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:z96 SERMONS upon the S E R M. XXV. SERMON XXV. MATTH. XXV. V. 4I. Then fhall he fay to them on the Left Hand, Depart vr Cur - fed, into Everlafling Fire, prepared for the Devil ti .si his An- gels. Come now to the Second DoLirine : II. DOLT. That thefe Torments /hall be fall at the ay offudgment. Then (hall he fay, &c. Firfi, There is fometbiag Prefappofed, that they begin prefendy after Death : They are in Hell as foon as the Soul departeth out of the Body ; that is, as to the Soul, as to the better half : Luk. r6. 22, 23. And it came to pafs, that the Begger dyed, and was carried by Angels into Abraham's boron : The rich Man alto dyed, and wa, baried ; and in Hell he lift up his eyes, being in Torments. 'Tis a Parable, but fure Chrifi fpake intelligibly, and p according to the received Do&rine of the Church in thole times. Mark how quick it followeth ; Here he had his Pleafures : ü snn 6:!3 ó vs5v r, The Rich Man alto died, (rich Men die as well as others,) and was hurled; it may be, had a pom- pous and ftately Funeral, when the Soul is in Hell : The Body is left in the hands of Death, but the Soul is in a living and fuffering Condition. The Souls of good Men are in Heaven, Heb. 12. 24. Spirits of Jufl Men made perfelI. 'T would be uncom- fortable for the Saints to tarry out of the Arms of Chrift fo long as the lafi Judg- ment ; to be in a drowfie Eliate, wherein they neither enjoy God, nor glorifie him : And fo the Spirits of wicked Men, they are in Hell, o eti i' r Pet. 3. 19. Who were fometimes difobedient,now in Prifon. It would be fome kind of comfort to the Wick- ed to be fo long delayed. The time is long till the lafi Judgment, and we are not moved with things at a difiance, what {hall be thoufands of years hence: It be- getteth a greater awe when the danger is nigh. Oh, let this Hartle wicked Men before night they may be in Hell, before the Body be committed to the Grave : the Soul flitteth hence as loon as it departeth out of the Body, to God that gave it, to receive Woe, or Weal. The hour of Death is fudden ; many are furprized, and taken unawares : Your carnal Companions, (if God would ufe that Difpen- fation) that fometimes bowzed, and caroufed with you, and wallowed in filthy Excels, by this time know what .'tis to be in Torments ; they would fain come and tell you, that you are as rotten Fruit, ready to tumble into the Pit of Darlt- nefs. Every wicked Man. groweth upon the Banks of Eternity, and hangeth but by a flender String and Root; one touch of Gods Providence, and they drop in- to Hell. Secondly, There is famething Expreffed : To wit, That theft Torments /ball receive their fall and final Accompli3Oiment at the laff Day. That