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Ver. 41. xxvth. Chapter of St. MATTHEW. 203 SERMON XXVI. MATTH. XXV. V. 41. - Depart from me, ye Curfed, into everlafling Fire, prepared for the Devil, and his Angels. OW we, come to the Sentence its felf. There we fhall, FifJY, Take notice of the Pana Darnni, the Lofs, [Depart.] The Point is, Doëtrine, This ü. the Hell of Hells, That the Reprobates muff all depart, or 'Ole the Fruition of God in Chrift. But before I begin to let forth this Part of the Punilhment, let me obferve fòme- thing : (r.) In this Part of the Torment all are equal : There arc Degrees elfewhere ; but here the Reprobates are all equally excluded. Chrift will thus profefs, Match. 7.23. De- part from me, all ye Workers of Iniquity ; I knot, you not. (2:) 'Tis thegreateff part of the Punefhment: The Punifhment of Senfe is finite in Nature, though Infinite in Duration : Though it be from the Wrath of God, 'cis Bill according to the Capacity of the Creature. But Pena Damni, is the Privation of an Ínfinite Gpçd : 'Tis indeed a queftion, which is the greater Punifhment, whether Everlafting Separation from God, or Everlafting Torment ? Whether Depart, or Everlaffing Fire? According to the prefent State, Pain is more fenfible than Lots: In the Bodily State, we judge altogether by the Senfes : But in the other World; when all Objefts are taken away, and there is a ceafing of Temptations, and our judgments are moftly Spiritual ; there 'tis otherwife. The Greatnefs of the Punifh- ment will appear, I. By the Lofs : They fhall lofe all Heavens yoyes ; the favourable Prefence of God, the Sight of Chriff, the Company of the Bleffed, and their Abode in thofe happy Manfions w[lich are in Chrift's Father's Houle. (r.) The Favourable Pretence of God. Hell is a deep Dungeon, where the Sun- Thine of God's Pretence never cometh, God is fummum Bonum, the Chiefeff Good; and in the other World, omne Bon! m, All in All. All things are immediate from God; Comforts, and Punifhments : Pfal. r6. ult. In thy Pretence n Fulnefs of Joy, and at thy Right Hand are Pleafures for evermore. Paul's Departure, how grievous Was it, when he Paid, 7e .fhall fee my Face no more I All. 19. 28. Better lofe all things, than' God ; Exod. 3 3. r S. If thy Prefence go not up with us, .carry us not hence. The Appearance of the Son of God to the Thre Children cart into Nebuchadnezzar's fie- ry Furnace, how comfortable was it to them ? ohjec?. I, but this is not to be prefupnofed of the Damned: Is it any Grief to the D d 2 Wicked