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Ver. 41. xxvth Chapter of S. MATTHEW. , 195 a. VS E. It reproveth and convince) a. The Arheifl ; And, 2. The Carnal Senfualift. (i.) The Atheift, There Men are fhort.fighted ; they cannot out -fee Time, and look beyond the Grave : There is an ; How will you efcape it ? Men think In- credulity, or Unbelief is the belt Remedy againft this Fear, : Do but cgnfder there is ten thoufand to one (at leali) againft you. None more Credulous than the Athea If it prove true, in what a Cafe are you ? As fure as Gad is, this is true. It will do you no hurt to venture the fafeft way, upón,Probabilities, 'till we have further Affurance. Take heed of indenting with God upon your- own terms : Luk. r6. 31. They have Mofes, and the Prophets ; if they believe not them, neither will they be perfwaded if one came from the Dead. We will give Laws to Heaven, have one come from the Dead : God is not bound' to make them fee, that wilfully Phut their Eyes; nor to alter the Courfe of his Providence for our fake. (a.) The Carnal Senfualifl ; that is, the practical Atheifl, that put it off, becaufe they cannot put it -away, Amos 6. 3. Many that know themfelves carelefs, wretch- ed Creatures, yet are not at all troubled about things to come. A Star, that is big - ger than the Earth, yet feemeth to us to be but a Spark, becaufè of the great di- fiance between them and us. The Senfual Man lóoketh upon all things of the other World to be at a diftance ; it may be nearer than they are aware of: Their Damnation fleepeth not ; it lieth watching ro take hold of them. God can eafily put you into the Suburbs of Hell,. as BelJhazzar, Dan. 8. q. if you be negligent, and flip your time : You Ihould labour to be found of him in Peace. rrpw is the rime ofmaking Peace with God) if not, Depart ye Curled : So is every Man by Nature. And fuch who were never brought to a Senfe of the Curfe, and have not fled to Chrift for Refuge, Heb. 6. 18. and are not at 'elute- to think Of Eternity, God's Curfe cleaveth to them. 3. V S E. To. chide no for our unbelief. The Knowledge' of thefe things fwim- meth in the Brains ; we are guilty of Incogitancy, at leali. This appeareth, . (t .) By our Drowftnefs, and W,eakne/s, and Carelefnefs about the things of Eternity : Did we believe, that for every Lie we told, or every one whom we deceived or flandered, we were forced to hold our Hands in fcalding Lead for half an Hour, how afraid would Men be to commit an Offence ? Temporal things affeft us more than Eternal. Who would tafle Meat, if he knew it were prefent Death, or that it would colt him bitter Gripes and Torments ? How cautious are we in eating or drinking any thing in the Stone, or Chollick, or Gout, where 'tis but probable it will do us hurt ? We know certainly, that Sin bath Death in it : TheWages of Sin is Death, Rom. 6. 23. yet we continue in .Sin. (2.) By our backwardnefs to Good Works. Sins of Omilfron will damn a Man, as well as Sins of Commiffion ; fmall, as well as great. Chris's' faith not, Te have rob= bed ; but, Not fed, not cloathed : Not, blufphemed ; but, not invoked the Naie of God: Not, that you have done Hurt ; but, that you have done no Good. (3.) By our Weaknefs in Tempatations and Conflicts. We cannot deny a Carnal Pleafure, Math. nor withfland a Carnal Fear, t o. 28. Shrink at the leali Pains in Duty. The whole World promifed for a Reward, cannot induce us to enter into a fiery Furnace for half an Hour ; yet for a momentary Pleafure; we run the hazard of Eternal Torments. (4.) By our Carelefnefs in the matters of our Peace. If a Man were in danger of Death every moment, he would not be quiet till he had got a Pardon. How can a Man be quiet, till he hath fecured his Soul in the Hands of 7efus Chrift. He that believeth not in Chrift, the Wrath of God abideth on him. Cc 2 SERMON