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Ver. 4 i. xxvth Chapter of St. MATTHEW. í 9 That their Torments fhall be increafed, appeareth, (I.) By Comparifon, (a.) By Scripture ; And, (3.) By Reafon. (I.) By Comparing them, i. With the Devils : Jude 6. And the Angels which kept not their firfl Eflate, but left their own Habitation, he bath refereed in everlafling Chains, under Darknefs, unto the .}udgment of the great day. As good men are 'i ayyfo fo wicked men are oa;aan :. The Devils for the prefent are under the powerful Wrath of God, and horrible Defpair. Though they have a Miniftry and Service in the World, yet they carry their own Hell about with them ; full of Fears and Trem- blings under the Wrath of God, but not in that extremity, difcontented with their prefènt Condition : Such a Fall is much to a proud Creature, and there is a de- fpair of a better ; Mat: 8. 29.- What have we to do with thee, fefuei thou Son of God t art thou come to torment as before the time ? There is a bitter expeEtation of Judg- ment to come: Now they have force delight in mifchief, but at the laft day their power (hall be reftrained, which is another Infelicity of their Nature. Their Ig- nominy (hall be manifefted before all the World ; they (hall be dragged before Chrift's Tribunal, and judged by the Saints whom they hate, t Cor. 6. 3. The good Angels (hall come as Chrift's Companions, the evil as his Prifoners. There are Sights that will work on their Envy, and thwart their Pride ; to fee the Glory of the Saints. and Angels. Dolet Diabolus, quod ipfum c' Angelos ejus Chr fi Ser- vus, ille Peccator judicaturas eft, faith Tertulüan. Then they are confined to Hell, there to keep their refidence, where they ¡hall have a more aftive fenfe of their own Condition, and of the Wrath of God that is upon them. So 'tis with wick- ed Men ; they have their Bell now, but at the laft day they ¡hall be brought forth as trembling Malefactors before the Bar of Chrift, all their privy Wickednefs ¡hall be manifefted before all the World, 2 Cor. 4. 1, s. 'However they may be honoured and efteemed now, either for their Power or Holinefs, they (hall then be put to publick Shame, driven out of his prefence with Ignominy and Contempt, cart in- to Hell to keep company with the Devils, where their Torments Ihall be molt exquifite and painful. 2. Compare them with the Saints : Heavens Joyes (hall then be full, fo Hells Tor- ments : The full Recompenfe of the Righteous, and the full Vengeance of the Wic- ked keep time and pace. Chrift cometh to fetch the Saints to Heaven in Sate, eu 4e J' á:; Rom. 8. 19. The earnefl Expectation of the Creature waiteth for the Ma- nifeflation of the Sons of God. Then it ¡hall be febq what God will do for his Children : They are clad in their belt Robes to let off Chrift's Triumph : So fuita.- bly the Wicked's Judgment is not yet full, upon the laft day it ¡hall be increa- fed. Chrift lets himfelf a -work, to ¡hew the power of his Wrath, to cloath thent with Shame and Contempt. (2.) Scripture. 2 Theft. 1.6,7, 8, g, to. When the Lord 7efur ¡hall be revealed front Heaven, with his mighty Angels, in flaming Fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, and obey not the Gofpel of our Lord fefus Chrifi : Who £hall be punifbed with everlafling Deflruelion from the Prefence of the Lord, and from the Glory of his Pow- er. Heb. lo. 27. There remaineth nothing but a certain fearful looking for of °fudg- ment, and fiery Indignation, which (ball devour the Adverfary. And in many other' places. (3.) Reafon. The Body, which hath fo long Refpite, then Bath its (hare of Mi- fery ; upon the Re-union of the Body and Soul they (hall drink the Dreggs of God's Wrath : The Soul worketh on the Body, and the Body on the Soul. As an hea- vy fad Spirit weakens the Body, and dryeth up the Marrow of the Bones, and a fickly Body maketh the Soul fad and mopifh ; fo, when the Soul is filled With An- gui¡h, and the Body with Pains, their Torment muff needs be greater, becaufe they have had a gteat fenfe of the Joy es of the glorified Saints; as that Noble- man-, Thine Eyes ¡ball fee ir, but thou Jbalt not tafle of it. It worketh upon their En- vy to fee'them,g %rified, w som they have maligned and ufed defpivhtfully ; and it worketh upon their Confcience ; this they have loft by their own folly : As a Pro- digal that cometh by the Houles and Fields which he bath fold, and thinks, This was mine,; 'tis a grating thought to think, This might have been mine. Partly, be- caufe of £lodgment and Sentence: Then the Books are opened, and all their wayes are