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IO SERMONS upon the SERMII. any complained of beginning with God too foon: many could have wilhed they had known the wayes of Righteoufnels fooner, Rom. 13. t. Many. have judged the time pafl more than enough, r Pet14. 3. Thirdly, 'Tis not fo fleight and eafie a thing to get to Heaven as the World imagineth, Mat. 7.14. Strive to enter in at the fireight gate, for many Ad/ feek to enter and fhall not be able. Many deceive themfelves ; 'tis not fo broad as the Opi- nions of fome, as the praélices of more would make it, and the :carnal hearts of all would have ir. Broader or narrower it cannot be than Chrift hatlr left it. In the General, a man may come much too thort, none go over. Oh ! when you do but confider that many are, afar of, Eph. 2. 13. and fome are near, as Chrift told the young man, Thou art not far from the Kingdom of Heaven and others are fcarcely laved, and fome enter abundantly, it concerns us therefore to take heed to our felves. Fourthly, This is your Wifdom. There is a great deal of doe in the World about Wifdom. Yob ii. 12. Vain man would be accounted wife: A man cannot endure to be counted a Fool, will fooner own a Vice in Morals, than a weaknefs in In- teileE uals. Now Wifdom lyeth in Providence, and folly in Negligence, efpecially in weighty matters : Thefe wife Virgins provided Oyl in their Veffels, and the wife Builder built upon a Rock. They are wife inGods account, whatever the World thinketh of them, that are wife for Heavenlythings, and govern their hearts and ways exaaly, Eph. 5. r4, 15. and they. are fools that never mind the good of their Soul's. What. would you have us do ? I will only prefs you to three things. r. Let your Belief be found and firm to the great Articles of Chriftianity 'eis Faith enlivens all our notions of God, john 6,69. IVe believe and are fare that thon art 7e ua the Son of God. 2. Let your Refolutions for God be unbounded, Pp. 119. 1 r2. You never knew a man fall off from God, but he loved fome fecret Luft, fome corruption was left unmortifyed, though for the prefent it did not appear to the party himfelf; this in time will break out, and caufe fame fcandalous fall. . 3. I woúld have you put it out of all queftion by the lively Exercife of your Grace, and by your diligence in the fpiritual Life, Phil. 2. tz. and in time 'twill grow up into an evidence, 2 Pet. r. 5. Luke 13. 3. Nothing will yield you coni fort, but the exercifing and increafing Grace. SKR N II. M A T T H. XXV. v. 3, 4. They that were foolifb, took their Lamps, and took no Oyl with them ; But the wife took Oyl in their Veffels, F with their tamps. O T only the openly wicked, thofe that eat and drink with the Drun- ken, are rejeled, but thofe that have fome thew of Godlinefs ; yea, liopefull beginnings, but not improved, is the drift of this Parable. We have confidered wherein the ten Virgins agree ; now, wherein they differ: They had fo much Wifdom to take their Lamps with them, but fo much Folly as to take no Oyl in their Veffels. Thefe" Veffels were annexed to their Lamps, or that part of the Lamp which was kind - 1cd and lighted. By the Lamps are meant outward Profeffon, Matth. 5. 16. by the Oyl,