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202 SEKM011NSuponthe SERM. XXV, how foon God may put the Bond in Suit. Other Debts have a Day let for Pay- ment : God may demand it before to Morrow : Gen. 4. 17. Sin lieth at the, Door, like a Serjeant, to furprizè us every Hour and then we go to Prifon, and remain there till we have paid every Farthfg, Luk. s2. Solomon wilheth a Man to hallen out of Debt, as a Bird out of the Hand of the Fowler, Prov. 6. 5. A condemned MalefaEtor, that is only reprieved during the Pleafure of the Prince, is in danger of Execution every hour. Wrath breaketh out of a fudden ; what Provifion have you made ? How Hand Matters between God and you ? If a Man were informed, that his 'Servants had a Plot to take away his Life, to carry away' his Treafure, which is fpeedily to be put in execution ; he would not be quiet till he had rid his Hands of them : So is Sin. (3.) At the laß Day this Curfe is ratified by Chrift's Sentence; Go ye Curled ; Depart ye curled Creatures. When others are acquitted byProclamation, as at the Day of Judgment we receive our folemn Difcharge, A5 .3. 19. then your Curfe is revived' before all the World : And as curfed Creatures, you lofe all Pity from God, Men and Angels : As Adam was driven out of Paradife, with a bitter Taunt, Gen. 3. 22. fo with a terrible Bann and Profcriptiorí, that lhall never be reverfed. (4.) It (hall be prefently executed: Either 7. 8. Al foon as the Word went out of the. Ding's Mouth, they covered Haman's Face. Thefe are Confiderations to beget a Feel- ing of Wrath. II. Flee from it to Chrift. Poor Sinners, they ftand in continual Fear of Execu- tion : Oh, Fly to Chrift, to get the Sentence reverfed ! For Motives to perfwade us to come to Chrift for Help : t Confider how willing Mercy is to receive thole that fly from the Corte. This was God's Defign. in (hutting us up under the Curfe, that there might be no other way of Efcape : Rom. 3. 19. That every Mouth might be floppeq, and all the World may be- come guilty. Wore God : Thai we may become obnoxious, that we may acknowledge our (elves to be quite undone. So Gal. 3..23. The Scripture bath concluded all under Sin ; and Rom. n. 32. For God bath concluded them all in 'Unbelief. The Law, in the Name of God, arrefts us, accules us, convinceth us, leaving us dead, (all Pre- parations to Damnation,) that through the Prifon-doors we may beg for Mercy: He alloweth an Appeal from Court to Court. 2. With what Honour to' himfelf God may (hew us Mercy. Tis no wrong to ap- peal from the Law to the Gofpel : Gal. 3. r 3. Chrift bath redeemed us from the Curfe of the Law, being made a Curfe for no. Chrift hath taken the Curfe into his own Per- ron ; Pfal. 69. 4. I reßored that which l took not away : That Honour to God, which he took not away. 3. The great O ence in refuting Chriß, Heb. I 15. Elam was called a prophane Perlon, becaufe e fold his Birth-right for a Met" of Pottage. He was no Drunkard, no Swearer. To refufe the Father's Riches-of Wifdom and Grace, the Son's Self - denyal and Sufferings, is the greateft Ingratitude that can be. When all the Labours and Wooings of the Spirit are in vain, 'tis the greateft Spight we can do to God ; 'tis the greateft Prophanenefs to let light by holy things, efpecially this great Myftery, when we do not think it worthy our Care and Thoughts, Matth. 22. 5. SER MON