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200 SERMONS upon the SERM. XXV. Objeït. But, 'Cis fàid, Rom. 9. r r. Before the Children had done either Good or Evil, 'twas faid, Efaa have I hated : So that, it feemeth, that they are curfèd, and hared of God, before any Merit and Detèrt of theirs. I Answer ; There is a twofold Hatred ; (r.) Negative ; Or, (2.) Pofitive. r. Negative Hatred is, Noluntas miferendi ; a Purpofe not to give Grace, a nilling to give Grace. And then, 2. There is a Pofitive Hatred ; which is, Valuntas puniendi, & condemnandi. In other terms, there is, Praterttion, and Predamnatton. For the former, God hateth them, as he will not give Grace ; for he is not engaged : And 'tis a great Mercy, that when all are worthy of Punishment ; yet that he will choofe lome to Life. And for the latter, Punilh and Damn them, he doth not, till they deferve it by their own Sins : Therefore, it ftoppeth the Mouths of them that blafpheme the Holy One of Israel, as if he did create Men for Death, and the Pains of Hell. Hafea r 3.9. 0 Israel, thou hag destroyed thy felf. They are compassed with a Fire of their own kindling, Ifa. 5o. r r. But 'tis time to return. Wicked Men are curled of God ; and God's Curie is wont to take place : 'Tis no eafie matter to get rid of it ; the C urfe of the Law fticketh to them at the tall Day, and shall eternally. He doth not fay, Be' ye Curled ; but, Go ye Curled. They were Curled before they came to the Tribunal of Christ. Thofe that are condemned to Hell, are fuch as remain under the Curfe of the Law : And who are they ? Final Unbelievers. Firfl, Every Man by Nature is under the Curfe : For till we. are in Chrift, we are under Adam's Covenant ; and Adam's Covenant can yield nó Brett-mg to the fallen Creatures. Gil. 3. r o. As many as are under the Works of the Lary, are under the Curfe; for 'tis written, turfed. is every one that continueth not in all things that are written in the Book of the Law, to do them. The Law required' perfeEt, perpetual, and per - fonal Obedience. God did difannull the Covenant made with Adam, prelèntly upon the Fall ; but the Curfes stand in full force against thole that have not changed State, but are only Children of Adam : And wicked Men will find it fo at the Day of Judgment ; for they (hall have Judgment without Mercy ; whereas others are judged by the Law of Liberty, `}am. 2. t z, r 3. 'Tis clear every where, there are but two States ; either we are under the Law, or under Grace. Hear what the Law faith : An innocent Nature, that's pre- fuppofed ; and the Perfon mutt continue in this perfeEt Obedience : But we have continued in the Violation of all things contained in the Law. No AEtion without a Stain: If God lhould call us to a punEtual Ac- count for the molt inoffenfrve Day that ever we fpent, who could Rand before him? Better we had never been born, than to Itand liable to that Judgment, as all natural Men do. Secondly, There is no way of Escape, but in clofing with Christ by Faith. The Apo - ßle fuppofeth the ObjeEtion, Gal. 3. r 3. The Curfeof the Law cleaveth to all Adam's Poßerity ; therefore, we muff have Intereß in another, who keepeth up the Curfe of the Law : fob. 3. 36. He that believeth not, the Wrath of God abideth on him. The Curfe is not taken off ; nay, when Christ is tendred, and finally refufed,'tis fee on the clofer : Then we are condemned by the Law, and condemned by the Gofpel too. yob. 3. 18. Condmened already. Caft in Law : But what bath he done to the Reme- dy ? Verf 59. This is the Condemnation, that Light is come into the World, and Men love Darkness rather than Light. Not accepting Chris offered, is the great condemning Sin. There remaineth no more Sacrifice ; we cannot expert another way for re- , fufing that. Heb. io. 26. For if we fin wilfully after we have received the l(nowled »e of the Truth, there remaineth no more Sacrifice for Sins. The Condemnation of tgie Gofpel can never be remitted. The Curfes of the Law are ratified for our Abufe of Mercy : So that, in force fenfe, better we never had heard of Christ. 5. VS E, Is for Examination : How is it with you ? (r.) Every Man by Nature is in a turfed condition, Ephef. 2. 3. liable to Adam's Forfeiture and Breach. Were you ever changed? 'Till we change Copies, we are frill miferable. And, (2.) There is no way to avoid this Curfe, but in closing with Christ. In the Senle of it, Aie to Christ for Refuge. There is the Law driving, and the Gofpet drawing. Christ is the only Remedy the Gospel sheweth ; and fo pulleth in the Heart to God; and we are undone without that. The Law Iheweth it ; and fo we are driven out of