humility, Luk. 17. 10. When we have done all, we are unprofitable Servants 4 Their Lord hath taught them to fay fo, and think fo ; they did not this out of Complement : And for their works of Mercy, they were not to let their left hand know what their right hand did, Math. 6. 3. 'Tis a Pro- verb that teaches us, that we fhould not fuffer our felves to take notice of what we give in Alms, nor efteem much of ir, as if there were any worth therein ; and therefore when Chrift maketh fuels reckoning of there things, their wonder will be railed, they will fay, Lord, when fain we thee an hungry or athirfl ? Thèir true and fincere Humility will make them call their Crowns before the Throne, laying, Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour ; Lord, 'tis thy Good - nefs, what have we done ? The Saints when they are higheft, ftill Phew the low - eft figns of Humility to their Redeemer, and confefs that all the glory they have, they have it from him, and are contented to lay it down at his feet, as holding it by his Acceptance, and not their own Merit ; they have all, and hold all by his Grace, and therefore would have him receive the' Glory of all. (2.) They fball wonder at the greatnefsofChrifis Condefcention, and hearty Love to his Servants, though poor and defpicable : for in the day of Judgment, he cloth not commemorate the Benefits done to him in Perlon, in the dayes of his Flefh, but to his Members in the time of his Exaltation : he cloth not mention the Alabafter box of precious Oyntment poured on his head,, nor the Entertain- ments made him when he lived upon earth ; put the feeding and cloathing of his hungry and naked Servants : The greateft part of Chriftians never law Chrift in the